blob: aa537628ed035600465f226bbf2f546e76784826 [file] [log] [blame]
## Users should never need to load this file outside the toplevel WORKSPACE.
## It sets up a bazel repo in bazel-testlogs and constructs a build graph for
## generating test target Jacoco execfiles from test coverage data outputs.
## Those execfiles will eventually be used by coverage report rules in @cov//
# Create the bazel repo in bazel-testlogs
# Its BUILD file only constructs the result processing graph
def setup_testlogs_loop_repo():
name = "results",
path = "bazel-testlogs",
build_file_content = """
load("@cov//:results.bzl", "construct_result_processing_graph")
jacoco_cli = "@//prebuilts/tools/common/jacoco:cli"
# Reconstruct test, split, and shard information from filepaths
# Unsharded, unsplit tests look like /<test> and reported as ret[test] = None
# Sharded, unsplit tests look like <test>/shard_X_of_Y and reported as ret[test] = Y
# Unsharded test splits look like <test>__<split> and reported as ret[test][split] = None
# Sharded test splits look like <test>__<split>/shard_X_of_Y and reported as ret[test][split] = Y
def test_shard_split_dict():
ret = {}
for path in native.glob(["**/test.outputs/"]):
segs = path.split("/")[:-2] # strip /test.outputs/
if "shard" in segs[-1]: # last segment has form 'shard_X_of_Y'
shard_count = int(segs[-1].split("_")[3]) # extract Y
if "__" in segs[-2]: # this is a split test
test_name, split_name = segs[-2].split("__")
k = "/".join(segs[:-2]) + "/" + test_name
if k not in ret:
ret[k] = {}
ret[k][split_name] = shard_count
k = "/".join(segs[:-1]) # key is the test name (i.e. sans shard info)
ret[k] = shard_count
elif "__" in segs[-1]: # this is a split test
test_name, split_name = segs[-1].split("__")
k = "/".join(segs[:-1]) + "/" + test_name
if k not in ret:
ret[k] = {}
ret[k][split_name] = None
k = "/".join(segs) # key is the test name
ret[k] = None
return ret
def extract_exec_files(path):
name = "{}.JacocoExec".format(path),
srcs = ["{}/test.outputs/".format(path)],
outs = ["{}/jacoco.exec".format(path)],
visibility = ["@cov//:__pkg__"],
# Unzipping multiple .exec files to a pipe is equivalent
# to unzipping each and then using jacoco to merge them.
# This method allows us to blindly support tests that produce
# multiple exec files (e.g. gradle integration tests).
cmd = "unzip -p $< *.exec >$@",
def jacoco_exec_file(test, shards):
if shards:
for s in range(1, shards + 1):
extract_exec_files("{}/shard_{}_of_{}".format(test, s, shards))
# merge the shard execs into a single exec
name = "{}.JacocoExec".format(test),
tools = [jacoco_cli],
srcs = ["{}/shard_{}_of_{}.JacocoExec".format(test, s, shards) for s in range(1, shards + 1)],
outs = ["{}/jacoco.exec".format(test)],
visibility = ["@cov//:__pkg__"],
cmd = "$(location {cli}) merge --quiet $(SRCS) --destfile $@".format(cli = jacoco_cli),
else: # unsharded test
def test_target_pipeline(test, shards):
jacoco_exec_file(test, shards)
def construct_result_processing_graph():
ts = test_shard_split_dict()
for k in ts:
if type(ts[k]) == "dict":
for s in ts[k]:
test_target_pipeline("{}__{}".format(k, s), ts[k][s])
name = "{}.JacocoExec".format(k),
tools = [jacoco_cli],
srcs = ["{}__{}.JacocoExec".format(k, s) for s in ts[k]],
outs = ["{}/jacoco.exec".format(k)],
visibility = ["@cov//:__pkg__"],
cmd = "$(location {cli}) merge --quiet $(SRCS) --destfile $@".format(cli = jacoco_cli),
test_target_pipeline(k, ts[k])