blob: 62628dd2575710e22f82bf7992fefeed9f5e3578 [file] [log] [blame]
# type_transition must be private policy the domain_trans rules could stay
# public, but conceptually should go with this
# Execute and transition to the vdc domain
domain_auto_trans(dumpstate, vdc_exec, vdc)
# TODO: deal with tmpfs_domain pub/priv split properly
allow dumpstate dumpstate_tmpfs:file execute;
# systrace support - allow atrace to run
allow dumpstate debugfs_tracing:dir r_dir_perms;
allow dumpstate debugfs_tracing:file rw_file_perms;
allow dumpstate debugfs_trace_marker:file getattr;
allow dumpstate atrace_exec:file rx_file_perms;
allow dumpstate storaged_exec:file rx_file_perms;
# Allow dumpstate to make binder calls to storaged service
binder_call(dumpstate, storaged)
# Collect metrics on boot time created by init
get_prop(dumpstate, boottime_prop)