blob: 33c7dee51d28f0524abcd2c2c14621934b31546f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.gradle.api.DomainObjectCollection;
import org.gradle.api.Incubating;
import org.gradle.api.Task;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactCollection;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration;
import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileTree;
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection;
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider;
import org.gradle.api.resources.TextResource;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.AbstractCopyTask;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskProvider;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile;
* A Build variant and all its public data. This is the base class for items common to apps,
* test apps, and libraries
public interface BaseVariant {
* Returns the name of the variant. Guaranteed to be unique.
String getName();
* Returns a description for the build variant.
String getDescription();
* Returns a subfolder name for the variant. Guaranteed to be unique.
* This is usually a mix of build type and flavor(s) (if applicable).
* For instance this could be:
* "debug"
* "debug/myflavor"
* "release/Flavor1Flavor2"
String getDirName();
* Returns the base name for the output of the variant. Guaranteed to be unique.
String getBaseName();
* Returns the flavor name of the variant. This is a concatenation of all the
* applied flavors
* @return the name of the flavors, or an empty string if there is not flavors.
String getFlavorName();
* Returns the variant outputs. There should always be at least one output.
* @return a non-null list of variants.
DomainObjectCollection<BaseVariantOutput> getOutputs();
/** Returns the {@link BuildType} for this build variant. */
BuildType getBuildType();
* Returns a {@link ProductFlavor} that represents the merging of the default config and the
* flavors of this build variant.
ProductFlavor getMergedFlavor();
* Returns a {@link JavaCompileOptions} that represents the java compile settings for this build
* variant.
JavaCompileOptions getJavaCompileOptions();
* Returns the list of {@link ProductFlavor} for this build variant.
* <p>This is always non-null but could be empty.
List<ProductFlavor> getProductFlavors();
* Returns a list of sorted SourceProvider in order of ascending order, meaning, the earlier
* items are meant to be overridden by later items.
* @return a list of source provider
List<SourceProvider> getSourceSets();
* Returns a list of FileCollection representing the source folders.
* @param folderType the type of folder to return.
* @return a list of folder + dependency as file collections.
List<ConfigurableFileTree> getSourceFolders(@NonNull SourceKind folderType);
/** Returns the configuration object for the compilation */
Configuration getCompileConfiguration();
/** Returns the configuration object for the annotation processor. */
Configuration getAnnotationProcessorConfiguration();
/** Returns the configuration object for the runtime */
Configuration getRuntimeConfiguration();
/** Returns the applicationId of the variant. */
String getApplicationId();
* Returns the true application Id of the variant. For feature variants, this returns the
* resolved application id from the application. For application variants, this is the same as
* getApplicationId.
TextResource getApplicationIdTextResource();
* Returns the pre-build anchor task
* @deprecated Use {@link #getPreBuildProvider()}
Task getPreBuild();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the pre-build anchor task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getPreBuild()} as it triggers eager configuration of the task.
TaskProvider<Task> getPreBuildProvider();
* Returns the check manifest task.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getCheckManifestProvider()}
Task getCheckManifest();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the check manifest task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getCheckManifest()} as it triggers eager configuration of the task.
TaskProvider<Task> getCheckManifestProvider();
* Returns the AIDL compilation task.
* <p>If aidl feature is disabled via {@link BuildFeatures#getAidl()} this will throw an
* exception (or return <code>null</code> during sync.)
* @deprecated Use {@link #getAidlCompileProvider()}
AidlCompile getAidlCompile();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the AIDL compilation task.
* <p>If aidl feature is disabled via {@link BuildFeatures#getAidl()} this will throw an
* exception (or return <code>null</code> during sync.)
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getAidlCompile()} as it triggers eager configuration of the task.
TaskProvider<AidlCompile> getAidlCompileProvider();
* Returns the Renderscript compilation task.
* <p>If renderscript feature is disabled via {@link BuildFeatures#getRenderScript()} this will
* throw an exception (or return <code>null</code> during sync.)
* @deprecated Use {@link #getRenderscriptCompileProvider()}
RenderscriptCompile getRenderscriptCompile();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the Renderscript compilation task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getRenderscriptCompile()} as it triggers eager configuration of the
* task.
* <p>If renderscript feature is disabled via {@link BuildFeatures#getRenderScript()} this will
* throw an exception (or return <code>null</code> during sync.)
TaskProvider<RenderscriptCompile> getRenderscriptCompileProvider();
* Returns the resource merging task.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMergeResourcesProvider()}
MergeResources getMergeResources();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the resource merging task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getMergeResources()} as it triggers eager configuration of the
* task.
TaskProvider<MergeResources> getMergeResourcesProvider();
* Returns the asset merging task.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMergeAssetsProvider()}
MergeSourceSetFolders getMergeAssets();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the asset merging task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getMergeAssets()} as it triggers eager configuration of the task.
TaskProvider<MergeSourceSetFolders> getMergeAssetsProvider();
* Returns the BuildConfig generation task.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getGenerateBuildConfigProvider()}
GenerateBuildConfig getGenerateBuildConfig();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the BuildConfig generation task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getGenerateBuildConfig()} as it triggers eager configuration of the
* task.
TaskProvider<GenerateBuildConfig> getGenerateBuildConfigProvider();
* Returns the Java Compilation task
* @deprecated Use {@link #getJavaCompileProvider()}
JavaCompile getJavaCompile();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the Java Compilation task
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getJavaCompile()} as it triggers eager configuration of the task.
TaskProvider<JavaCompile> getJavaCompileProvider();
* Returns the Java Compiler task.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getJavaCompileProvider()}
Task getJavaCompiler();
* Returns the java compilation classpath.
* <p>The provided key allows controlling how much of the classpath is returned.
* <ul>
* <li>if <code>null</code>, the full classpath is returned
* <li>Otherwise the method returns the classpath up to the generated bytecode associated with
* the key
* </ul>
* @param key the key
* @see #registerGeneratedBytecode(FileCollection)
FileCollection getCompileClasspath(@Nullable Object key);
* Returns the java compilation classpath as an ArtifactCollection
* <p>The provided key allows controlling how much of the classpath is returned.
* <ul>
* <li>if <code>null</code>, the full classpath is returned
* <li>Otherwise the method returns the classpath up to the generated bytecode associated with
* the key
* </ul>
* @param key the key
* @see #registerGeneratedBytecode(FileCollection)
ArtifactCollection getCompileClasspathArtifacts(@Nullable Object key);
* Returns the tasks for building external native projects.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getExternalNativeBuildProviders()}
Collection<ExternalNativeBuildTask> getExternalNativeBuildTasks();
* Returns the tasks for building external native projects.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getExternalNativeBuildTasks()} as it triggers eager configuration
* of the tasks.
Collection<TaskProvider<ExternalNativeBuildTask>> getExternalNativeBuildProviders();
* Returns the obfuscation task. This can be null if obfuscation is not enabled.
* @deprecated This always returns null
Task getObfuscation();
* Returns the obfuscation mapping file. This can be null if obfuscation is not enabled.
* @deprecated Please use {@link #getMappingFileProvider()} instead in order to avoid task
* configuration.
File getMappingFile();
* Returns the provider of a file collection that contains an obfuscation mapping file. The file
* collection may be empty if obfuscation is not enabled.
Provider<FileCollection> getMappingFileProvider();
* Returns the Java resource processing task.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getProcessJavaResourcesProvider()}
AbstractCopyTask getProcessJavaResources();
* Returns the Java resource processing task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getProcessJavaResources()} as it triggers eager configuration of
* the task.
TaskProvider<AbstractCopyTask> getProcessJavaResourcesProvider();
* Returns the assemble task for all this variant's output
* @deprecated Use {@link #getAssembleProvider()}
Task getAssemble();
* Returns the {@link TaskProvider} for the assemble task.
* <p>Prefer this to {@link #getAssemble()} as it triggers eager configuration of the task.
TaskProvider<Task> getAssembleProvider();
* Adds new Java source folders to the model.
* These source folders will not be used for the default build
* system, but will be passed along the default Java source folders
* to whoever queries the model.
* @param sourceFolders the source folders where the generated source code is.
void addJavaSourceFoldersToModel(@NonNull File... sourceFolders);
* Adds new Java source folders to the model.
* These source folders will not be used for the default build
* system, but will be passed along the default Java source folders
* to whoever queries the model.
* @param sourceFolders the source folders where the generated source code is.
void addJavaSourceFoldersToModel(@NonNull Collection<File> sourceFolders);
* Adds to the variant a task that generates Java source code.
* This will make the generate[Variant]Sources task depend on this task and add the
* new source folders as compilation inputs.
* The new source folders are also added to the model.
* @param task the task
* @param sourceFolders the source folders where the generated source code is.
void registerJavaGeneratingTask(@NonNull Task task, @NonNull File... sourceFolders);
* Adds to the variant a task that generates Java source code.
* This will make the generate[Variant]Sources task depend on this task and add the
* new source folders as compilation inputs.
* The new source folders are also added to the model.
* @param task the task
* @param sourceFolders the source folders where the generated source code is.
void registerJavaGeneratingTask(@NonNull Task task, @NonNull Collection<File> sourceFolders);
* Register the output of an external annotation processor.
* <p>The output is passed to the javac task, but the source generation hooks does not depend on
* this.
* <p>In order to properly wire up tasks, the FileTree object must include dependency
* information about the task that generates the content of this folders.
* @param folder a ConfigurableFileTree that contains a single folder and the task dependency
* information
void registerExternalAptJavaOutput(@NonNull ConfigurableFileTree folder);
* Adds to the variant new generated resource folders.
* <p>In order to properly wire up tasks, the FileCollection object must include dependency
* information about the task that generates the content of this folders.
* @param folders a FileCollection that contains the folders and the task dependency information
void registerGeneratedResFolders(@NonNull FileCollection folders);
* Adds to the variant a task that generates Resources.
* This will make the generate[Variant]Resources task depend on this task and add the
* new Resource folders as Resource merge inputs.
* The Resource folders are also added to the model.
* @param task the task
* @param resFolders the folders where the generated resources are.
* @deprecated Use {@link #registerGeneratedResFolders(FileCollection)}
void registerResGeneratingTask(@NonNull Task task, @NonNull File... resFolders);
* Adds to the variant a task that generates Resources.
* This will make the generate[Variant]Resources task depend on this task and add the
* new Resource folders as Resource merge inputs.
* The Resource folders are also added to the model.
* @param task the task
* @param resFolders the folders where the generated resources are.
* @deprecated Use {@link #registerGeneratedResFolders(FileCollection)}
void registerResGeneratingTask(@NonNull Task task, @NonNull Collection<File> resFolders);
* Adds to the variant new generated Java byte-code.
* <p>This bytecode is passed to the javac classpath. This is typically used by compilers for
* languages that generate bytecode ahead of javac.
* <p>The file collection can contain either a folder of class files or jars.
* <p>In order to properly wire up tasks, the FileCollection object must include dependency
* information about the task that generates the content of these folders. This is generally
* setup using {@link org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection#builtBy(Object...)}
* <p>The generated byte-code will also be added to the transform pipeline as a {@link
*} stream.
* <p>The method returns a key that can be used to query for the compilation classpath. This
* allows each successive call to {@link #registerPreJavacGeneratedBytecode(FileCollection)} to
* be associated with a classpath containing everything <strong>before</strong> the added
* bytecode.
* @param fileCollection a FileCollection that contains the files and the task dependency
* information
* @return a key for calls to {@link #registerGeneratedBytecode(FileCollection)}
Object registerPreJavacGeneratedBytecode(@NonNull FileCollection fileCollection);
/** @deprecated use {@link #registerPreJavacGeneratedBytecode(FileCollection)} */
Object registerGeneratedBytecode(@NonNull FileCollection fileCollection);
* Adds to the variant new generated Java byte-code.
* <p>This bytecode is meant to be post javac, which means javac does not have it on its
* classpath. It's is only added to the java compilation task's classpath and will be added to
* the transform pipeline as a {@link
*} stream.
* <p>The file collection can contain either a folder of class files or jars.
* <p>In order to properly wire up tasks, the FileCollection object must include dependency
* information about the task that generates the content of these folders. This is generally
* setup using {@link org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection#builtBy(Object...)}
* @param fileCollection a FileCollection that contains the files and the task dependency
* information
void registerPostJavacGeneratedBytecode(@NonNull FileCollection fileCollection);
* Adds a variant-specific BuildConfig field.
* @param type the type of the field
* @param name the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field
void buildConfigField(@NonNull String type, @NonNull String name, @NonNull String value);
* Adds a variant-specific res value.
* @param type the type of the field
* @param name the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field
void resValue(@NonNull String type, @NonNull String name, @NonNull String value);
* Set up a new matching request for a given flavor dimension and value.
* <p>To learn more, read <a href="">Select
* default flavors for missing dimensions</a>.
* @param dimension the flavor dimension
* @param requestedValue the flavor name
void missingDimensionStrategy(@NonNull String dimension, @NonNull String requestedValue);
* Set up a new matching request for a given flavor dimension and value.
* <p>To learn more, read <a href="">Select
* default flavors for missing dimensions</a>.
* @param dimension the flavor dimension
* @param requestedValues the flavor name and fallbacks
void missingDimensionStrategy(@NonNull String dimension, @NonNull String... requestedValues);
* Set up a new matching request for a given flavor dimension and value.
* <p>To learn more, read <a href="">Select
* default flavors for missing dimensions</a>.
* @param dimension the flavor dimension
* @param requestedValues the flavor name and fallbacks
void missingDimensionStrategy(@NonNull String dimension, @NonNull List<String> requestedValues);
* If true, variant outputs will be considered signed. Only set if you manually set the outputs
* to point to signed files built by other tasks.
void setOutputsAreSigned(boolean isSigned);
* @see #setOutputsAreSigned(boolean)
boolean getOutputsAreSigned();
* Returns file collection containing all raw Android resources, including the ones from
* transitive dependencies.
* <p><strong>This is an incubating API, and it can be changed or removed without
* notice.</strong>
FileCollection getAllRawAndroidResources();
* Registers a task to be executed before any main output tasks like the assemble or bundle
* tasks are invoked.
* <p>The task will need to set up its dependencies on the build outputs (whether it is an
* intermediate output or the final one) independently of this call.
void register(Task task);