blob: e003086441845c0174ccd783db80b9886357dcd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.EnumSet
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.HashSet
* Registry which provides a list of checks to be performed on an Android project
* **NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared
* to adjust your code for the next tools release.**
abstract class IssueRegistry
* Creates a new [IssueRegistry]
protected constructor() {
* The Lint API version this issue registry's checks were compiled.
* You should return [CURRENT_API].
open val api: Int = -1
* The minimum API version this issue registry works with. Normally the
* same as [api], but if you have tested it with older version and it
* works, you can return that level.
open val minApi: Int
get() {
return api
* The list of issues that can be found by all known detectors (including those that may be
* disabled!)
abstract val issues: List<Issue>
* Whether this issue registry is up to date. Normally true but for example
* for custom rules loaded from disk, may return false if the underlying file is updated
* or deleted.
open val isUpToDate: Boolean = true
* Get an approximate issue count for a given scope. This is just an optimization,
* so the number does not have to be accurate.
* @param scope the scope set
* @return an approximate ceiling of the number of issues expected for a given scope set
protected open fun getIssueCapacity(scope: EnumSet<Scope>): Int = 20
* Returns all available issues of a given scope (regardless of whether
* they are actually enabled for a given configuration etc)
* @param scope the applicable scope set
* @return a list of issues
protected open fun getIssuesForScope(scope: EnumSet<Scope>): List<Issue> {
var list: List<Issue>? = scopeIssues[scope]
if (list == null) {
val issues = issues
if (scope == Scope.ALL) {
list = issues
} else {
list = ArrayList(getIssueCapacity(scope))
for (issue in issues) {
// Determine if the scope matches
if (issue.implementation.isAdequate(scope)) {
scopeIssues[scope] = list
return list
* Creates a list of detectors applicable to the given scope, and with the
* given configuration.
* @param client the client to report errors to
* @param configuration the configuration to look up which issues are
* enabled etc from
* @param platforms the platforms applying to this analysis
* @param scope the scope for the analysis, to filter out detectors that
* require wider analysis than is currently being performed
* @param scopeToDetectors an optional map which (if not null) will be
* filled by this method to contain mappings from each scope to
* the applicable detectors for that scope
* @return a list of new detector instances
internal fun createDetectors(
client: LintClient,
configuration: Configuration,
scope: EnumSet<Scope>,
platforms: EnumSet<Platform>,
scopeToDetectors: MutableMap<Scope, MutableList<Detector>>?
): List<Detector> {
val issues = getIssuesForScope(scope)
if (issues.isEmpty()) {
return emptyList()
val detectorClasses = HashSet<Class<out Detector>>()
val detectorToScope = HashMap<Class<out Detector>, EnumSet<Scope>>()
for (issue in issues) {
if (!issue.platforms.isEmpty() && !issue.platforms.containsAll(platforms)) {
// This check does not apply in this context. For example, if we're
// analyzing an Android project, and the check does not specify Scope.ANDROID
// in its platforms, we skip it. As a special case, empty platforms is allowed.
val implementation = issue.implementation
var detectorClass: Class<out Detector> = implementation.detectorClass
val issueScope = implementation.scope
if (!detectorClasses.contains(detectorClass)) {
// Determine if the issue is enabled
if (!configuration.isEnabled(issue)) {
assert(implementation.isAdequate(scope)) // Ensured by getIssuesForScope above
detectorClass = client.replaceDetector(detectorClass)
if (scopeToDetectors != null) {
val s = detectorToScope[detectorClass]
if (s == null) {
detectorToScope[detectorClass] = issueScope
} else if (!s.containsAll(issueScope)) {
val union = EnumSet.copyOf(s)
detectorToScope[detectorClass] = union
val detectors = ArrayList<Detector>(detectorClasses.size)
for (clz in detectorClasses) {
try {
val detector = clz.newInstance()
if (scopeToDetectors != null) {
val union = detectorToScope[clz] ?: continue
for (s in union) {
var list: MutableList<Detector>? = scopeToDetectors[s]
if (list == null) {
list = ArrayList()
scopeToDetectors[s] = list
} catch (t: Throwable) {
client.log(t, "Can't initialize detector %1\$s",
return detectors
* Returns true if the given id represents a valid issue id
* @param id the id to be checked
* @return true if the given id is valid
fun isIssueId(id: String): Boolean {
return getIssue(id) != null
* Returns true if the given category is a valid category
* @param name the category name to be checked
* @return true if the given string is a valid category
fun isCategoryName(name: String): Boolean {
for (category in getCategories()) {
if ( == name || category.fullName == name) {
return true
return false
* Returns the available categories
* @return an iterator for all the categories, never null
fun getCategories(): List<Category> {
var categories = this.categories
if (categories == null) {
categories = Collections.unmodifiableList(createCategoryList())
this.categories = categories
if (LintClient.isStudio) {
cachedCategories = categories
return categories!!
private fun createCategoryList(): List<Category> {
val categorySet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize<Category>(20)
for (issue in issues) {
val sorted = ArrayList(categorySet)
return sorted
* Returns the issue for the given id, or null if it's not a valid id
* @param id the id to be checked
* @return the corresponding issue, or null
fun getIssue(id: String): Issue? {
var map = idToIssue
if (map == null) {
map = createIdToIssueMap()
this.idToIssue = map
if (LintClient.isStudio) {
cachedIdToIssue = map
return map[id]
private fun createIdToIssueMap(): Map<String, Issue> {
val issues = issues
val map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize<String, Issue>(issues.size + 2)
for (issue in issues) {
map[] = issue
map[] = LINT_ERROR
map[] = BASELINE
return map
private var categories: List<Category>?
private var idToIssue: Map<String, Issue>?
private var scopeIssues: MutableMap<EnumSet<Scope>, List<Issue>>
init {
if (LintClient.isStudio) {
// In the IDE, cache across incremental runs; here, lint is never run in parallel
scopeIssues = cachedScopeIssues
idToIssue = cachedIdToIssue
categories = cachedCategories
} else {
// Outside of the IDE, typically in Gradle, we don't want this caching since
// lint can run in parallel and this caching can be incorrect;
// see for example issue 77891711
scopeIssues = Maps.newHashMap()
idToIssue = null
categories = null
companion object {
private var cachedCategories: List<Category>? = null
private var cachedIdToIssue: Map<String, Issue>? = null
private var cachedScopeIssues: MutableMap<EnumSet<Scope>, List<Issue>> = Maps.newHashMap()
private val DUMMY_IMPLEMENTATION = Implementation(,
* Issue reported by lint (not a specific detector) when it cannot even
* parse an XML file prior to analysis
@JvmField // temporarily
val PARSER_ERROR = Issue.create(
id = "ParserError",
briefDescription = "Parser Errors",
explanation = """
Lint will ignore any files that contain fatal parsing errors. These may \
contain other errors, or contain code which affects issues in other files.""",
category = Category.LINT,
priority = 10,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
* Issue reported by lint for various other issues which prevents lint from
* running normally when it's not necessarily an error in the user's code base.
@JvmField // temporarily
val LINT_ERROR = Issue.create(
id = "LintError",
briefDescription = "Lint Failure",
explanation = """
This issue type represents a problem running lint itself. Examples include \
failure to find bytecode for source files (which means certain detectors \
could not be run), parsing errors in lint configuration files, etc.
These errors are not errors in your own code, but they are shown to make it \
clear that some checks were not completed.
category = Category.LINT,
priority = 10,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
* Issue reported when lint is canceled
@JvmField // temporarily
val CANCELLED = Issue.create(
id = "LintCanceled",
briefDescription = "Lint Canceled",
explanation = "Lint canceled by user; the issue report may not be complete.",
category = Category.LINT,
priority = 0,
severity = Severity.INFORMATIONAL,
* Issue reported by lint for various other issues which prevents lint from
* running normally when it's not necessarily an error in the user's code base.
@JvmField // temporarily
val BASELINE = Issue.create(
id = "LintBaseline",
briefDescription = "Baseline Issues",
explanation = """
Lint can be configured with a "baseline"; a set of current issues found \
in a codebase, which future runs of lint will silently ignore. Only new \
issues not found in the baseline are reported.
Note that while opening files in the IDE, baseline issues are not \
filtered out; the purpose of baselines is to allow you to get started \
using lint and break the build on all newly introduced errors, without \
having to go back and fix the entire codebase up front. However, when \
you open up existing files you still want to be aware of and fix issues \
as you come across them.
This issue type is used to emit two types of informational messages in \
reports: first, whether any issues were filtered out so you don't have \
a false sense of security if you forgot that you've checked in a \
baseline file, and second, whether any issues in the baseline file \
appear to have been fixed such that you can stop filtering them out and \
get warned if the issues are re-introduced.""",
category = Category.LINT,
priority = 10,
severity = Severity.INFORMATIONAL,
* Issue reported by lint when it encounters old lint checks that haven't been
* updated to the latest APIs.
@JvmField // temporarily
val OBSOLETE_LINT_CHECK = Issue.create(
id = "ObsoleteLintCustomCheck",
briefDescription = "Obsolete custom lint check",
explanation = """
Lint can be extended with "custom checks": additional checks implemented \
by developers and libraries to for example enforce specific API usages \
required by a library or a company coding style guideline.
The Lint APIs are not yet stable, so these checks may either cause a \
performance degradation, or stop working, or provide wrong results.
This warning flags custom lint checks that are found to be using obsolete \
APIs and will need to be updated to run in the current lint environment.
It may also flag issues found to be using a **newer** version of the API, \
meaning that you need to use a newer version of lint (or Android Studio \
or Gradle plugin etc) to work with these checks.""",
category = Category.LINT,
priority = 10,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
* Reset the registry such that it recomputes its available issues.
fun reset() {
synchronized( {
cachedIdToIssue = null
cachedCategories = null
cachedScopeIssues = Maps.newHashMap()