blob: 840368e5ec052ee88d38808fa93fa661986a3203 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -ex
# Invoked by Android Build Launchcontrol for continuous builds.
# Expected arguments:
readonly out_dir="$1"
readonly dist_dir="$2"
readonly build_number="$3"
# We wish to set up a new Mac based build branch. This initial check
# is to allow a simple echo statement confirmation on the buildbot.
if [[ "$unamestr" == 'Darwin' ]]; then
echo "Mac Build Detected. No Build to perform."
exit 0;
readonly script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
# Grab the location of the command_log file for bazel daemon so we can search it later.
readonly command_log="$(${script_dir}/bazel info command_log)"
# Run Bazel
"${script_dir}/bazel" --max_idle_secs=60 --bazelrc=/dev/null test --keep_going --nobuild_runfile_links --auth_credentials="$HOME"/.android-studio-alphasource.json --auth_scope= --project_id=908081808034 --config=remote --cache_test_results=no --build_tag_filters=-no_linux --test_tag_filters=-no_linux,-no_test_linux,-qa_sanity,-qa_fast,-qa_unreliable,-slow -- $(< "${script_dir}/targets")
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
# Grab the upsalite_id from the stdout of the bazel command. This is captured in command.log
readonly upsalite_id=`sed -n -e 's/.*invocation_id: //p' $command_log`
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL='$upsalite_id\" />" > "${dist_dir}"/upsalite_test_results.html
# follow conventions to use gtest-testlog-forwarding on ATP
readonly testlogs_dir="$(${script_dir}/bazel info bazel-testlogs)"
echo "The testlogs_dir is $testlogs_dir"
mkdir "${dist_dir}"/gtest
# This does not handle spaces in file names.
for source_xml in $(cd "${testlogs_dir}" && find -name '*.xml' -printf '%P\n'); do
target_xml="$(echo "${source_xml}" | tr '/' '_')"
cp -pv "${testlogs_dir}/${source_xml}" "${dist_dir}/gtest/${target_xml}"
# GTestXmlResultParser requires the testsuites element to have tests and time attributes.
sed -i 's/<testsuites>/<testsuites tests="0" time="0">/' "${dist_dir}/gtest/${target_xml}"