blob: ba4d3b9ac6c5c0dd9cd7d8ef9b8f8ec474f2058d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.jar.Attributes
import java.util.jar.JarFile
* An [IssueRegistry] for a custom lint rule jar file. The rule jar should provide a
* manifest entry with the key `Lint-Registry` and the value of the fully qualified name of an
* implementation of [IssueRegistry] (with a default constructor).
* NOTE: The custom issue registry should not extend this file; it should be a plain
* IssueRegistry! This file is used internally to wrap the given issue registry.
class JarFileIssueRegistry
private constructor(
client: LintClient,
/** The jar file the rules were loaded from */
val jarFile: File,
/** The custom lint check's issue registry that this [JarFileIssueRegistry] wraps */
registry: IssueRegistry
) : IssueRegistry() {
override val issues: List<Issue> = registry.issues.toList()
private var timestamp: Long = jarFile.lastModified()
override val isUpToDate: Boolean
get() = timestamp == jarFile.lastModified()
init {
val loader = registry.javaClass.classLoader
if (loader is URLClassLoader) {
loadAndCloseURLClassLoader(client, jarFile, loader)
override val api: Int =
companion object Factory {
/** Service key for automatic discovery of lint rules */
private const val SERVICE_KEY =
* Manifest constant for declaring an issue provider.
* Example: Lint-Registry-v2:
private const val MF_LINT_REGISTRY = "Lint-Registry-v2"
/** Older key: these are for older custom rules */
private const val MF_LINT_REGISTRY_OLD = "Lint-Registry"
/** Cache of custom lint check issue registries */
private var cache: MutableMap<File, SoftReference<JarFileIssueRegistry>>? = null
* Loads custom rules from the given list of jar files and returns a list
* of [JarFileIssueRegistry} instances.
* It will also deduplicate issue registries, since in Gradle projects with
* local lint.jar's it's possible for the same lint.jar to be handed back
* multiple times with different paths through various separate dependencies.
fun get(
client: LintClient,
jarFiles: Collection<File>,
currentProject: Project?
): List<JarFileIssueRegistry> {
val registryMap = try {
findRegistries(client, jarFiles)
} catch (e: IOException) {
client.log(e, "Could not load custom lint check jar files: ${e.message}")
return emptyList()
if (registryMap.isEmpty()) {
return emptyList()
val capacity = jarFiles.size + 1
val registries = ArrayList<JarFileIssueRegistry>(capacity)
for ((registryClass, jarFile) in registryMap) {
try {
val registry = get(client, registryClass, jarFile, currentProject) ?: continue
} catch (e: Throwable) {
client.log(e, "Could not load custom lint check jar file %1\$s", jarFile)
return registries
* Returns a [JarFileIssueRegistry] for the given issue registry class name
* and jar file, with caching
private fun get(
client: LintClient,
registryClassName: String,
jarFile: File,
currentProject: Project?
JarFileIssueRegistry? {
if (cache == null) {
cache = HashMap()
} else {
val reference = cache!![jarFile]
if (reference != null) {
val registry = reference.get()
if (registry != null && registry.isUpToDate) {
return registry
// Ensure that the scope-to-detector map doesn't return stale results
val userRegistry = loadIssueRegistry(
client, jarFile, registryClassName,
return if (userRegistry != null) {
val jarIssueRegistry = JarFileIssueRegistry(client, jarFile, userRegistry)
cache!![jarFile] = SoftReference(jarIssueRegistry)
} else {
/** Combine one or more issue registries into a single one */
fun join(vararg registries: IssueRegistry): IssueRegistry {
return if (registries.size == 1) {
} else {
* Given a jar file, create a class loader for it and instantiate
* the named issue registry.
* TODO: Add a custom class loader architecture here such that
* custom rules can have dependent jars without needing to jar-jar them!
private fun loadIssueRegistry(
client: LintClient,
jarFile: File,
className: String,
currentProject: Project?
): IssueRegistry? {
// Make a class loader for this jar
val url = SdkUtils.fileToUrl(jarFile)
return try {
val loader = client.createUrlClassLoader(
val registryClass = Class.forName(className, true, loader)
val registry = registryClass.newInstance() as IssueRegistry
val issues = try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
val stacktrace = StringBuilder()
LintDriver.appendStackTraceSummary(e, stacktrace)
val message = "Lint found one or more custom checks that could not " +
"be loaded. The most likely reason for this is that it is using an " +
"older, incompatible or unsupported API in lint. Make sure these " +
"lint checks are updated to the new APIs. The issue registry class " +
"is $className. The class loading issue is ${e.message}: $stacktrace"
client = client, issue = OBSOLETE_LINT_CHECK,
message = message, file = jarFile, project = currentProject
return null
try {
val apiField = registryClass.getDeclaredMethod("getApi")
val api = apiField.invoke(registry) as Int
if (api < CURRENT_API) {
val message = "Lint found an issue registry (`$className`) which is " +
"older than the current API level; these checks may not work " +
"correctly.\n" +
"\n" +
"Recompile the checks against the latest version. " +
"Custom check API version is $api (${describeApi(api)}), " +
"current lint API level is $CURRENT_API " +
client = client, issue = OBSOLETE_LINT_CHECK,
message = message, file = jarFile, project = currentProject
// Not returning here: try to run the checks
} else {
try {
val minApi = registry.minApi
if (minApi > CURRENT_API) {
val message = "Lint found an issue registry (`$className`) which " +
"requires a newer API level. That means that the custom " +
"lint checks are intended for a newer lint version; please " +
client = client, issue = OBSOLETE_LINT_CHECK,
message = message, file = jarFile, project = currentProject
return null
} catch (ignore: Throwable) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
var message = "Lint found an issue registry (`$className`) which did not " +
"specify the Lint API version it was compiled with.\n" +
"\n" +
"**This means that the lint checks are likely not compatible.**\n" +
"\n" +
"If you are the author of this lint check, make your lint " +
"`IssueRegistry` class contain\n" +
"\u00a0\u00a0override val api: Int =\n" +
"or from Java,\n" +
"\u00a0\u00a0@Override public int getApi() { return; }"
val issueIds = { }.sorted()
if (issueIds.any()) {
message += ("\n" +
"\n" +
"If you are just using lint checks from a third party library " +
"you have no control over, you can disable these lint checks (if " +
"they misbehave) like this:\n" +
"\n" +
" android {\n" +
" lintOptions {\n" +
" disable ${issueIds.joinToString(
separator = ",\n "
) { "\"$it\"" }}\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n").replace(
// Force indentation
" ",
client = client, issue = OBSOLETE_LINT_CHECK,
message = message, file = jarFile, project = currentProject
// Not returning here: try to run the checks
} catch (e: Throwable) {
client.log(e, "Could not load custom lint check jar file %1\$s", jarFile)
* Returns a map from issue registry qualified name to the corresponding jar file
* that contains it
private fun findRegistries(
client: LintClient,
jarFiles: Collection<File>
): Map<String, File> {
val registryClassToJarFile = HashMap<String, File>()
for (jarFile in jarFiles) {
JarFile(jarFile).use { file ->
val manifest = file.manifest
val attrs = manifest.mainAttributes
var attribute: Any? = attrs[Attributes.Name(MF_LINT_REGISTRY)]
var isLegacy = false
if (attribute == null) {
attribute = attrs[Attributes.Name(MF_LINT_REGISTRY_OLD)]
if (attribute != null) {
isLegacy = true
if (attribute is String) {
val className = attribute
// Store class name -- but it may not be unique (there could be
// multiple separate jar files pointing to the same issue registry
// (due to the way local lint.jar files propagate via project
// dependencies) so only store this file if it hasn't already
// been found, or if it's a v2 version (e.g. not legacy)
if (!isLegacy || registryClassToJarFile[className] == null) {
registryClassToJarFile[className] = jarFile
} else {
// Load service keys. We're reading it manually instead of using
// ServiceLoader because we don't want to put these jars into
// the class loaders yet (since there can be many duplicates
// when a library is available through multiple dependencies)
val services = file.getJarEntry(SERVICE_KEY)
if (services != null) {
file.getInputStream(services).use {
val reader = InputStreamReader(it, Charsets.UTF_8)
reader.useLines {
for (line in it) {
val comment = line.indexOf("#")
val className = if (comment >= 0) {
line.substring(0, comment).trim()
} else {
if (!className.isEmpty() &&
registryClassToJarFile[className] == null
) {
registryClassToJarFile[className] = jarFile
return registryClassToJarFile
Severity.ERROR, null,
"Custom lint rule jar %1\$s does not contain a valid " +
"registry manifest key (%2\$s).\n" +
"Either the custom jar is invalid, or it uses an outdated " +
"API not supported this lint client",
jarFile.path, MF_LINT_REGISTRY
return registryClassToJarFile
* Work around :
* URLClassLoader, on Windows, locks the .jar file forever.
* As of Java 7, there's a workaround: you can call close() when you're "done"
* with the file. We'll do that here. However, the whole point of the
* [JarFileIssueRegistry] is that when lint is run over and over again
* as the user is editing in the IDE and we're background checking the code, we
* don't want to keep loading the custom view classes over and over again: we want to
* cache them. Therefore, just closing the URLClassLoader right away isn't great
* either. However, it turns out it's safe to close the URLClassLoader once you've
* loaded the classes you need, since the URLClassLoader will continue to serve
* those classes even after its close() methods has been called.
* Therefore, if we can call close() on this URLClassLoader, we'll proactively load
* all class files we find in the .jar file, then close it.
* @param client the client to report errors to
* @param file the .jar file
* @param loader the URLClassLoader we should close
private fun loadAndCloseURLClassLoader(
client: LintClient,
file: File,
loader: URLClassLoader
) {
if (SdkConstants.CURRENT_PLATFORM != SdkConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS) {
// We don't need to close the class loader on other platforms than Windows
// Before closing the jar file, proactively load all classes:
try {
JarFile(file).use { jar ->
val enumeration = jar.entries()
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
val entry = enumeration.nextElement()
val path =
// Load non-inner-classes
if (path.endsWith(DOT_CLASS) && path.indexOf('$') == -1) {
// Strip .class suffix and change .jar file path (/)
// to class name (.'s).
val name = path.substring(0, path.length - DOT_CLASS.length)
.replace('/', '.')
try {
val cls = Class.forName(name, true, loader)
// Actually, initialize them too to make sure basic classes
// needed by the detector are available
if (!(cls.isAnnotation || cls.isEnum || cls.isInterface)) {
try {
val defaultConstructor = cls.getConstructor()
defaultConstructor.isAccessible = true
} catch (ignore: NoSuchMethodException) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Severity.ERROR, e,
"Failed to prefetch $name from $file"
} catch (ignore: Throwable) {
} finally {
// Finally close the URL class loader
try {
} catch (ignore: Throwable) {
// Couldn't close. This is unlikely.