blob: 4f2b5ab5762c608202c369c2eccf6bacb87be0fa [file] [log] [blame]
type tombstone_transmit, domain, coredomain;
type tombstone_transmit_exec, exec_type, system_file_type, file_type;
# permission required to read the file & remove it from directory
allow tombstone_transmit tombstone_data_file:dir { r_dir_perms write remove_name };
allow tombstone_transmit tombstone_data_file:file { r_file_perms unlink };
allow tombstone_transmit self:{ vsock_socket } create_socket_perms_no_ioctl;
# allow tombstone_transmit to notify its initialization
set_prop(tombstone_transmit, tombstone_transmit_status_prop)
# Only tombstone_transmit can set its status
neverallow { domain -init -tombstone_transmit } tombstone_transmit_status_prop:property_service set;