blob: 476e32dfe725a8fb85fb76690dcdc81d794317f9 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tools/base/bazel:android.bzl", "dex_library")
load("//tools/base/fakeandroid:fakeandroid.bzl", "fake_android_test")
# Create a mock app given a collection of source files.
# After calling this rule, a target for the app with the specified name will be
# generated, which you can use as an argument to transport_test. The target
# will be backed by a single output jar named "$name_undexed_deploy.jar"
def transport_app(name, srcs, deps = []):
# Build a deploy jar. The contents of this jar will be dexed before being
# pushed onto a fake device.
# Note: Because android-mock is set to never link, compile dependencies use
# android-mock but the built jar does not include it.
name = name + "_undexed",
srcs = srcs,
create_executable = 0,
deps = deps + [
name = name,
jars = [name + "_undexed_deploy.jar"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Convert a list of targets to locations separated by ':'
def _targets_to_paths(targets):
paths = ""
for target in targets:
if paths != "":
paths += ":"
paths += "$(location " + target + ")"
return paths
# Run an integration test that communicates between test code and a fake
# Android device over the Transport API.
# srcs: One or more test classes to run under this test.
# app_dexes: A list of one or more targets referencing dexed components which
# will get installed on a fake android device. The first target must
# the core app itself, with any additional targets provided to
# support it.
# Note: The test framework provides a very basic app behind the
# "test-framework/test-app:test-app" rule which can be used here.
# app_dexes_nojvmti: Like `app_dexes` but will be pushed if the target device
# does not support JVMTI. If not specified, `app_dexes`
# will be re-used.
# app_runtime_deps: A list of zero or more targets to .so files or jar libraries needed
# by the app at at runtime.
# The rest of the arguments are standard parameters.
def transport_test(name,
app_dexes_nojvmti = [],
deps = [],
runtime_deps = [],
app_runtime_deps = [],
jvm_flags = [],
data = [],
tags = [],
shard_count = None,
size = None):
app_runtime_deps = app_runtime_deps + [
all_app_dexes = app_dexes
if app_dexes_nojvmti == []:
app_dexes_nojvmti = app_dexes
all_app_dexes = all_app_dexes + app_dexes_nojvmti
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps + [
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
tags = tags,
shard_count = shard_count,
size = size,
jvm_flags = jvm_flags + [
"-Dtransport.daemon.location=$(location //tools/base/transport:transport_main)",
"-Dtransport.agent.location=$(location //tools/base/transport/native/",
"-Dapp.libs=" + _targets_to_paths(app_runtime_deps),
"-Dapp.dexes.jvmti=" + _targets_to_paths(app_dexes),
"-Dapp.dexes.nojvmti=" + _targets_to_paths(app_dexes_nojvmti),
# Data listed here to be made available for "$location" expansions
data = all_app_dexes + app_runtime_deps + data,