blob: 5de6122137b56495b7e280b0ad261b4ae5a00e29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package selinux
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("se_build_files", buildFilesFactory)
// se_build_files gathers policy files from sepolicy dirs, and acts like a filegroup. A tag with
// partition(plat, system_ext, product) and scope(public, private) is used to select directories.
// Supported tags are: "plat", "plat_public", "system_ext", "system_ext_public", "product",
// "product_public", and "reqd_mask".
func buildFilesFactory() android.Module {
module := &buildFiles{}
return module
type buildFilesProperties struct {
// list of source file suffixes used to collect selinux policy files.
// Source files will be looked up in the following local directories:
// system/sepolicy/{public, private, vendor, reqd_mask}
// and directories specified by following config variables:
Srcs []string
type buildFiles struct {
properties buildFilesProperties
srcs map[string]android.Paths
func (b *buildFiles) findSrcsInDirs(ctx android.ModuleContext, dirs ...string) android.Paths {
result := android.Paths{}
for _, file := range {
for _, dir := range dirs {
path := filepath.Join(dir, file)
files, err := ctx.GlobWithDeps(path, nil)
if err != nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("glob: %s", err.Error())
for _, f := range files {
result = append(result, android.PathForSource(ctx, f))
return result
func (b *buildFiles) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// do nothing
func (b *buildFiles) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
if paths, ok := b.srcs[tag]; ok {
return paths, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown tag %q. Supported tags are: %q", tag, strings.Join(android.SortedStringKeys(b.srcs), " "))
var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*buildFiles)(nil)
type partition int
const (
system partition = iota
type scope int
const (
public scope = iota
type sepolicyDir struct {
partition partition
scope scope
paths []string
func (p partition) String() string {
switch p {
case system:
return "plat"
case system_ext:
return "system_ext"
case product:
return "product"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown partition %#v", p))
func (b *buildFiles) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Sepolicy directories should be included in the following order.
// - system_public
// - system_private
// - system_ext_public
// - system_ext_private
// - product_public
// - product_private
dirs := []sepolicyDir{
sepolicyDir{partition: system, scope: public, paths: []string{filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), "public")}},
sepolicyDir{partition: system, scope: private, paths: []string{filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), "private")}},
sepolicyDir{partition: system_ext, scope: public, paths: ctx.DeviceConfig().SystemExtPublicSepolicyDirs()},
sepolicyDir{partition: system_ext, scope: private, paths: ctx.DeviceConfig().SystemExtPrivateSepolicyDirs()},
sepolicyDir{partition: product, scope: public, paths: ctx.Config().ProductPublicSepolicyDirs()},
sepolicyDir{partition: product, scope: private, paths: ctx.Config().ProductPrivateSepolicyDirs()},
if !sort.SliceIsSorted(dirs, func(i, j int) bool {
if dirs[i].partition != dirs[j].partition {
return dirs[i].partition < dirs[j].partition
return dirs[i].scope < dirs[j].scope
}) {
panic("dirs is not sorted")
// Exported cil policy files are built with the following policies.
// - plat_pub_policy.cil: exported 'system'
// - system_ext_pub_policy.cil: exported 'system' and 'system_ext'
// - pub_policy.cil: exported 'system', 'system_ext', and 'product'
// cil policy files are built with the following policies.
// - plat_policy.cil: 'system', including private
// - system_ext_policy.cil: 'system_ext', including private
// - product_sepolicy.cil: 'product', including private
// gatherDirsFor collects all needed directories for given partition and scope. For example,
// - gatherDirsFor(system_ext, private) will return system + system_ext (including private)
// - gatherDirsFor(product, public) will return system + system_ext + product (public only)
// "dirs" should be sorted before calling this.
gatherDirsFor := func(p partition, s scope) []string {
var ret []string
for _, d := range dirs {
if d.partition <= p && d.scope <= s {
ret = append(ret, d.paths...)
return ret
reqdMaskDir := filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), "reqd_mask")
b.srcs = make(map[string]android.Paths)
b.srcs[".reqd_mask"] = b.findSrcsInDirs(ctx, reqdMaskDir)
for _, p := range []partition{system, system_ext, product} {
b.srcs["."+p.String()] = b.findSrcsInDirs(ctx, gatherDirsFor(p, private)...)
// reqd_mask is needed for public policies
b.srcs["."+p.String()+"_public"] = b.findSrcsInDirs(ctx, append(gatherDirsFor(p, public), reqdMaskDir)...)
// A special tag, "plat_vendor", includes minimized vendor policies required to boot.
// - system/sepolicy/public
// - system/sepolicy/reqd_mask
// - system/sepolicy/vendor
// This is for minimized vendor partition, e.g. microdroid's vendor
platVendorDir := filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), "vendor")
b.srcs[".plat_vendor"] = b.findSrcsInDirs(ctx, append(gatherDirsFor(system, public), reqdMaskDir, platVendorDir)...)