blob: e4a6900a83336de7919f080283b0aab2cc8d32e0 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Provides a stripped down version of java_import."""
def _jvm_import(ctx):
infos = []
if len(ctx.files.jars) > 1 and ctx.files.srcjar:
fail("cannot specify multiple jars when srcjar attribute is present")
for jar in ctx.files.jars:
filename = "%s/compiletime_%s" % (jar.dirname, jar.basename)
compile_jar = ctx.actions.declare_file(filename)
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add_all(["--jar", jar, "--out", compile_jar])
# Bazel manages the class path, so we don't need this manifest attribute in
# compile jars. If Class-Path is kept, javac will surface warnings when
# referenced jars cannot be found. In some cases, this attribute can also
# cause build errors (see the linked document in b/200690965#comment7).
args.add_all(["--remove-entry", "Class-Path"])
executable = ctx.executable._modify_jar,
arguments = [args],
inputs = [jar],
outputs = [compile_jar],
mnemonic = "CreateJvmCompileJar",
progress_message = "JvmCompileJar creating %s" % compile_jar.short_path,
source_jar = ctx.files.srcjar[0] if ctx.files.srcjar else None
compile_jar = compile_jar,
output_jar = jar,
deps = [dep[JavaInfo] for dep in ctx.attr.deps],
exports = [export[JavaInfo] for export in ctx.attr.exports],
source_jar = source_jar,
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(ctx.files.jars)),
jvm_import = rule(
doc = """
Imports jar files to be used by other rules.
This differs from java_import by not running ijar to create the compile jar.
Other JVM languages (kotlin) may not be handled correctly by ijar, so this
rule can accommodate artibrarty jars.
If srcjar is specified, jars must contain only 1 jar.
jars: The list of jars to make available to java rules.
srcjar: The associated source jar to make available.
deps: The list of dependencies needed by the imported jars.
exports: The list of dependencies to make available.
attrs = {
"jars": attr.label_list(allow_files = [".jar"], mandatory = True),
"srcjar": attr.label(allow_files = [".jar"]),
"deps": attr.label_list(
default = [],
providers = [JavaInfo],
"exports": attr.label_list(providers = [JavaInfo]),
"_modify_jar": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:modify_jar_manifest"),
implementation = _jvm_import,
provides = [JavaInfo],