blob: 35ab74deb38f5089732fd6291d8b322fbb0ee72a [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
# Creates the directory if it does not exist and returns its absolute path
function make_target_dir() {
mkdir -p "$1" && realpath "$1"
# Expected arguments:
declare -r out_dir=$(make_target_dir "$1")
declare -r dist_dir=$(make_target_dir "$2")
declare -r build_number="$3"
declare -r script_dir=$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")
declare -r top=$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")/../../..")
declare -r re_client="${top}/prebuilts/remoteexecution-client/latest"
# unset RBE_ env variable from parent process
unset $(env | cut -d= -f1 | grep 'RBE_')
cd $out_dir
declare -r cfg=$script_dir/android-studio.cfg
echo "using configuration from $cfg"
cat $cfg
echo ""
${re_client}/bootstrap --re_proxy="${re_client}/reproxy" --cfg=$cfg
# always shutdown at the end
trap '${re_client}/bootstrap --shutdown --cfg=$cfg' EXIT
rm -rf re_files && mkdir re_files && cd re_files
cp ${script_dir}/ .
mkdir -p ./tools/idea/native/ && cp -r ${top}/tools/idea/native/. ./tools/idea/native/
${re_client}/rewrapper --labels=type=tool --exec_strategy=remote \
--cfg=$cfg \
--inputs=. \
--output_files=dist/fsnotifier \
-- ./ out dist $build_number
cp $out_dir/re_files/dist/fsnotifier $dist_dir/