blob: d90f3457500d65e2ac708ccf9e4f6784db868a51 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Utilities for merging jar files quickly and deterministically"""
def run_singlejar(ctx, jars, out, manifest_lines = [], extra_inputs = [], allow_duplicates = False):
"""Merge jars using the singlejar tool.
ctx: the analysis context
jars: a list of input jars
out: the output jar file
manifest_lines: lines to put in the output manifest file
(manifest files in the input jars are ignored)
extra_inputs: additional inputs such as argfiles
allow_duplicates: whether to allow duplicate jar entries
(only one will be copied to the output)
Expects that ctx.executable._singlejar is defined.
args = ctx.actions.args()
"--normalize", # Normalize timestamps to keep things deterministic.
"--exclude_build_data", # Exclude singlejar metadata files.
"--dont_change_compression", # Copy files from the inputs unchanged.
"--add_missing_directories", # Include parent dirs to appease tools.
if not allow_duplicates:
args.add("--output", out)
args.add_all("--sources", jars)
# TODO: Ideally singlejar would automatically merge the manifest files from
# the input jars, but this is unimplemented in singlejar; the relevant to-do
# comment is in in the singlejar source code. To work around
# this we have to explicitly list the lines we want in the manifest.
if manifest_lines:
args.add_all("--deploy_manifest_lines", manifest_lines)
inputs = jars + extra_inputs,
outputs = [out],
arguments = [args],
mnemonic = "singlejar",
executable = ctx.executable._singlejar,
def _merge_jars_impl(ctx):
ctx = ctx,
jars = ctx.files.jars,
out = ctx.outputs.out,
manifest_lines = ctx.attr.manifest_lines,
allow_duplicates = ctx.attr.allow_duplicates,
merge_jars = rule(
attrs = {
"jars": attr.label_list(
mandatory = True,
allow_empty = False,
allow_files = [".jar", ".zip"],
"out": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
"allow_duplicates": attr.bool(
default = False,
"manifest_lines": attr.string_list(),
"_singlejar": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:singlejar"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
implementation = _merge_jars_impl,