blob: d40f161cf00f2a63fd48a19790fac5166c68f225 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static*;
import androidx.inspection.ArtTooling;
import androidx.inspection.ArtTooling.EntryHook;
import androidx.inspection.ArtTooling.ExitHook;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.function.Function;
/** This service controls all app inspectors */
// Suppress Convert2Lambda: Lambdas may incur penalty hit on older Android devices
// Suppress unused: Methods invoked via jni
// Suppress rawtypes: Service doesn't care about specific types, works with Objects
@SuppressWarnings({"Convert2Lambda", "unused", "rawtypes"})
public class AppInspectionService {
private static AppInspectionService sInstance;
public static AppInspectionService instance() {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = createAppInspectionService();
return sInstance;
// will be passed to jni method to call methods on the instance
// currently AppInspectionService is singleton and it is never destroyed, so we don't clean this reference.
private final long mNativePtr;
private final Map<String, InspectorBridge> mInspectorBridges = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<String, List<HookInfo<ExitHook>>> mExitTransforms = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<String, List<HookInfo<EntryHook>>> mEntryTransforms =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final String INSPECTOR_ID_MISSING_ERROR =
"Argument inspectorId must not be null";
// TODO: b/159250979
// Special work around to support overloads and exit hooks
// currently our labels (keys in mExitTransforms)
// lose important information about parameters of methods.
// This set stores full information about instrumented methods
private final Set<String> mExitTransformsFullLabels =
Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
private CrashListener mCrashListener =
new CrashListener() {
public void onInspectorCrashed(String inspectorId, String message) {
sendCrashEvent(inspectorId, message);
private final CompatibilityChecker mCompatibilityChecker = new CompatibilityChecker();
* Construct an instance referencing some native (JVMTI) resources.
* <p>A user shouldn't call this directly - instead, call {@link #instance()}, which delegates
* work to JNI which ultimately calls this constructor.
AppInspectionService(long nativePtr) {
mNativePtr = nativePtr;
* Creates and launches an inspector on device.
* <p>This will respond with error when an inspector with the same ID already exists, when the
* dex cannot be located, and when an exception is encountered while loading classes.
* @param inspectorId the unique id of the inspector being launched
* @param dexPath the path to the .dex file of the inspector
* @param projectName the name of the studio project that is trying to launch the inspector
* @param libraryCoordinate represents the targeted library artifact.
* @param force if true, create the inspector even if one is already running
* @param commandId unique id of this command in the context of app inspection service
public void createInspector(
String inspectorId,
String dexPath,
ArtifactCoordinate libraryCoordinate,
String projectName,
boolean force,
int commandId) {
if (inspectorId == null) {
sendCreateInspectorResponseError(commandId, INSPECTOR_ID_MISSING_ERROR);
if (mInspectorBridges.containsKey(inspectorId)) {
if (!force) {
String alreadyLaunchedProjectName = mInspectorBridges.get(inspectorId).getProject();
"Inspector with the given id "
+ inspectorId
+ " already exists. It was launched by project: "
+ alreadyLaunchedProjectName
+ "\n\nThis could happen if you launched the same inspector from two different projects at the same time, or if a previous run of the current project crashed unexpectedly and didn't shut down properly.");
if (!doCheckVersion(commandId, libraryCoordinate)) {
if (!new File(dexPath).exists()) {
commandId, "Failed to find a file with path: " + dexPath);
InspectorBridge bridge = InspectorBridge.create(inspectorId, projectName, mCrashListener);
mInspectorBridges.put(inspectorId, bridge);
(error) -> {
if (error != null) {
sendCreateInspectorResponseError(commandId, error);
} else {
public void disposeInspector(String inspectorId, int commandId) {
if (inspectorId == null) {
sendDisposeInspectorResponseError(commandId, INSPECTOR_ID_MISSING_ERROR);
if (!mInspectorBridges.containsKey(inspectorId)) {
commandId, "Inspector with id " + inspectorId + " wasn't previously created");
public void sendCommand(String inspectorId, int commandId, byte[] rawCommand) {
if (inspectorId == null) {
sendRawResponseError(commandId, INSPECTOR_ID_MISSING_ERROR);
InspectorBridge bridge = mInspectorBridges.get(inspectorId);
if (bridge == null) {
commandId, "Inspector with id " + inspectorId + " wasn't previously created");
bridge.sendCommand(commandId, rawCommand);
public void cancelCommand(int cancelledCommandId) {
// broadcast cancellation to every inspector even if only one of handled this command
for (InspectorBridge bridge : mInspectorBridges.values()) {
* This command allows the IDE to query for the versions of the libraries it wants to inspect
* that are present in this app.
* @param commandId the unique commandId associated with this command
* @param coordinates the libraries Studio wants version information for
public void getLibraryCompatibilityInfoCommand(
int commandId, ArtifactCoordinate[] coordinates) {
List<CompatibilityCheckerResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
for (ArtifactCoordinate coordinate : coordinates) {
CompatibilityCheckerResult result =
commandId, results.toArray(), results.size());
private void doDispose(String inspectorId) {
removeHooks(inspectorId, mEntryTransforms);
removeHooks(inspectorId, mExitTransforms);
InspectorBridge inspector = mInspectorBridges.remove(inspectorId);
if (inspector != null) {
* Checks whether the inspector we are trying to create is compatible with the library.
* <p>This will compare the provided minVersion with the version string located in the version
* file in the APK's META-INF directory.
* <p>In the case the provided version targeting information is null, return true because the
* inspector is targeting the Android framework.
* <p>Note, this method will send the appropriate response to the command if the check failed in
* any way. In other words, callers don't need to send a response if this method returns false.
* @param commandId the id of the command
* @param libraryCoordinate represents the minimum supported library artifact. Null if the
* inspector is not targeting any particular library.
* @return true if check passed. false if check failed for any reason.
private boolean doCheckVersion(int commandId, ArtifactCoordinate libraryCoordinate) {
if (libraryCoordinate == null) {
return true;
CompatibilityCheckerResult versionResult =
if (versionResult.status == CompatibilityCheckerResult.Status.INCOMPATIBLE) {
sendCreateInspectorResponseVersionIncompatible(commandId, versionResult.message);
return false;
} else if (versionResult.status == CompatibilityCheckerResult.Status.NOT_FOUND) {
sendCreateInspectorResponseLibraryMissing(commandId, versionResult.message);
return false;
} else if (versionResult.status == CompatibilityCheckerResult.Status.ERROR) {
sendCreateInspectorResponseError(commandId, versionResult.message);
return false;
} else if (versionResult.status == CompatibilityCheckerResult.Status.PROGUARDED) {
sendCreateInspectorResponseAppProguarded(commandId, versionResult.message);
return false;
return true;
private static String createLabel(Class origin, String method) {
if (method.indexOf('(') == -1) {
return "";
return origin.getCanonicalName() + method.substring(0, method.indexOf('('));
private static String createFullLabel(Class origin, String method) {
return origin.getCanonicalName() + method;
public static void addEntryHook(
String inspectorId, Class origin, String method, EntryHook hook) {
List<HookInfo<EntryHook>> hooks =
createLabel(origin, method),
new Function<String, List<HookInfo<EntryHook>>>() {
public List<HookInfo<EntryHook>> apply(String key) {
nativeRegisterEntryHook(sInstance.mNativePtr, origin, method);
return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
hooks.add(new HookInfo<>(inspectorId, hook));
public static void addExitHook(
String inspectorId, Class origin, String method, ArtTooling.ExitHook<?> hook) {
if (sInstance.mExitTransformsFullLabels.add(createFullLabel(origin, method))) {
nativeRegisterExitHook(sInstance.mNativePtr, origin, method);
List<HookInfo<ExitHook>> hooks =
createLabel(origin, method),
new Function<String, List<HookInfo<ExitHook>>>() {
public List<HookInfo<ExitHook>> apply(String key) {
return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
hooks.add(new HookInfo<>(inspectorId, hook));
private static <T> T onExitInternal(T returnObject) {
Error error = new Error();
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = error.getStackTrace();
if (stackTrace.length < 3) {
return returnObject;
StackTraceElement element = stackTrace[2];
String label = element.getClassName() + element.getMethodName();
AppInspectionService instance = AppInspectionService.instance();
List<HookInfo<ExitHook>> hooks = instance.mExitTransforms.get(label);
if (hooks == null) {
return returnObject;
// TODO: b/159250979, we currently do this deduplication, because
// hooks for different methods end up at the same place
// to avoid calling the same hook twice we add them to a set
Set<ExitHook> calledHooks = new HashSet<>();
for (HookInfo<ExitHook> info : hooks) {
//noinspection unchecked
if (calledHooks.add(info.hook)) {
returnObject = (T) info.hook.onExit(returnObject);
return returnObject;
public static Object onExit(Object returnObject) {
return onExitInternal(returnObject);
public static void onExit() {
public static boolean onExit(boolean result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static byte onExit(byte result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static char onExit(char result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static short onExit(short result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static int onExit(int result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static float onExit(float result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static long onExit(long result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
public static double onExit(double result) {
return onExitInternal(result);
* Receives an array where the first parameter is the "this" reference and all remaining
* arguments are the function's parameters.
* <p>For example, the function {@code Client#sendMessage(Receiver r, String message)} will
* receive the array: [this, r, message]
public static void onEntry(Object[] thisAndParams) {
assert (thisAndParams.length >= 1); // Should always at least contain "this"
Error error = new Error();
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = error.getStackTrace();
if (stackTrace.length < 2) {
StackTraceElement element = stackTrace[1];
String label = element.getClassName() + element.getMethodName();
List<HookInfo<EntryHook>> hooks =
if (hooks == null) {
Object thisObject = thisAndParams[0];
List<Object> params = Collections.emptyList();
if (thisAndParams.length > 1) {
params = Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(thisAndParams, 1, thisAndParams.length));
for (HookInfo<EntryHook> info : hooks) {
info.hook.onEntry(thisObject, params);
private static final class HookInfo<T> {
private final String inspectorId;
private final T hook;
HookInfo(String inspectorId, T hook) {
this.inspectorId = inspectorId;
this.hook = hook;
private static void removeHooks(
String inspectorId, Map<String, ? extends List<? extends HookInfo<?>>> hooks) {
for (List<? extends HookInfo<?>> list : hooks.values()) {
for (HookInfo<?> info : list) {
if (info.inspectorId.equals(inspectorId)) {
private static native AppInspectionService createAppInspectionService();
private static native void nativeRegisterEntryHook(
long servicePtr, Class<?> originClass, String originMethod);
private static native void nativeRegisterExitHook(
long servicePtr, Class<?> originClass, String originMethod);