blob: ef384ba6abf28b7ad00ac71231e95ffc0804164e [file] [log] [blame]
typeattribute radio coredomain, mlstrustedsubject;
# Property service
set_prop(radio, radio_control_prop)
set_prop(radio, radio_prop)
set_prop(radio, net_radio_prop)
set_prop(radio, telephony_status_prop)
set_prop(radio, radio_cdma_ecm_prop)
# ctl interface
set_prop(radio, ctl_rildaemon_prop)
# Telephony code contains time / time zone detection logic so it reads the associated properties.
get_prop(radio, time_prop)
# allow telephony to access platform compat to log permission denials
allow radio platform_compat_service:service_manager find;
allow radio uce_service:service_manager find;
# Manage /data/misc/emergencynumberdb
allow radio emergency_data_file:dir r_dir_perms;
allow radio emergency_data_file:file r_file_perms;
# allow telephony to access related cache properties
set_prop(radio, binder_cache_telephony_server_prop);
# allow sending pulled atoms to statsd
binder_call(radio, statsd)
# Talks to hal_telephony_server via the rild socket only for devices without full treble
not_full_treble(`unix_socket_connect(radio, rild, hal_telephony_server)')
# Data file accesses.
allow radio radio_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow radio radio_data_file:notdevfile_class_set create_file_perms;
allow radio radio_core_data_file:dir r_dir_perms;
allow radio radio_core_data_file:file r_file_perms;
allow radio net_data_file:dir search;
allow radio net_data_file:file r_file_perms;
add_service(radio, radio_service)
allow radio audioserver_service:service_manager find;
allow radio cameraserver_service:service_manager find;
allow radio drmserver_service:service_manager find;
allow radio mediaserver_service:service_manager find;
allow radio nfc_service:service_manager find;
allow radio app_api_service:service_manager find;
allow radio system_api_service:service_manager find;
allow radio timedetector_service:service_manager find;
allow radio timezonedetector_service:service_manager find;
# Perform HwBinder IPC.
hal_client_domain(radio, hal_telephony)
# Used by TelephonyManager
allow radio proc_cmdline:file r_file_perms;
### Neverallow rules
neverallow { domain -radio -init }
binder_cache_telephony_server_prop:property_service set;