blob: 848398d5e8c39842853bde7db745f21f62d5247d [file] [log] [blame]
# Helper functions for implementing Bazel rules.
def create_option_file(ctx, name, content):
""" Create the command line options file """
options_file = ctx.new_file(name)
ctx.file_action(output = options_file, content = content)
return options_file
def create_java_compiler_args_srcs(ctx, srcs, path, deps):
return create_java_compiler_args_srcs_deps(
":".join([dep.path for dep in deps]),
def create_java_compiler_args_srcs_deps(ctx, srcs, jar, deps):
args = []
option_files = []
# Classpath
if deps:
cp_file = create_option_file(ctx, jar.basename + ".cp", deps)
option_files += [cp_file]
args += ["-cp", "@" + cp_file.path]
# Output
args += ["-o", jar.path]
# Source files
srcs_lines = "\n".join(srcs)
source_file = create_option_file(ctx, jar.basename + ".lst", srcs_lines)
option_files += [source_file]
args += ["@" + source_file.path]
return (args, option_files)
def create_java_compiler_args(ctx, path, deps):
return create_java_compiler_args_srcs(
[src.path for src in ctx.files.srcs],
# Adds an explict target-name part if label doesn't have it.
def explicit_target(label):
return label if ":" in label else label + ":" + label.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
# Converts label package to a path relative to the execroot.
def label_workspace_path(label):
if label.workspace_root != "":
return label.workspace_root + "/" + label.package
return label.package
# Converts a relative path to be relative to the execroot.
def workspace_path(path):
return label_workspace_path(Label("//" + path, relative_to_caller_repository = True))