blob: f77c34820287c2d227a480ec54aaa9923aa041c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class VdCommandLineOptions {
// Support a command line tool to convert or show the VectorDrawable.
// Below are the options or information for this tool.
private static final String OPTION_CONVERT = "-c";
private static final String OPTION_DISPLAY = "-d";
private static final String OPTION_IN = "-in";
private static final String OPTION_OUT = "-out";
private static final String OPTION_FORCE_WIDTH_DP = "-widthDp";
private static final String OPTION_FORCE_HEIGHT_DP = "-heightDp";
private static final String OPTION_ADD_HEADER = "-addHeader";
public static final String COMMAND_LINE_OPTION = "Converts SVG files to VectorDrawable XML files.\n"
+ "Displays VectorDrawables.\n"
+ "Usage: [-c] [-d] [-in <file or directory>] [-out <directory>] [-widthDp <size>] "
+ "[-heightDp <size>] [-addHeader]\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " -in <file or directory>: If -c is specified, Converts the given .svg file \n"
+ " to VectorDrawable XML, or if a directory is specified,\n"
+ " all .svg files in the given directory. Otherwise, if -d\n"
+ " is specified, displays the given VectorDrawable XML file\n"
+ " or all VectorDrawables in the given directory.\n"
+ " -out <directory> If specified, write converted files out to the given\n"
+ " directory, which must exist. If not specified the\n"
+ " converted files will be written to the directory\n"
+ " containing the input files.\n"
+ " -c If present, SVG files are converted to VectorDrawable XML\n"
+ " and written out.\n"
+ " -d Displays the given VectorDrawable(s), or if -c is\n"
+ " specified the results of the conversion.\n"
+ " -widthDp <size> Force the width to be <size> dp, <size> must be integer\n"
+ " -heightDp <size> Force the height to be <size> dp, <size> must be integer\n"
+ " -addHeader Add AOSP header to the top of the generated XML file\n"
+ "Examples: \n"
+ " 1) Convert SVG files from <directory> into XML files at the same directory"
+ " and visualize the XML file results:\n"
+ " vd-tool -c -d -in <directory> \n"
+ " 2) Convert SVG file and visualize the XML file results:\n"
+ " vd-tool -c -d -in file.svg \n"
+ " 3) Display VectorDrawable's XML files from <directory>:\n"
+ " vd-tool -d -in <directory> \n"
private boolean mConvertSvg;
private File[] mInputFiles;
private File mOutputDir;
private boolean mDisplayXml;
public int getForceWidth() {
return mForceWidth;
public int getForceHeight() {
return mForceHeight;
public boolean isAddHeader() {
return mAddHeader;
private int mForceWidth = -1;
private int mForceHeight = -1;
private boolean mAddHeader = false;
public boolean getDisplayXml() {
return mDisplayXml;
public boolean getConvertSvg() {
return mConvertSvg;
public File[] getInputFiles() {
return mInputFiles;
public File getOutputDir() {
return mOutputDir;
* Parse the command line options.
* @param args the incoming command line options
* @return null if no critical error happens, otherwise the error message.
public String parse(String[] args) {
File argIn = null;
mOutputDir = null;
mConvertSvg = false;
mDisplayXml = false;
// First parse the command line options.
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
int index = 0;
while (index < args.length) {
String currentArg = args[index];
if (OPTION_CONVERT.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
System.out.println(OPTION_CONVERT + " parsed, so we will convert the SVG files");
mConvertSvg = true;
} else if (OPTION_DISPLAY.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
System.out.println(OPTION_DISPLAY + " parsed, so we will display the XML files");
mDisplayXml = true;
} else if (OPTION_IN.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
if ((index + 1) < args.length) {
argIn = new File(args[index + 1]);
System.out.println(OPTION_IN + " parsed " + argIn.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (OPTION_OUT.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
if ((index + 1) < args.length) {
mOutputDir = new File(args[index + 1]
.replaceFirst("^~", System.getProperty("user.home")));
System.out.println(OPTION_OUT + " parsed " + mOutputDir.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (OPTION_FORCE_WIDTH_DP.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
if ((index + 1) < args.length) {
mForceWidth = Integer.parseInt(args[index + 1]);
System.out.println(OPTION_FORCE_WIDTH_DP + " parsed " + mForceWidth);
} else if (OPTION_FORCE_HEIGHT_DP.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
if ((index + 1) < args.length) {
mForceHeight = Integer.parseInt(args[index + 1]);
System.out.println(OPTION_FORCE_HEIGHT_DP + " parsed " + mForceHeight);
} else if (OPTION_ADD_HEADER.equalsIgnoreCase(currentArg)) {
mAddHeader = true;
System.out.println(OPTION_ADD_HEADER + " parsed, add AOSP header to the XML file");
} else {
return "ERROR: unrecognized option " + currentArg;
} else {
return "ERROR: empty arguments";
if (!mConvertSvg && !mDisplayXml) {
return "ERROR: either " + OPTION_CONVERT + " or " + OPTION_DISPLAY + " must be specified";
// Then we decide the input resources.
mInputFiles = null;
if (argIn != null) {
if (argIn.isFile()) {
mInputFiles = new File[1];
mInputFiles[0] = argIn;
if (mOutputDir == null && mConvertSvg) {
mOutputDir = argIn.getParentFile();
} else if (argIn.isDirectory()) {
File parsedSVGDir = argIn;
mInputFiles = parsedSVGDir.listFiles();
// Sort the files by the name.
if (mOutputDir == null && mConvertSvg) {
mOutputDir = argIn;
} else {
return "ERROR: no input files argument";
if (mConvertSvg) {
if (mOutputDir != null) {
if (!mOutputDir.isDirectory()) {
return ("ERROR: Output directory " + mOutputDir.getAbsolutePath()
+ " doesn't exist or isn't a valid directory");
} else {
return "ERROR: no output directory specified";
if (mInputFiles != null && mInputFiles.length == 0) {
return "ERROR: There is no file to process in " + argIn.getName();
return null;