Add update_engine/scripts/

Copied from, renamed to, removed
dependency on chromite, fixed pylint issues, changed to AOSP license.

usage: [-h] [--list_ops] [--stats] [--signatures] payload_file

Show information about an update payload.

positional arguments:
  payload_file  The update payload file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --list_ops    List the install operations and their extents.
  --stats       Show information about overall input/output.
  --signatures  Show signatures stored in the payload.

Bug: 28797993
Test: --list_ops --stats --signatures payload.bin

Change-Id: Id67a939243fa6ff4a4e9683c7711f71884ee3d6d
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09a7cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""payload_info: Show information about an update payload."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import itertools
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import update_payload
+def DisplayValue(key, value):
+  """Print out a key, value pair with values left-aligned."""
+  if value != None:
+    print('%-*s %s' % (28, key + ':', value))
+  else:
+    raise ValueError('Cannot display an empty value.')
+def DisplayHexData(data, indent=0):
+  """Print out binary data as a hex values."""
+  for off in range(0, len(data), 16):
+    chunk = data[off:off + 16]
+    print(' ' * indent +
+          ' '.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in chunk) +
+          '   ' * (16 - len(chunk)) +
+          ' | ' +
+          ''.join(c if 32 <= ord(c) < 127 else '.' for c in chunk))
+class PayloadCommand(object):
+  """Show basic information about an update payload.
+  This command parses an update payload and displays information from
+  its header and manifest.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, options):
+    self.options = options
+    self.payload = None
+  def _DisplayHeader(self):
+    """Show information from the payload header."""
+    header = self.payload.header
+    DisplayValue('Payload version', header.version)
+    DisplayValue('Manifest length', header.manifest_len)
+  def _DisplayManifest(self):
+    """Show information from the payload manifest."""
+    manifest = self.payload.manifest
+    if self.payload.header.version == MAJOR_PAYLOAD_VERSION_BRILLO:
+      DisplayValue('Number of partitions', len(manifest.partitions))
+      for partition in manifest.partitions:
+        DisplayValue('  Number of "%s" ops' % partition.partition_name,
+                     len(partition.operations))
+    else:
+      DisplayValue('Number of operations', len(manifest.install_operations))
+      DisplayValue('Number of kernel ops',
+                   len(manifest.kernel_install_operations))
+    DisplayValue('Block size', manifest.block_size)
+    DisplayValue('Minor version', manifest.minor_version)
+  def _DisplaySignatures(self):
+    """Show information about the signatures from the manifest."""
+    header = self.payload.header
+    if header.metadata_signature_len:
+      offset = header.size + header.manifest_len
+      DisplayValue('Metadata signatures blob',
+                   'file_offset=%d (%d bytes)' %
+                   (offset, header.metadata_signature_len))
+      # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
+      signatures_blob = self.payload.ReadDataBlob(
+          -header.metadata_signature_len,
+          header.metadata_signature_len)
+      self._DisplaySignaturesBlob('Metadata', signatures_blob)
+    else:
+      print('No metadata signatures stored in the payload')
+    manifest = self.payload.manifest
+    if manifest.HasField('signatures_offset'):
+      signature_msg = 'blob_offset=%d' % manifest.signatures_offset
+      if manifest.signatures_size:
+        signature_msg += ' (%d bytes)' % manifest.signatures_size
+      DisplayValue('Payload signatures blob', signature_msg)
+      signatures_blob = self.payload.ReadDataBlob(manifest.signatures_offset,
+                                                  manifest.signatures_size)
+      self._DisplaySignaturesBlob('Payload', signatures_blob)
+    else:
+      print('No payload signatures stored in the payload')
+  @staticmethod
+  def _DisplaySignaturesBlob(signature_name, signatures_blob):
+    """Show information about the signatures blob."""
+    signatures = update_payload.update_metadata_pb2.Signatures()
+    signatures.ParseFromString(signatures_blob)
+    print('%s signatures: (%d entries)' %
+          (signature_name, len(signatures.signatures)))
+    for signature in signatures.signatures:
+      print('  version=%s, hex_data: (%d bytes)' %
+            (signature.version if signature.HasField('version') else None,
+             len(
+      DisplayHexData(, indent=4)
+  def _DisplayOps(self, name, operations):
+    """Show information about the install operations from the manifest.
+    The list shown includes operation type, data offset, data length, source
+    extents, source length, destination extents, and destinations length.
+    Args:
+      name: The name you want displayed above the operation table.
+      operations: The install_operations object that you want to display
+                  information about.
+    """
+    def _DisplayExtents(extents, name):
+      """Show information about extents."""
+      num_blocks = sum([ext.num_blocks for ext in extents])
+      ext_str = ' '.join(
+          '(%s,%s)' % (ext.start_block, ext.num_blocks) for ext in extents)
+      # Make extent list wrap around at 80 chars.
+      ext_str = '\n      '.join(textwrap.wrap(ext_str, 74))
+      extent_plural = 's' if len(extents) > 1 else ''
+      block_plural = 's' if num_blocks > 1 else ''
+      print('    %s: %d extent%s (%d block%s)' %
+            (name, len(extents), extent_plural, num_blocks, block_plural))
+      print('      %s' % ext_str)
+    op_dict = update_payload.common.OpType.NAMES
+    print('%s:' % name)
+    for op, op_count in itertools.izip(operations, itertools.count()):
+      print('  %d: %s' % (op_count, op_dict[op.type]))
+      if op.HasField('data_offset'):
+        print('    Data offset: %s' % op.data_offset)
+      if op.HasField('data_length'):
+        print('    Data length: %s' % op.data_length)
+      if op.src_extents:
+        _DisplayExtents(op.src_extents, 'Source')
+      if op.dst_extents:
+        _DisplayExtents(op.dst_extents, 'Destination')
+  def _GetStats(self, manifest):
+    """Returns various statistics about a payload file.
+    Returns a dictionary containing the number of blocks read during payload
+    application, the number of blocks written, and the number of seeks done
+    when writing during operation application.
+    """
+    read_blocks = 0
+    written_blocks = 0
+    num_write_seeks = 0
+    if self.payload.header.version == MAJOR_PAYLOAD_VERSION_BRILLO:
+      partitions_operations = [part.operations for part in manifest.partitions]
+    else:
+      partitions_operations = [manifest.install_operations,
+                               manifest.kernel_install_operations]
+    for operations in partitions_operations:
+      last_ext = None
+      for curr_op in operations:
+        read_blocks += sum([ext.num_blocks for ext in curr_op.src_extents])
+        written_blocks += sum([ext.num_blocks for ext in curr_op.dst_extents])
+        for curr_ext in curr_op.dst_extents:
+          # See if the extent is contiguous with the last extent seen.
+          if last_ext and (curr_ext.start_block !=
+                           last_ext.start_block + last_ext.num_blocks):
+            num_write_seeks += 1
+          last_ext = curr_ext
+    if manifest.minor_version == 1:
+      # Rootfs and kernel are written during the filesystem copy in version 1.
+      written_blocks += manifest.old_rootfs_info.size / manifest.block_size
+      written_blocks += manifest.old_kernel_info.size / manifest.block_size
+    # Old and new rootfs and kernel are read once during verification
+    read_blocks += manifest.old_rootfs_info.size / manifest.block_size
+    read_blocks += manifest.old_kernel_info.size / manifest.block_size
+    read_blocks += manifest.new_rootfs_info.size / manifest.block_size
+    read_blocks += manifest.new_kernel_info.size / manifest.block_size
+    stats = {'read_blocks': read_blocks,
+             'written_blocks': written_blocks,
+             'num_write_seeks': num_write_seeks}
+    return stats
+  def _DisplayStats(self, manifest):
+    stats = self._GetStats(manifest)
+    DisplayValue('Blocks read', stats['read_blocks'])
+    DisplayValue('Blocks written', stats['written_blocks'])
+    DisplayValue('Seeks when writing', stats['num_write_seeks'])
+  def Run(self):
+    """Parse the update payload and display information from it."""
+    self.payload = update_payload.Payload(self.options.payload_file)
+    self.payload.Init()
+    self._DisplayHeader()
+    self._DisplayManifest()
+    if self.options.signatures:
+      self._DisplaySignatures()
+    if self.options.stats:
+      self._DisplayStats(self.payload.manifest)
+    if self.options.list_ops:
+      print()
+      if self.payload.header.version == MAJOR_PAYLOAD_VERSION_BRILLO:
+        for partition in self.payload.manifest.partitions:
+          self._DisplayOps('%s install operations' % partition.partition_name,
+                           partition.operations)
+      else:
+        self._DisplayOps('Install operations',
+                         self.payload.manifest.install_operations)
+        self._DisplayOps('Kernel install operations',
+                         self.payload.manifest.kernel_install_operations)
+def main():
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+      description='Show information about an update payload.')
+  parser.add_argument('payload_file', type=file,
+                      help='The update payload file.')
+  parser.add_argument('--list_ops', default=False, action='store_true',
+                      help='List the install operations and their extents.')
+  parser.add_argument('--stats', default=False, action='store_true',
+                      help='Show information about overall input/output.')
+  parser.add_argument('--signatures', default=False, action='store_true',
+                      help='Show signatures stored in the payload.')
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  PayloadCommand(args).Run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main())