blob: db9ae8638b9190a022412a81227c148db5e416a2 [file] [log] [blame]
typeattribute incident coredomain;
type incident_exec, system_file_type, exec_type, file_type;
# switch to incident domain for incident command
domain_auto_trans(shell, incident_exec, incident)
domain_auto_trans(dumpstate, incident_exec, incident)
# allow incident access to stdout from its parent shell.
allow incident shell:fd use;
# allow incident to communicate with dumpstate, and write incident report to
# /data/data/
allow incident dumpstate:fd use;
allow incident dumpstate:unix_stream_socket { read write };
allow incident shell_data_file:file write;
# allow incident be able to output data for CTS to fetch.
allow incident devpts:chr_file { read write };
# allow incident to communicate use, read and write over the adb
# connection.
allow incident adbd:fd use;
allow incident adbd:unix_stream_socket { read write };
# allow adbd to reap incident
allow incident adbd:process { sigchld };
# Allow the incident command to talk to the incidentd over the binder, and get
# back the incident report data from a ParcelFileDescriptor.
allow incident incident_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(incident, incidentd)
allow incident incidentd:fifo_file write;
# only allow incident being called by shell or dumpstate
neverallow { domain -su -shell -incident -dumpstate} incident_exec:file { execute execute_no_trans };