blob: d3c6282c45c093a46455b9df3d3213b346879004 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Converts Jacoco XML to LCOV.
- Reads Jacoco XML from stdin
- Resolves classes to sourcefiles
- Writes LCOV tracefile to stdout
import itertools as IT
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def main():
test_name = sys.argv[1]
eligible_list_file = sys.argv[2]
# we're using a filename -> directory path because it makes resolving to
# sourcefiles very fast
filetree = {}
with open(eligible_list_file) as fh:
for p in fh:
p = p.strip()
name = os.path.basename(p)
dirpath = os.path.dirname(p)
if name in filetree:
filetree[name] = set([dirpath])
root = ET.parse(sys.stdin).getroot()
# we're going to build a nest map like package -> (file -> path/coverage info)
# this makes it easy to do package or file level sorting for output
data = {}
for pkg in root.iter('package'):
pkg_name = pkg.get('name')
for sfile in pkg.iter('sourcefile'):
sfile_name = sfile.get('name')
if sfile_name in filetree:
# if there's a path with the package/class as a suffix, then that's the
# real sourcefile
matches = list(
IT.ifilter(lambda path: path.endswith(pkg_name),
if matches:
# the directory path upto the package portion
path = matches[0][0:matches[0].find(pkg_name)]
# the list of instrumented line numbers
instrumented = [int(line.get('nr')) for line in sfile.iter('line')]
# the set of covered line numbers
covered = set(
for line in sfile.iter('line')
if line.get('ci') != '0')
if pkg_name not in data:
data[pkg_name] = {}
data[pkg_name][sfile_name] = {
'path': path,
'instrumented': instrumented,
'covered': covered,
for pkg_name in data:
for sfile_name in data[pkg_name]:
filepath = os.path.join(data[pkg_name][sfile_name]['path'], pkg_name,
for line_num in data[pkg_name][sfile_name]['instrumented']:
# format is DA:{line number},{number of hits}, but we don't care about
# detailed hit numbers so just use 1 for covered lines
line_num, int(line_num in data[pkg_name][sfile_name]['covered'])))
if __name__ == '__main__':