blob: 15c51d4cd8561d64cc55fa7cb4002f9740d37abf [file] [log] [blame]
# Perfetto tracing probes, has tracefs access.
type traced_probes, domain, coredomain;
type traced_probes_exec, exec_type, file_type;
# Allow init to exec the daemon.
# Write trace data to the Perfetto traced damon. This requires connecting to its
# producer socket and obtaining a (per-process) tmpfs fd.
allow traced_probes traced:fd use;
allow traced_probes traced_tmpfs:file { read write getattr map };
unix_socket_connect(traced_probes, traced_producer, traced)
# Allow traced_probes to access tracefs.
# TODO(primiano): For the moment this is userdebug/eng only until we get an
# approval for user builds.
allow traced_probes debugfs_tracing:dir r_dir_perms;
allow traced_probes debugfs_tracing:file rw_file_perms;
allow traced_probes debugfs_tracing_debug:file rw_file_perms;
allow traced_probes debugfs_trace_marker:file getattr;
# Allow traced_probes to start with a higher scheduling class and then downgrade
# itself.
allow traced_probes self:global_capability_class_set { sys_nice };
# Allow procfs access
r_dir_file(traced_probes, domain)
### Neverallow rules
### traced_probes should NEVER do any of this
# Disallow mapping executable memory (execstack and exec are already disallowed
# globally in domain.te).
neverallow traced_probes self:process execmem;
# Block device access.
neverallow traced_probes dev_type:blk_file { read write };
# ptrace any other app
neverallow traced_probes domain:process ptrace;
# Disallows access to /data files.
neverallow traced { data_file_type -system_data_file -zoneinfo_data_file }:dir *;
neverallow traced system_data_file:dir ~{ getattr search };
neverallow traced zoneinfo_data_file:dir ~r_dir_perms;
neverallow traced { data_file_type -zoneinfo_data_file }:lnk_file *;
neverallow traced { data_file_type -zoneinfo_data_file }:file *;
# Only init is allowed to enter the traced_probes domain via exec()
neverallow { domain -init } traced_probes:process transition;
neverallow * traced_probes:process dyntransition;