blob: c2549ff2878005c2be3b14aa8b221e833945db6a [file] [log] [blame]
# HwBinder IPC from client to server, and callbacks
binder_call(hal_neuralnetworks_client, hal_neuralnetworks_server)
binder_call(hal_neuralnetworks_server, hal_neuralnetworks_client)
hal_attribute_hwservice(hal_neuralnetworks, hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice)
allow hal_neuralnetworks hidl_memory_hwservice:hwservice_manager find;
allow hal_neuralnetworks hal_allocator:fd use;
# Allow NN HAL service to use a client-provided fd residing in /data/data/.
allow hal_neuralnetworks_server app_data_file:file { read write getattr map };
# Allow NN HAL service to use a client-provided fd residing in /data/local/tmp/.
allow hal_neuralnetworks_server shell_data_file:file { read write getattr map };
# Allow NN HAL client to check the ro.nnapi.extensions.deny_on_product
# property to determine whether to deny NNAPI extensions use for apps
# on product partition (apps in GSI are not allowed to use NNAPI extensions).
get_prop(hal_neuralnetworks_client, nnapi_ext_deny_product_prop);
# This property is only expected to be found in /product/build.prop,
# allow to be set only by init.
neverallow { domain -init } nnapi_ext_deny_product_prop:property_service set;