Consolidate the functions used to generate the cc test filter

Roboleaf mode needs a binary to generate the cc test filter. To reuse
as much existing implementation as possible, we should consolidate
those logics into one helper and reuse it in the dedicated cc test
filter generator binary for Roboleaf mode.

Test: atest-dev HelloWorldTest#PrintHelloWorld
Bug: 298284364
Change-Id: Ib60f01a7bffeccf533b5d791ca94da05d28d4231
diff --git a/atest/ b/atest/
index 9e87ba7..8fd47e4 100644
--- a/atest/
+++ b/atest/
@@ -394,12 +394,6 @@
     os.environ.get(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, os.getcwd()),
-# Gtest Types
-GTEST_REGULAR = 'regular native test'
-GTEST_TYPED = 'typed test'
-GTEST_TYPED_PARAM = 'typed-parameterized test'
-GTEST_PARAM = 'value-parameterized test'
 # Tradefed log saver template for ATest
 ATEST_TF_LOG_SAVER = 'template/log/atest_log_saver'
 DEVICE_SETUP_PREPARER = 'template/preparers/device-preparer'
diff --git a/atest/test_finders/ b/atest/test_finders/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed7fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atest/test_finders/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+# Gtest Types
+GTEST_REGULAR = 'regular native test'
+GTEST_TYPED = 'typed test'
+GTEST_TYPED_PARAM = 'typed-parameterized test'
+GTEST_PARAM = 'value-parameterized test'
+# Macros that used in GTest. Detailed explanation can be found in
+# $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/googletest/googletest/samples/sample*
+# 1. Traditional Tests:
+#   TEST(class, method)
+#   TEST_F(class, method)
+# 2. Type Tests:
+#   TYPED_TEST_SUITE(class, types)
+#     TYPED_TEST(class, method)
+# 3. Value-parameterized Tests:
+#   TEST_P(class, method)
+#     INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Prefix, class, param_generator, name_generator)
+# 4. Type-parameterized Tests:
+#   TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(class)
+#     TYPED_TEST_P(class, method)
+#       REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(class, method)
+#         INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(Prefix, class, Types)
+# Macros with (class, method) pattern.
+CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE = re.compile(
+    r'^\s*(TYPED_TEST(?:|_P)|TEST(?:|_F|_P))\s*\(\s*'
+    r'(?P<class_name>\w+),\s*(?P<method_name>\w+)\)\s*\{', re.M)
+# Macros with (prefix, class, ...) pattern.
+# Note: Since v1.08, the INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P was replaced with
+#   INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P. However, Atest does not intend to change the
+#   behavior of a test, so we still search *_CASE_* macros.
+CC_PARAM_CLASS_RE = re.compile(
+    r'^\s*INSTANTIATE_(?:|TYPED_)TEST_(?:SUITE|CASE)_P\s*\(\s*'
+    r'(?P<instantiate>\w+),\s*(?P<class>\w+)\s*,', re.M)
+# Type/Type-parameterized Test macros:
+TYPE_CC_CLASS_RE = re.compile(
+    r'^\s*TYPED_TEST_SUITE(?:|_P)\(\s*(?P<class_name>\w+)', re.M)
+def get_cc_class_info(class_file_content):
+    """Get the class info of the given cc class file content.
+    The class info dict will be like:
+        {'classA': {
+            'methods': {'m1', 'm2'}, 'prefixes': {'pfx1'}, 'typed': True},
+         'classB': {
+            'methods': {'m3', 'm4'}, 'prefixes': set(), 'typed': False},
+         'classC': {
+            'methods': {'m5', 'm6'}, 'prefixes': set(), 'typed': True},
+         'classD': {
+            'methods': {'m7', 'm8'}, 'prefixes': {'pfx3'}, 'typed': False}}
+    According to the class info, we can tell that:
+        classA is a typed-parameterized test. (TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P)
+        classB is a regular gtest.            (TEST_F|TEST)
+        classC is a typed test.               (TYPED_TEST_SUITE)
+        classD is a value-parameterized test. (TEST_P)
+    Args:
+        class_file_content: Content of the cc class file.
+    Returns:
+        A tuple of a dict of class info and a list of classes that have no test.
+    """
+    # ('TYPED_TEST', 'PrimeTableTest', 'ReturnsTrueForPrimes')
+    method_matches = re.findall(CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE, class_file_content)
+    # ('OnTheFlyAndPreCalculated', 'PrimeTableTest2')
+    prefix_matches = re.findall(CC_PARAM_CLASS_RE, class_file_content)
+    # 'PrimeTableTest'
+    typed_matches = re.findall(TYPE_CC_CLASS_RE, class_file_content)
+    classes = {cls[1] for cls in method_matches}
+    class_info = {}
+    for cls in classes:
+        class_info.setdefault(cls, {'methods': set(),
+                                    'prefixes': set(),
+                                    'typed': False})
+    no_test_classes = []
+    logging.debug('Probing TestCase.TestName pattern:')
+    for match in method_matches:
+        if class_info.get(match[1]):
+            logging.debug('  Found %s.%s', match[1], match[2])
+            class_info[match[1]]['methods'].add(match[2])
+        else:
+            no_test_classes.append(match[1])
+    # Parameterized test.
+    logging.debug('Probing InstantiationName/TestCase pattern:')
+    for match in prefix_matches:
+        if class_info.get(match[1]):
+            logging.debug('  Found %s/%s', match[0], match[1])
+            class_info[match[1]]['prefixes'].add(match[0])
+        else:
+            no_test_classes.append(match[1])
+    # Typed test
+    logging.debug('Probing typed test names:')
+    for match in typed_matches:
+        if class_info.get(match):
+            logging.debug('  Found %s', match)
+            class_info[match]['typed'] = True
+        else:
+            no_test_classes.append(match[1])
+    return class_info, no_test_classes
+def get_cc_class_type(class_info, classname):
+    """Tell the type of the given class.
+    Args:
+        class_info: A dict of class info.
+        classname: A string of class name.
+    Returns:
+        String of the gtest type to prompt. The output will be one of:
+        1. 'regular test'             (GTEST_REGULAR)
+        2. 'typed test'               (GTEST_TYPED)
+        3. 'value-parameterized test' (GTEST_PARAM)
+        4. 'typed-parameterized test' (GTEST_TYPED_PARAM)
+    """
+    if class_info.get(classname).get('prefixes'):
+        if class_info.get(classname).get('typed'):
+            return GTEST_TYPED_PARAM
+        return GTEST_PARAM
+    if class_info.get(classname).get('typed'):
+        return GTEST_TYPED
+    return GTEST_REGULAR
+def get_cc_filter(class_info, class_name, methods):
+    """Get the cc filter.
+    Args:
+        class_info: a dict of class info.
+        class_name: class name of the cc test.
+        methods: a list of method names.
+    Returns:
+        A formatted string for cc filter.
+        For a Type/Typed-parameterized test, it will be:
+          "class1/*.method1:class1/*.method2" or "class1/*.*"
+        For a parameterized test, it will be:
+          "*/class1.*" or "prefix/class1.*"
+        For the rest the pattern will be:
+          "class1.method1:class1.method2" or "class1.*"
+    """
+    #Strip prefix from class_name.
+    _class_name = class_name
+    if '/' in class_name:
+        _class_name = str(class_name).split('/')[-1]
+    type_str = get_cc_class_type(class_info, _class_name)
+    logging.debug('%s is a "%s".', _class_name, type_str)
+    # When found parameterized tests, recompose the class name
+    # in */$(ClassName) if the prefix is not given.
+    if type_str in (GTEST_TYPED_PARAM, GTEST_PARAM):
+        if not '/' in class_name:
+            class_name = '*/%s' % class_name
+    if type_str in (GTEST_TYPED, GTEST_TYPED_PARAM):
+        if methods:
+            sorted_methods = sorted(list(methods))
+            return ":".join(["%s/*.%s" % (class_name, x) for x in sorted_methods])
+        return "%s/*.*" % class_name
+    if methods:
+        sorted_methods = sorted(list(methods))
+        return ":".join(["%s.%s" % (class_name, x) for x in sorted_methods])
+    return "%s.*" % class_name
diff --git a/atest/test_finders/ b/atest/test_finders/
index f0ade9b..67f94ab 100644
--- a/atest/test_finders/
+++ b/atest/test_finders/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 from atest.atest_enum import DetectType
 from atest.metrics import metrics
+from atest.test_finders import cc_test_filter_utils
 from atest.test_finders import test_info
 from atest.test_finders import test_finder_base
 from atest.test_finders import test_finder_utils
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@
         if os.path.isfile(path) and kwargs.get('is_native_test', None):
             class_info = test_finder_utils.get_cc_class_info(path)
             ti_filter = frozenset([test_info.TestFilter(
-                test_finder_utils.get_cc_filter(
+                cc_test_filter_utils.get_cc_filter(
                     class_info, kwargs.get('class_name', '*'), methods),
         # Path to java file.
@@ -396,7 +397,7 @@
             for classname, _ in class_info.items():
-                        test_finder_utils.get_cc_filter(class_info, classname, methods),
+                        cc_test_filter_utils.get_cc_filter(class_info, classname, methods),
             ti_filter = frozenset(cc_filters)
         # If input path is a folder and have class_name information.
diff --git a/atest/test_finders/ b/atest/test_finders/
index d69b57f..0b9750e 100644
--- a/atest/test_finders/
+++ b/atest/test_finders/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 from atest.atest_enum import ExitCode, DetectType
 from atest.metrics import metrics, metrics_utils
+from atest.test_finders import cc_test_filter_utils
 # Helps find apk files listed in a test config (AndroidTest.xml) file.
 # Matches "filename.apk" in <option name="foo", value="filename.apk" />
@@ -50,36 +51,6 @@
 # assume the apk name is the build target.
 _APK_RE = re.compile(r'^[^/]+\.apk$', re.I)
-# Macros that used in GTest. Detailed explanation can be found in
-# $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/googletest/googletest/samples/sample*
-# 1. Traditional Tests:
-#   TEST(class, method)
-#   TEST_F(class, method)
-# 2. Type Tests:
-#   TYPED_TEST_SUITE(class, types)
-#     TYPED_TEST(class, method)
-# 3. Value-parameterized Tests:
-#   TEST_P(class, method)
-#     INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Prefix, class, param_generator, name_generator)
-# 4. Type-parameterized Tests:
-#   TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(class)
-#     TYPED_TEST_P(class, method)
-#       REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(class, method)
-#         INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(Prefix, class, Types)
-# Macros with (class, method) pattern.
-_CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE = re.compile(
-    r'^\s*(TYPED_TEST(?:|_P)|TEST(?:|_F|_P))\s*\(\s*'
-    r'(?P<class_name>\w+),\s*(?P<method_name>\w+)\)\s*\{', re.M)
-# Macros with (prefix, class, ...) pattern.
-# Note: Since v1.08, the INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P was replaced with
-#   INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P. However, Atest does not intend to change the
-#   behavior of a test, so we still search *_CASE_* macros.
-_CC_PARAM_CLASS_RE = re.compile(
-    r'^\s*INSTANTIATE_(?:|TYPED_)TEST_(?:SUITE|CASE)_P\s*\(\s*'
-    r'(?P<instantiate>\w+),\s*(?P<class>\w+)\s*,', re.M)
-# Type/Type-parameterized Test macros:
-_TYPE_CC_CLASS_RE = re.compile(
-    r'^\s*TYPED_TEST_SUITE(?:|_P)\(\s*(?P<class_name>\w+)', re.M)
 # Group that matches java/kt method.
 _JAVA_METHODS_RE = r'.*\s+(fun|void)\s+(?P<method>\w+)\('
@@ -267,11 +238,11 @@
     with open_cc(test_path) as class_file:
         content =
-        if re.findall(_CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE, content):
+        if re.findall(cc_test_filter_utils.CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE, content):
             return True
-        if re.findall(_CC_PARAM_CLASS_RE, content):
+        if re.findall(cc_test_filter_utils.CC_PARAM_CLASS_RE, content):
             return True
-        if re.findall(_TYPE_CC_CLASS_RE, content):
+        if re.findall(cc_test_filter_utils.TYPE_CC_CLASS_RE, content):
             return True
     return False
@@ -915,45 +886,6 @@
     return dir_path, file_path
-def get_cc_filter(class_info, class_name, methods):
-    """Get the cc filter.
-    Args:
-        class_info: a dict of class info.
-        class_name: class name of the cc test.
-        methods: a list of method names.
-    Returns:
-        A formatted string for cc filter.
-        For a Type/Typed-parameterized test, it will be:
-          "class1/*.method1:class1/*.method2" or "class1/*.*"
-        For a parameterized test, it will be:
-          "*/class1.*" or "prefix/class1.*"
-        For the rest the pattern will be:
-          "class1.method1:class1.method2" or "class1.*"
-    """
-    #Strip prefix from class_name.
-    _class_name = class_name
-    if '/' in class_name:
-        _class_name = str(class_name).split('/')[-1]
-    type_str = get_cc_class_type(class_info, _class_name)
-    logging.debug('%s is a "%s".', _class_name, type_str)
-    # When found parameterized tests, recompose the class name
-    # in */$(ClassName) if the prefix is not given.
-    if type_str in (constants.GTEST_TYPED_PARAM, constants.GTEST_PARAM):
-        if not '/' in class_name:
-            class_name = '*/%s' % class_name
-    if type_str in (constants.GTEST_TYPED, constants.GTEST_TYPED_PARAM):
-        if methods:
-            sorted_methods = sorted(list(methods))
-            return ":".join(["%s/*.%s" % (class_name, x) for x in sorted_methods])
-        return "%s/*.*" % class_name
-    if methods:
-        sorted_methods = sorted(list(methods))
-        return ":".join(["%s.%s" % (class_name, x) for x in sorted_methods])
-    return "%s.*" % class_name
 def search_integration_dirs(name, int_dirs):
     """Search integration dirs for name and return full path.
@@ -1190,73 +1122,19 @@
         A dict of class info.
-    logging.debug('Parsing: %s', test_path)
     with open_cc(test_path) as class_file:
         content =
-        # ('TYPED_TEST', 'PrimeTableTest', 'ReturnsTrueForPrimes')
-        method_matches = re.findall(_CC_CLASS_METHOD_RE, content)
-        # ('OnTheFlyAndPreCalculated', 'PrimeTableTest2')
-        prefix_matches = re.findall(_CC_PARAM_CLASS_RE, content)
-        # 'PrimeTableTest'
-        typed_matches = re.findall(_TYPE_CC_CLASS_RE, content)
+        logging.debug('Parsing: %s', test_path)
+        class_info, no_test_classes = cc_test_filter_utils.get_cc_class_info(
+            content)
-    classes = {cls[1] for cls in method_matches}
-    class_info = {}
-    test_not_found = False
-    for cls in classes:
-        class_info.setdefault(cls, {'methods': set(),
-                                    'prefixes': set(),
-                                    'typed': False})
-    logging.debug('Probing TestCase.TestName pattern:')
-    for match in method_matches:
-        if class_info.get(match[1]):
-            logging.debug('  Found %s.%s', match[1], match[2])
-            class_info[match[1]]['methods'].add(match[2])
-        else:
-            test_not_found = True
-    # Parameterized test.
-    logging.debug('Probing InstantiationName/TestCase pattern:')
-    for match in prefix_matches:
-        if class_info.get(match[1]):
-            logging.debug('  Found %s/%s', match[0], match[1])
-            class_info[match[1]]['prefixes'].add(match[0])
-        else:
-            test_not_found = True
-    # Typed test
-    logging.debug('Probing typed test names:')
-    for match in typed_matches:
-        if class_info.get(match):
-            logging.debug('  Found %s', match)
-            class_info[match]['typed'] = True
-        else:
-            test_not_found = True
-    if test_not_found:
+    if no_test_classes:
     return class_info
-def get_cc_class_type(class_info, classname):
-    """Tell the type of the given class.
-    Args:
-        class_info: A dict of class info.
-        classname: A string of class name.
-    Returns:
-        String of the gtest type to prompt. The output will be one of:
-        1. 'regular test'             (GTEST_REGULAR)
-        2. 'typed test'               (GTEST_TYPED)
-        3. 'value-parameterized test' (GTEST_PARAM)
-        4. 'typed-parameterized test' (GTEST_TYPED_PARAM)
-    """
-    if class_info.get(classname).get('prefixes'):
-        if class_info.get(classname).get('typed'):
-            return constants.GTEST_TYPED_PARAM
-        return constants.GTEST_PARAM
-    if class_info.get(classname).get('typed'):
-        return constants.GTEST_TYPED
-    return constants.GTEST_REGULAR
 def find_host_unit_tests(module_info, path):
     """Find host unit tests for the input path.