blob: 3fccf5991a308ef19cf58255d5141bfb74609968 [file] [log] [blame]
typeattribute keystore coredomain;
# talk to keymaster
hal_client_domain(keystore, hal_keymaster)
# talk to confirmationui
hal_client_domain(keystore, hal_confirmationui)
# talk to keymint
hal_client_domain(keystore, hal_keymint)
# This is used for the ConfirmationUI async callback.
allow keystore platform_app:binder call;
# Allow to check whether security logging is enabled.
get_prop(keystore, device_logging_prop)
# Allow keystore to write to statsd.
unix_socket_send(keystore, statsdw, statsd)
# Allow keystore to register callbacks with statsd.
allow keystore stats_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(keystore, statsd);
# Keystore need access to the keystore_key context files to load the keystore key backend.
allow keystore keystore2_key_contexts_file:file r_file_perms;
get_prop(keystore, keystore_listen_prop)
# Keystore needs to transfer binder references to vold and wait_for_keymaster so that they
# can call keystore methods on those references.
allow keystore vold:binder transfer;
allow keystore wait_for_keymaster:binder transfer;