blob: 5cb6a5b3ce04c0c8ba9089feaa9ab784bf0d027d [file] [log] [blame]
load(":functions.bzl", "label_workspace_path", "workspace_path")
load(":maven.bzl", "maven_java_library")
load(":utils.bzl", "java_jarjar")
load(":android.bzl", "select_android")
# Enum-like values to determine the language the gen_proto rule will compile
# the .proto files to.
proto_languages = struct(
CPP = 0,
JAVA = 1,
ProtoPackageInfo = provider(fields = ["proto_src", "proto_path"])
def _gen_proto_impl(ctx):
inputs = []
inputs += ctx.files.srcs + ctx.files.include
args = []
needs_label_path = False
for src_target in ctx.attr.srcs:
if ProtoPackageInfo in src_target:
args += ["--proto_path=" + workspace_path(src_target[ProtoPackageInfo].proto_path)]
# if src_target doesn't have ProtoPackageInfo provider that should be used to look up proto files
# then we're going to path where BUILD is placed.
# Example: //rule/proto/BUILD -> --proto_path="rule/proto"
needs_label_path = True
label_dir = label_workspace_path(ctx.label)
if needs_label_path:
args += ["--proto_path=" + label_dir]
args += [
"--proto_path=" + workspace_path("prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/" + ctx.attr.proto_include_version + "/include"),
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
args += ["--proto_path=" + workspace_path(dep[ProtoPackageInfo].proto_path)]
inputs += dep[ProtoPackageInfo].proto_src
args += [s.path for s in ctx.files.srcs]
# Try to generate cc protos first.
if ctx.attr.target_language == proto_languages.CPP:
out_path = ctx.var["GENDIR"] + "/" + label_dir
args += [
"--cpp_out=" + out_path,
if ctx.executable.grpc_plugin != None and ctx.executable.grpc_plugin.path != None:
args += [
"--grpc_out=" + out_path,
"--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=" + ctx.executable.grpc_plugin.path,
outs = ctx.outputs.outs
# Try to generate java protos only if we won't generate cc protos
elif ctx.attr.target_language == proto_languages.JAVA:
srcjar = ctx.outputs.outs[0] # outputs.out size should be 1
outs = [ctx.actions.declare_file(srcjar.basename + ".jar")]
out_path = outs[0].path
args += [
"--java_out=" + out_path,
if ctx.executable.grpc_plugin != None:
args += [
"--java_rpc_out=" + out_path,
"--plugin=protoc-gen-java_rpc=" + ctx.executable.grpc_plugin.path,
tools = []
if ctx.executable.grpc_plugin != None:
tools += [ctx.executable.grpc_plugin]
mnemonic = "GenProto",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = outs,
tools = tools,
arguments = args,
executable = ctx.executable.protoc,
if ctx.attr.target_language == proto_languages.JAVA:
# This is required because protoc only understands .jar extensions, but Bazel
# requires source JAR files end in .srcjar.
mnemonic = "FixProtoSrcJar",
inputs = outs,
outputs = [srcjar],
command = "cp " + srcjar.path + ".jar" + " " + srcjar.path,
return ProtoPackageInfo(
proto_src = ctx.files.srcs,
proto_path = ctx.label.package,
_gen_proto_rule = rule(
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".proto"],
providers = [ProtoPackageInfo],
"deps": attr.label_list(
allow_files = False,
providers = [ProtoPackageInfo],
"include": attr.label(
allow_files = [".proto"],
"proto_include_version": attr.string(),
"protoc": attr.label(
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
mandatory = True,
allow_single_file = True,
"grpc_plugin": attr.label(
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_single_file = True,
"outs": attr.output_list(),
output_to_genfiles = True,
implementation = _gen_proto_impl,
def java_proto_library(
srcs = None,
proto_deps = [],
java_deps = [],
pom = None,
visibility = None,
grpc_support = False,
protoc_version = PROTOC_VERSION,
protoc_grpc_version = None,
proto_java_runtime_library = ["@//tools/base/"],
"""Compiles protobuf into a .jar file and optionally creates a maven artifact.
NOTE: Be cautious to use this rule. You may need to use android_java_proto_library instead.
See the comments in android_java_proto_library rule before using it.
name: Name of the rule.
srcs: A list of file names of the protobuf definition to compile.
proto_deps: A list of dependent proto_library to compile the library.
java_deps: An additional java libraries to be packaged into the library.
pom: A label of maven_pom target. If present, the rule creates maven artifact of the library.
visibility: Visibility of the rule.
grpc_support: True if the proto library requires grpc protoc plugin.
protoc_version: The protoc version to use.
protoc_grpc_version: A version of the grpc protoc plugin to use.
proto_java_runtime_library: A label of java_library to be loaded at runtime.
# Targets that require grpc support should specify the version of protoc-gen-grpc-java plugin.
if grpc_support and not protoc_grpc_version:
fail("grpc support was requested, but the version of grpc java protoc plugin was not specified")
srcs_name = name + "_srcs"
outs = [srcs_name + ".srcjar"]
name = srcs_name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = proto_deps,
include = "@//prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/" + protoc_version + "/include",
outs = outs,
proto_include_version = protoc_version,
protoc = "@//prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/com/google/protobuf/protoc/" + protoc_version + ":exe",
grpc_plugin =
"@//prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/io/grpc/protoc-gen-grpc-java/" + protoc_grpc_version + ":exe" if grpc_support else None,
target_language = proto_languages.JAVA,
visibility = visibility,
grpc_extra_deps = ["@//prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/javax/annotation/javax.annotation-api/1.3.2:jar"]
java_deps = list(java_deps) + (grpc_extra_deps if grpc_support else [])
java_deps += proto_java_runtime_library
if pom:
name = name,
pom = pom,
srcs = outs,
deps = java_deps,
baseline_coverage = False,
visibility = visibility,
name = name,
srcs = outs,
deps = java_deps,
javacopts = kwargs.pop("javacopts", []) + ["--release", "8"],
visibility = visibility,
def android_java_proto_library(
srcs = None,
grpc_support = False,
protoc_grpc_version = None,
java_deps = [],
visibility = None):
"""Compiles protobuf into a .jar file in Android Studio compatible runtime version.
Unlike java_proto_library rule defined above, android_java_proto_library
repackage* dependencies to
by applying JarJar tool after the protobuf compilation. This repackaging is necessary
in order to avoid version incompatibility to IntelliJ platform runtime dependencies.
tl;dr; Use this rule if your proto library is linked to Android Studio, otherwise
use java_proto_library.
NOTE: The repackaged runtime is at //tools/base/bazel:studio-proto.
name: Name of the rule.
srcs: A list of file names of the protobuf definition to compile.
grpc_support: True if the proto library requires grpc protoc plugin.
protoc_grpc_version: A version of the grpc protoc plugin to use.
java_deps: An additional java libraries to be packaged into the library.
visibility: Visibility of the rule.
internal_name = "_" + name + "_internal"
java_proto_library(name = internal_name, srcs = srcs, grpc_support = grpc_support, protoc_grpc_version = protoc_grpc_version, java_deps = java_deps)
name = name,
srcs = [":" + internal_name],
rules = "//tools/base/bazel:jarjar_rules.txt",
visibility = visibility,
def cc_grpc_proto_library(
srcs = [],
deps = [],
includes = [],
visibility = None,
grpc_support = False,
protoc_version = PROTOC_VERSION,
tags = None,
include_prefix = None):
outs = []
hdrs = []
for src in srcs:
# .proto suffix should not be present in the output files
p_name = src[:-len(".proto")]
outs += [p_name + ""]
hdrs += [p_name + ".pb.h"]
if grpc_support:
outs += [p_name + ""]
hdrs += [p_name + ".grpc.pb.h"]
name = name + "_srcs",
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps,
outs = outs + hdrs,
include = "@//prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/" + protoc_version + "/include",
proto_include_version = protoc_version,
protoc = "//external:protoc",
grpc_plugin = "//external:grpc_cpp_plugin" if grpc_support else None,
target_language = proto_languages.CPP,
tags = tags,
name = name,
srcs = outs + hdrs,
deps = deps + ["//external:grpc++_unsecure", "//external:protobuf"],
includes = includes,
visibility = visibility,
tags = tags,
hdrs = hdrs,
copts = select_android(["-std=c++11"], []),
strip_include_prefix = "",
include_prefix = include_prefix,