blob: ec90c3d3287a5a72c45a9b74a7f9ec6a4159baf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "trunks/tpm_utility.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <chromeos/chromeos_export.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
namespace trunks {
class AuthorizationDelegate;
class AuthorizationSession;
class TrunksFactory;
// A default implementation of TpmUtility.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT TpmUtilityImpl : public TpmUtility {
explicit TpmUtilityImpl(const TrunksFactory& factory);
virtual ~TpmUtilityImpl();
// TpmUtility methods.
TPM_RC Startup() override;
TPM_RC Clear() override;
void Shutdown() override;
TPM_RC InitializeTpm() override;
TPM_RC TakeOwnership(const std::string& owner_password,
const std::string& endorsement_password,
const std::string& lockout_password) override;
TPM_RC StirRandom(const std::string& entropy_data) override;
TPM_RC GenerateRandom(size_t num_bytes,
std::string* random_data) override;
TPM_RC ExtendPCR(int pcr_index, const std::string& extend_data) override;
TPM_RC ReadPCR(int pcr_index, std::string* pcr_value) override;
TPM_RC AsymmetricEncrypt(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& plaintext,
std::string* ciphertext) override;
TPM_RC AsymmetricDecrypt(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& password,
const std::string& ciphertext,
std::string* plaintext) override;
TPM_RC Sign(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& password,
const std::string& digest,
std::string* signature) override;
TPM_RC Verify(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& digest,
const std::string& signature) override;
TPM_RC CreateRSAKey(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
const std::string& password,
TPM_HANDLE* key_handle) override;
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, RootKeysSuccess);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, RootKeysHandleConsistency);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, RootKeysCreateFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, RootKeysPersistFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, SaltingKeySuccess);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, SaltingKeyConsistency);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, SaltingKeyCreateFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, SaltingKeyLoadFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, SaltingKeyPersistFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(TpmUtilityTest, RootKeysSuccess);
const TrunksFactory& factory_;
scoped_ptr<AuthorizationSession> session_;
// Synchronously derives storage root keys for RSA and ECC and persists the
// keys in the TPM. This operation must be authorized by the |owner_password|
// and, on success, KRSAStorageRootKey and kECCStorageRootKey can be used
// with an empty authorization value until the TPM is cleared.
TPM_RC CreateStorageRootKeys(const std::string& owner_password);
// This method creates an RSA decryption key to be used for salting sessions.
// This method also makes the salting key permanent under the storage
// hierarchy.
TPM_RC CreateSaltingKey(const std::string& owner_password);
// This method returns a partially filled TPMT_PUBLIC strucutre,
// which can then be modified by other methods to create the public
// template for a key. It takes a valid |key_type| tp construct the
// parameters.
TPMT_PUBLIC CreateDefaultPublicArea(TPM_ALG_ID key_alg);
// If session_ has not been initialized, creates an unbound and salted
// authorization session with encryption enabled and assigns it to session_.
// If session_ has already been initialized, this method has no effect. Call
// this method successfully before accessing session_.
TPM_RC InitializeSession();
// Sets TPM |hierarchy| authorization to |password| using |authorization|.
TPM_RC SetHierarchyAuthorization(TPMI_RH_HIERARCHY_AUTH hierarchy,
const std::string& password,
AuthorizationDelegate* authorization);
// Disables the TPM platform hierarchy until the next startup. This requires
// platform |authorization|.
TPM_RC DisablePlatformHierarchy(AuthorizationDelegate* authorization);
// This function sets |name| to the name of the object referenced by
// |handle|. This function only works on Transient and Permanent objects.
TPM_RC GetKeyName(TPM_HANDLE handle, std::string* name);
// This function returns the public area of a handle in the tpm.
TPM_RC GetKeyPublicArea(TPM_HANDLE handle, TPM2B_PUBLIC* public_data);
} // namespace trunks