Make linkerconfig non-static

linkerconfig doesn't need to be static. Being dynamic, the size is 50%
smaller than before.

It was static because it's linkerconfig itself that generates
ld.config.txt. But since linker provides the default linker config which
is suitable for linkerconfig, it can be dynamically linked without

Bug: 262330207
Bug: 260982509
Test: MicrodroidAppTest
Test: device boots
Change-Id: I0e36039cf99ca6dcc0913a0ec6b16b5e7c2c7abf
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 5dbd31b..589bff7 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -128,18 +128,8 @@
         // we can't list it here because the exact version is unknown at build-time. It is decided
         // at runtime according to ro.vndk.version (or ro.product.vndk.version)
-    target: {
-        android: {
-            // This binary needs to be static on device, but it's also packaged
-            // as a host prebuilt in runtime-module-host-exports. On host it
-            // should link all libraries statically except libc and other system
-            // libraries, so enable this only on device.
-            static_executable: true,
-        },
-        host: {
-            stl: "c++_static",  // Link libc++ statically.
-        },
-    },
+    // Link libc++ statically to avoid libc++ in runtime apex.
+    stl: "c++_static",
     // Device does not boot when global ThinLTO is enabled for linkerconfig.
     // http://b/170573443