blob: 36474966da17e03390f36e1772a02dd047a05ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
# charger needs to tell init to continue the boot
# process when running in charger mode.
set_prop(charger_type, charger_status_prop)
get_prop(charger_type, charger_config_prop)
# get minui properties
get_prop(charger_type, recovery_config_prop)
### Neverallow rules for charger properties
# charger_config_prop: Only init and vendor_init is allowed to set it
neverallow {
} charger_config_prop:property_service set;
# charger_status_prop: Only init, vendor_init, charger, and charger_vendor
# are allowed to set it
neverallow {
} charger_status_prop:property_service set;
# Both charger_config_prop and charger_status_prop:
# Only init, vendor_init, dumpstate, charger, and charger_vendor
# are allowed to read it
neverallow {
} { charger_config_prop charger_status_prop }:file no_rw_file_perms;