blob: 8ebe48876b6d178bc253eddb896fde5d62938dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
def _jni_library_impl(ctx):
inputs = []
for cpu, deps in ctx.split_attr.deps.items():
if not cpu:
# --fat_apk_cpu wasn't used, so the dependencies were compiled using the
# cpu value from --cpu, so use that as the directory name.
cpu = ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu
for dep in deps:
for f in dep.files:
inputs.append((cpu, f))
# If two targets in deps share the same files (e.g. in the data attribute)
# they would be included mulitple times in the same path in the zip, so
# dedupe the files.
deduped_inputs = depset(inputs)
zipper_args = ["c",]
for cpu, file in deduped_inputs:
# "lib/" is the JNI directory looked for in android
target = "lib/%s/%s" % (cpu, file.basename)
# Using bazel stripping convention
if target.endswith(".stripped"):
target = target[:-9]
name = target + "=" + file.path
inputs = [f for cpu, f in deduped_inputs],
outputs = [],
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
arguments = zipper_args,
progress_message = "Creating zip...",
mnemonic = "zipper",
def _android_cc_binary_impl(ctx):
for cpu, binary in ctx.split_attr.binary.items():
name = ctx.attr.filename
file = binary.files.to_list()[0]
for out in ctx.outputs.outs:
if out.path.endswith(cpu + "/" + name):
mnemonic = "SplitCp",
inputs = [file],
outputs = [out],
command = "cp " + file.path + " " + out.path,
_android_cc_binary = rule(
attrs = {
"filename": attr.string(),
"binary": attr.label(
cfg = android_common.multi_cpu_configuration,
allow_files = True,
"abis": attr.string_list(),
"outs": attr.output_list(),
fragments = ["cpp"],
implementation = _android_cc_binary_impl,
def android_cc_binary(name, binary, abis, filename, **kwargs):
outs = []
for abi in abis:
outs += [name + "/" + abi + "/" + filename]
name = name,
abis = abis,
filename = filename,
binary = binary,
outs = outs,
jni_library = rule(
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(
cfg = android_common.multi_cpu_configuration,
allow_files = True,
"$zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
fragments = ["cpp"],
outputs = {"zip": "%{name}.jar"},
implementation = _jni_library_impl,
def select_android(android, default):
return select({
"//tools/base/bazel:android_cpu_x86": android,
"//tools/base/bazel:android_cpu_x86_64": android,
"//tools/base/bazel:android_cpu_arm": android,
"//tools/base/bazel:android_cpu_arm_64": android,
"//tools/base/bazel:android_cpu_armeabi": android,
"//conditions:default": default,
def dex_library(name, jars = [], output = None, visibility = None, tags = [], flags = [], dexer = "DX"):
if dexer != "D8":
cmd = "$(location //prebuilts/studio/sdk:dx-preview) --dex --output=./$@ ./$<"
tools = ["//prebuilts/studio/sdk:dx-preview"]
cmd = "$(location //prebuilts/r8:d8) --output ./$@ " + " ".join(flags) + " ./$<"
tools = ["//prebuilts/r8:d8"]
if output == None:
outs = [name + ".jar"]
outs = [output]
name = name,
srcs = jars,
outs = outs,
visibility = visibility,
tags = tags,
cmd = cmd,
tools = tools,
ANDROID_COPTS = select_android(
ANDROID_LINKOPTS = select_android(