blob: 615cef55f2a3812e70cb0c5addc96476741af0a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.psi.PsiAnnotation
import com.intellij.psi.PsiAnonymousClass
import com.intellij.psi.PsiArrayType
import com.intellij.psi.PsiClass
import com.intellij.psi.PsiClassType
import com.intellij.psi.PsiCompiledElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiEllipsisType
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMember
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethodCallExpression
import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifier
import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifierListOwner
import com.intellij.psi.PsiPackage
import com.intellij.psi.PsiParameter
import com.intellij.psi.PsiPrimitiveType
import com.intellij.psi.PsiReference
import com.intellij.psi.PsiType
import com.intellij.psi.PsiTypeVisitor
import com.intellij.psi.PsiWildcardType
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnnotated
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnnotation
import org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement
import org.jetbrains.uast.UExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UMethod
import org.jetbrains.uast.getContainingUClass
import java.util.ArrayList
const val TYPE_OBJECT = "java.lang.Object"
const val TYPE_STRING = "java.lang.String"
const val TYPE_INT = "int"
const val TYPE_LONG = "long"
const val TYPE_CHAR = "char"
const val TYPE_FLOAT = "float"
const val TYPE_DOUBLE = "double"
const val TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean"
const val TYPE_SHORT = "short"
const val TYPE_BYTE = "byte"
const val TYPE_NULL = "null"
const val TYPE_INTEGER_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Integer"
const val TYPE_BOOLEAN_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Boolean"
const val TYPE_BYTE_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Byte"
const val TYPE_SHORT_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Short"
const val TYPE_LONG_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Long"
const val TYPE_DOUBLE_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Double"
const val TYPE_FLOAT_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Float"
const val TYPE_CHARACTER_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Character"
abstract // Some of these methods may be overridden by LintClients
class JavaEvaluator {
abstract val dependencies: Dependencies?
private var relevantAnnotations: Set<String>? = null
* Cache for [.getLibrary]
private var jarToGroup: MutableMap<String, MavenCoordinates>? = null
abstract fun extendsClass(
cls: PsiClass?,
className: String,
strict: Boolean
): Boolean
abstract fun implementsInterface(
cls: PsiClass,
interfaceName: String,
strict: Boolean
): Boolean
open fun isMemberInSubClassOf(
method: PsiMember,
className: String,
strict: Boolean
): Boolean {
val containingClass = method.containingClass
return containingClass != null && extendsClass(containingClass, className, strict)
open fun isMemberInClass(
method: PsiMember?,
className: String
): Boolean {
if (method == null) {
return false
val containingClass = method.containingClass
return containingClass != null && className == containingClass.qualifiedName
open fun getParameterCount(method: PsiMethod): Int {
return method.parameterList.parametersCount
* Checks whether the class extends a super class or implements a given interface. Like calling
* both [.extendsClass] and [ ][.implementsInterface].
open fun inheritsFrom(
cls: PsiClass,
className: String,
strict: Boolean
): Boolean {
return extendsClass(cls, className, strict) || implementsInterface(cls, className, strict)
* Returns true if the given method (which is typically looked up by resolving a method call) is
* either a method in the exact given class, or if `allowInherit` is true, a method in a
* class possibly extending the given class, and if the parameter types are the exact types
* specified.
* @param method the method in question
* @param className the class name the method should be defined in or inherit from (or
* if null, allow any class)
* @param allowInherit whether we allow checking for inheritance
* @param argumentTypes the names of the types of the parameters
* @return true if this method is defined in the given class and with the given parameters
open fun methodMatches(
method: PsiMethod,
className: String?,
allowInherit: Boolean,
vararg argumentTypes: String
): Boolean {
if (className != null && allowInherit) {
if (!isMemberInSubClassOf(method, className, false)) {
return false
return parametersMatch(method, *argumentTypes)
* Returns true if the given method's parameters are the exact types specified.
* @param method the method in question
* @param argumentTypes the names of the types of the parameters
* @return true if this method is defined in the given class and with the given parameters
open fun parametersMatch(
method: PsiMethod,
vararg argumentTypes: String
): Boolean {
val parameterList = method.parameterList
if (parameterList.parametersCount != argumentTypes.size) {
return false
val parameters = parameterList.parameters
for (i in parameters.indices) {
val type = parameters[i].type
if (type.canonicalText != argumentTypes[i]) {
return false
return true
/** Returns true if the given type matches the given fully qualified type name */
open fun parameterHasType(
method: PsiMethod?,
parameterIndex: Int,
typeName: String
): Boolean {
if (method == null) {
return false
val parameterList = method.parameterList
return parameterList.parametersCount > parameterIndex && typeMatches(
/** Returns true if the given type matches the given fully qualified type name */
open fun typeMatches(
type: PsiType?,
typeName: String
): Boolean {
return type != null && type.canonicalText == typeName
open fun resolve(element: PsiElement): PsiElement? {
if (element is PsiReference) {
return (element as PsiReference).resolve()
} else if (element is PsiMethodCallExpression) {
val resolved = element.resolveMethod()
if (resolved != null) {
return resolved
return null
open fun isPublic(owner: PsiModifierListOwner?): Boolean {
if (owner != null) {
val modifierList = owner.modifierList
return modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PUBLIC)
return false
open fun isProtected(owner: PsiModifierListOwner?): Boolean {
if (owner != null) {
val modifierList = owner.modifierList
return modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PROTECTED)
return false
open fun isStatic(owner: PsiModifierListOwner?): Boolean {
if (owner != null) {
val modifierList = owner.modifierList
return modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)
return false
open fun isPrivate(owner: PsiModifierListOwner?): Boolean {
if (owner != null) {
val modifierList = owner.modifierList
return modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)
return false
open fun isAbstract(owner: PsiModifierListOwner?): Boolean {
if (owner != null) {
val modifierList = owner.modifierList
return modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.ABSTRACT)
return false
open fun isFinal(owner: PsiModifierListOwner?): Boolean {
if (owner != null) {
val modifierList = owner.modifierList
return modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.FINAL)
return false
open fun getSuperMethod(method: PsiMethod?): PsiMethod? {
if (method == null) {
return null
val superMethods = method.findSuperMethods()
if (superMethods.size > 1) {
// Prefer non-compiled concrete methods
for (m in superMethods) {
if (m !is PsiCompiledElement && m.containingClass?.isInterface == false) {
return m
for (m in superMethods) {
if (m.containingClass?.isInterface == false) {
return m
for (m in superMethods) {
if (m !is PsiCompiledElement) {
return m
return if (superMethods.isNotEmpty()) {
} else null
open fun getQualifiedName(psiClass: PsiClass): String? {
var qualifiedName = psiClass.qualifiedName
if (qualifiedName == null) {
qualifiedName =
if (qualifiedName == null) {
assert(psiClass is PsiAnonymousClass)
return getQualifiedName(psiClass.containingClass!!)
return qualifiedName
open fun getQualifiedName(psiClassType: PsiClassType): String? {
return psiClassType.canonicalText
"Most lint APIs (such as ApiLookup) no longer require internal JVM names and\n" +
" accept qualified names that can be obtained by calling the\n" +
" {@link #getQualifiedName(PsiClass)} method."
open fun getInternalName(psiClass: PsiClass): String? {
var qualifiedName = psiClass.qualifiedName
if (qualifiedName == null) {
qualifiedName =
if (qualifiedName == null) {
assert(psiClass is PsiAnonymousClass)
return getInternalName(psiClass.containingClass!!)
return ClassContext.getInternalName(qualifiedName)
"Most lint APIs (such as ApiLookup) no longer require internal JVM names and\n" +
" accept qualified names that can be obtained by calling the\n" +
" {@link #getQualifiedName(PsiClassType)} method."
open fun getInternalName(psiClassType: PsiClassType): String? {
return ClassContext.getInternalName(psiClassType.canonicalText)
* Computes a simplified version of the internal JVM description of the given method. This is in
* the same format as the ASM desc fields for methods with an exception that the dot ('.')
* character is used instead of slash ('/') and dollar sign ('$') characters. For example,
* a method named "foo" that takes an int and a String and returns a void will have description
* `foo(ILjava.lang.String;):V`.
* @param method the method to look up the description for
* @param includeName whether the name should be included
* @param includeReturn whether the return type should be included
* @return a simplified version of the internal JVM description for the method
open fun getMethodDescription(
method: PsiMethod,
includeName: Boolean,
includeReturn: Boolean
): String? {
assert(!includeName) // not yet tested
assert(!includeReturn) // not yet tested
val signature = StringBuilder()
if (includeName) {
if (method.isConstructor) {
val declaringClass = method.containingClass
if (declaringClass != null) {
val outerClass = declaringClass.containingClass
if (outerClass != null) {
// declaring class is an inner class
if (!declaringClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
if (!appendJvmEquivalentTypeName(signature, outerClass)) {
return null
} else {
for (psiParameter in method.parameterList.parameters) {
if (!appendJvmEquivalentSignature(signature, psiParameter.type)) {
return null
if (includeReturn) {
if (!method.isConstructor) {
if (!appendJvmEquivalentSignature(signature, method.returnType)) {
return null
} else {
return signature.toString()
"Most lint APIs (such as ApiLookup) no longer require internal JVM method\n" +
" descriptions and accept JVM equivalent descriptions that can be obtained by calling the\n" +
" {@link #getMethodDescription} method."
open fun getInternalDescription(
method: PsiMethod,
includeName: Boolean,
includeReturn: Boolean
): String? {
assert(!includeName) // not yet tested
assert(!includeReturn) // not yet tested
val signature = StringBuilder()
if (includeName) {
if (method.isConstructor) {
val declaringClass = method.containingClass
if (declaringClass != null) {
val outerClass = declaringClass.containingClass
if (outerClass != null) {
// declaring class is an inner class
if (!declaringClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
if (!appendJvmTypeName(signature, outerClass)) {
return null
} else {
for (psiParameter in method.parameterList.parameters) {
if (!appendJvmSignature(signature, psiParameter.type)) {
return null
if (includeReturn) {
if (!method.isConstructor) {
if (!appendJvmSignature(signature, method.returnType)) {
return null
} else {
return signature.toString()
* The JVM equivalent type name differs from the real JVM name by using dot ('.') instead of
* slash ('/') and dollar sign ('$') characters.
private fun appendJvmEquivalentTypeName(
signature: StringBuilder,
outerClass: PsiClass
): Boolean {
val className = getQualifiedName(outerClass) ?: return false
return true
* The JVM equivalent signature differs from the real JVM signature by using dot ('.') instead
* of slash ('/') and dollar sign ('$') characters.
private fun appendJvmEquivalentSignature(
buffer: StringBuilder,
type: PsiType?
): Boolean {
if (type == null) {
return false
val psiType = erasure(type)
if (psiType is PsiArrayType) {
appendJvmEquivalentSignature(buffer, psiType.componentType)
} else if (psiType is PsiClassType) {
val resolved = psiType.resolve() ?: return false
if (!appendJvmEquivalentTypeName(buffer, resolved)) {
return false
} else if (psiType is PsiPrimitiveType) {
} else {
return false
return true
private fun appendJvmTypeName(
signature: StringBuilder,
outerClass: PsiClass
): Boolean {
val className = getInternalName(outerClass) ?: return false
return true
private fun appendJvmSignature(
buffer: StringBuilder,
type: PsiType?
): Boolean {
if (type == null) {
return false
val psiType = erasure(type)
when (psiType) {
is PsiArrayType -> {
appendJvmSignature(buffer, psiType.componentType)
is PsiClassType -> {
val resolved = psiType.resolve() ?: return false
if (!appendJvmTypeName(buffer, resolved)) {
return false
is PsiPrimitiveType -> buffer.append(getPrimitiveSignature(psiType.canonicalText))
else -> return false
return true
open fun areSignaturesEqual(method1: PsiMethod, method2: PsiMethod): Boolean {
val parameterList1 = method1.parameterList
val parameterList2 = method2.parameterList
if (parameterList1.parametersCount != parameterList2.parametersCount) {
return false
val parameters1 = parameterList1.parameters
val parameters2 = parameterList2.parameters
var i = 0
val n = parameters1.size
while (i < n) {
val parameter1 = parameters1[i]
val parameter2 = parameters2[i]
var type1: PsiType? = parameter1.type
var type2: PsiType? = parameter2.type
if (type1 != type2) {
type1 = erasure(parameter1.type)
type2 = erasure(parameter2.type)
if (type1 != type2) {
return false
return true
open fun erasure(type: PsiType?): PsiType? {
return type?.accept(object : PsiTypeVisitor<PsiType>() {
override fun visitType(type: PsiType?): PsiType? {
return type
override fun visitClassType(classType: PsiClassType): PsiType? {
return classType.rawType()
override fun visitWildcardType(wildcardType: PsiWildcardType): PsiType? {
return wildcardType
override fun visitPrimitiveType(primitiveType: PsiPrimitiveType): PsiType? {
return primitiveType
override fun visitEllipsisType(ellipsisType: PsiEllipsisType): PsiType? {
val componentType = ellipsisType.componentType
val newComponentType = componentType.accept(this)
return if (newComponentType === componentType) ellipsisType else newComponentType?.createArrayType()
override fun visitArrayType(arrayType: PsiArrayType): PsiType? {
val componentType = arrayType.componentType
val newComponentType = componentType.accept(this)
return if (newComponentType === componentType) arrayType else newComponentType?.createArrayType()
abstract fun findClass(qualifiedName: String): PsiClass?
abstract fun getClassType(psiClass: PsiClass?): PsiClassType?
abstract fun getAllAnnotations(
owner: UAnnotated,
inHierarchy: Boolean
): List<UAnnotation>
abstract fun getAllAnnotations(
owner: PsiModifierListOwner,
inHierarchy: Boolean
): Array<PsiAnnotation>
abstract fun findAnnotationInHierarchy(
listOwner: PsiModifierListOwner,
vararg annotationNames: String
): PsiAnnotation?
abstract fun findAnnotation(
listOwner: PsiModifierListOwner?,
vararg annotationNames: String
): PsiAnnotation?
* Try to determine the path to the .jar file containing the element, **if** applicable
abstract fun findJarPath(element: PsiElement): String?
* Try to determine the path to the .jar file containing the element, **if** applicable
abstract fun findJarPath(element: UElement): String?
* Returns true if the given annotation is inherited (instead of being defined directly
* on the given modifier list holder
* @param annotation the annotation to check
* @param owner the owner potentially declaring the annotation
* @return true if the annotation is inherited rather than being declared directly on this owner
open fun isInherited(
annotation: PsiAnnotation,
owner: PsiModifierListOwner
): Boolean {
val annotationOwner = annotation.owner
return annotationOwner == null || annotationOwner != owner.modifierList
open fun isInherited(
annotation: UAnnotation,
owner: PsiModifierListOwner
): Boolean {
val psi = annotation.psi
if (psi is PsiAnnotation) {
val annotationOwner = psi.owner
return annotationOwner == null || annotationOwner != owner.modifierList
return true
* Returns true if the given annotation is inherited (instead of being defined directly
* on the given modifier list holder
* @param annotation the annotation to check
* @param owner the owner potentially declaring the annotation
* @return true if the annotation is inherited rather than being declared directly on this owner
open fun isInherited(annotation: UAnnotation, owner: UAnnotated): Boolean {
return owner.annotations.contains(annotation)
abstract fun getPackage(node: PsiElement): PsiPackage?
abstract fun getPackage(node: UElement): PsiPackage?
// Just here to disambiguate getPackage(PsiElement) and getPackage(UElement) since
// a UMethod is both a PsiElement and a UElement
open fun getPackage(node: UMethod): PsiPackage? {
return getPackage(node as PsiElement)
/** Returns the Lint project containing the given element */
open fun getProject(element: PsiElement): Project? {
return null
* Return the Gradle group id for the given element, **if** applicable. For example, for
* a method in the appcompat library, this would return "".
open fun getLibrary(element: PsiElement): MavenCoordinates? {
return getLibrary(findJarPath(element))
* Return the Gradle group id for the given element, **if** applicable. For example, for
* a method in the appcompat library, this would return "".
open fun getLibrary(element: UElement): MavenCoordinates? {
return getLibrary(findJarPath(element))
/** Disambiguate between UElement and PsiElement since a UMethod is both */
open fun getLibrary(element: UMethod): MavenCoordinates? {
return getLibrary(element as PsiElement)
private fun getLibrary(jarFile: String?): MavenCoordinates? {
if (jarFile != null) {
if (jarToGroup == null) {
jarToGroup = Maps.newHashMap()
var coordinates: MavenCoordinates? = jarToGroup!![jarFile]
if (coordinates == null) {
val library = findOwnerLibrary(jarFile.replace('/', File.separatorChar))
if (library != null) {
coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
if (coordinates == null) {
// Use string location to figure it out. Note however that
// this doesn't work when the build cache is in effect.
// Example:
// $PROJECT_DIRECTORY/app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/
// /appcompat-v7/25.0.0-SNAPSHOT/jars/classes.jar
// and we want to pick out "" and "appcompat-v7"
var index = jarFile.indexOf("exploded-aar")
if (index != -1) {
index += 13 // "exploded-aar/".length()
var i = index
while (i < jarFile.length) {
var c = jarFile[i]
if (c == '/' || c == File.separatorChar) {
val groupId = jarFile.substring(index, i)
for (j in i until jarFile.length) {
c = jarFile[j]
if (c == '/' || c == File.separatorChar) {
val artifactId = jarFile.substring(i, j)
coordinates = MyMavenCoordinates(groupId, artifactId)
if (coordinates == null) {
coordinates = MyMavenCoordinates.NONE
jarToGroup!![jarFile] = coordinates
return if (coordinates === MyMavenCoordinates.NONE) null else coordinates
return null
open fun findOwnerLibrary(jarFile: String): Library? {
val dependencies = dependencies
if (dependencies != null) {
val aarMatch = findOwnerLibrary(dependencies.libraries, jarFile)
if (aarMatch != null) {
return aarMatch
val jarMatch = findOwnerJavaLibrary(dependencies.javaLibraries, jarFile)
if (jarMatch != null) {
return jarMatch
// Fallback: There are cases, particularly on Windows (see issue 70565382) where we end up with
// a mismatch with what is in the model and which class file paths in the gradle cache
// are used. For example, we might be looking for
// C:\Users\studio\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\mylibrary-release.aar\9a90779305f6d83489fbb0d005980e33\jars\classes.jar
// but the builder-model dependencies points to this:
// C:\Users\studio\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\mylibrary-release.aar\cb3fd10cf216826d2aa7a59f23e8f35c\jars\classes.jar
// To work around this, if there aren't any matches among the dependencies, we do a second search
// where we match paths by skipping the checksum in the middle of the path:
if (jarFile.contains(".gradle")) {
val aar = jarFile.indexOf(".aar" + File.separator)
if (aar != -1) {
val prefixEnd = aar + 5
val suffixStart = jarFile.indexOf(File.separatorChar, prefixEnd + 1)
if (suffixStart != -1) {
val prefix = jarFile.substring(0, prefixEnd)
val suffix = jarFile.substring(suffixStart)
val aarPrefixMatch =
findOwnerLibrary(dependencies.libraries, prefix, suffix)
if (aarPrefixMatch != null) {
return aarPrefixMatch
val jarPrefixMatch =
findOwnerJavaLibrary(dependencies.javaLibraries, prefix, suffix)
if (jarPrefixMatch != null) {
return jarPrefixMatch
return null
private fun findOwnerJavaLibrary(
dependencies: Collection<JavaLibrary>,
jarFile: String
): Library? {
for (library in dependencies) {
if (jarFile == library.jarFile.path) {
return library
val match = findOwnerJavaLibrary(library.dependencies, jarFile)
if (match != null) {
return match
return null
private fun findOwnerJavaLibrary(
dependencies: Collection<JavaLibrary>,
pathPrefix: String,
pathSuffix: String
): Library? {
for (library in dependencies) {
val path = library.jarFile.path
if (path.startsWith(pathPrefix) && path.endsWith(pathSuffix)) {
return library
val match = findOwnerJavaLibrary(library.dependencies, pathPrefix, pathSuffix)
if (match != null) {
return match
return null
private fun findOwnerLibrary(
dependencies: Collection<AndroidLibrary>,
jarFile: String
): Library? {
for (library in dependencies) {
if (jarFile == library.jarFile.path) {
return library
for (jar in library.localJars) {
if (jarFile == jar.path) {
return library
var match = findOwnerLibrary(library.libraryDependencies, jarFile)
if (match != null) {
return match
match = findOwnerJavaLibrary(library.javaDependencies, jarFile)
if (match != null) {
return match
return null
private fun findOwnerLibrary(
dependencies: Collection<AndroidLibrary>,
pathPrefix: String,
pathSuffix: String
): Library? {
for (library in dependencies) {
val path = library.jarFile.path
if (path.startsWith(pathPrefix) && path.endsWith(pathSuffix)) {
return library
for (jar in library.localJars) {
val localPath = jar.path
if (localPath.startsWith(pathPrefix) && localPath.endsWith(pathSuffix)) {
return library
var match = findOwnerLibrary(library.libraryDependencies, pathPrefix, pathSuffix)
if (match != null) {
return match
match = findOwnerJavaLibrary(library.javaDependencies, pathPrefix, pathSuffix)
if (match != null) {
return match
return null
* For a given call, computes the argument to parameter mapping. For Java
* this is generally one to one (except for varargs), but in Kotlin it can be
* quite a bit more complicated due to extension methods, named parameters,
* default parameters, and varargs and the spread operator.
open fun computeArgumentMapping(
call: UCallExpression,
method: PsiMethod
): Map<UExpression, PsiParameter> {
return emptyMap()
internal fun setRelevantAnnotations(relevantAnnotations: Set<String>?) {
this.relevantAnnotations = relevantAnnotations
* Filters the set of annotations down to those considered by lint (and more importantly,
* handles indirection, e.g. a custom annotation annotated with a known annotation will
* return the known annotation instead. For example, if you make an annotation named
* `@Duration` and annotate it with `@IntDef(a,b,c)`, this method will return
* the `@IntDef` annotation instead of `@Duration` for the element annotated
* with a duration.
open fun filterRelevantAnnotations(annotations: Array<PsiAnnotation>): Array<PsiAnnotation> {
if (relevantAnnotations == null) {
return PsiAnnotation.EMPTY_ARRAY
var result: MutableList<PsiAnnotation>? = null
val length = annotations.size
if (length == 0) {
return annotations
for (annotation in annotations) {
val signature = annotation.qualifiedName
if (signature == null || signature.startsWith("java.") && !relevantAnnotations!!.contains(
) {
// @Override, @SuppressWarnings etc. Ignore
if (relevantAnnotations!!.contains(signature)) {
// Common case: there's just one annotation; no need to create a list copy
if (length == 1) {
return annotations
if (result == null) {
result = ArrayList(2)
// Special case @IntDef and @StringDef: These are used on annotations
// themselves. For example, you create a new annotation named,
// annotate it with @IntDef, and then use in your signatures.
// Here we want to map from to the corresponding int def.
// Don't need to compute this if performing @IntDef or @StringDef lookup
val ref = annotation.nameReferenceElement ?: continue
val resolved = ref.resolve()
if (resolved !is PsiClass || !resolved.isAnnotationType) {
val cls = resolved as PsiClass?
val innerAnnotations = getAllAnnotations(cls!!, false)
for (j in innerAnnotations.indices) {
val inner = innerAnnotations[j]
val a = inner.qualifiedName
if (a != null && relevantAnnotations!!.contains(a)) {
if (length == 1 && j == innerAnnotations.size - 1 && result == null) {
return innerAnnotations
if (result == null) {
result = ArrayList(2)
return if (result != null)
else PsiAnnotation.EMPTY_ARRAY
* Returns true if this method is overriding a method from a super class, or
* optionally if it is implementing a method from an interface
fun isOverride(method: UMethod, includeInterfaces: Boolean = true): Boolean {
if (isStatic(method)) {
return false
if (isPublic(method) || isProtected(method)) {
val cls = method.getContainingUClass() ?: return false
val superCls = cls.superClass ?: return false
if (includeInterfaces) {
val superMethods = method.findSuperMethods()
return superMethods.isNotEmpty()
val superMethod = superCls.findMethodBySignature(method.psi, true)
return superMethod != null
return false
* Returns true if this method is overriding a method from a super class, or
* optionally if it is implementing a method from an interface
fun isOverride(method: PsiMethod, includeInterfaces: Boolean = true): Boolean {
if (isStatic(method)) {
return false
if (isPublic(method) || isProtected(method)) {
val cls = method.containingClass ?: return false
val superCls = cls.superClass ?: return false
if (includeInterfaces) {
val superMethods = method.findSuperMethods()
return superMethods.isNotEmpty()
val superMethod = superCls.findMethodBySignature(method, true)
return superMethod != null
return false
* Dummy implementation of [] which
* only stores group and artifact id's for now
private class MyMavenCoordinates(
private val groupId: String,
private val artifactId: String
) : MavenCoordinates {
override fun getGroupId(): String {
return groupId
override fun getArtifactId(): String {
return artifactId
override fun getVersion(): String {
return ""
override fun getPackaging(): String {
return ""
override fun getClassifier(): String? {
return ""
override fun getVersionlessId(): String {
return groupId + ':' + artifactId
companion object {
val NONE = MyMavenCoordinates("", "")
companion object {
fun getPrimitiveSignature(typeName: String): String? = when (typeName) {
"boolean" -> "Z"
"byte" -> "B"
"char" -> "C"
"short" -> "S"
"int" -> "I"
"long" -> "J"
"float" -> "F"
"double" -> "D"
"void" -> "V"
else -> null