blob: 19f750639e94c83b7105b9f4098cdf8d3ff70d24 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Flags.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace lldb_private {
/// \class Flags Flags.h "lldb/Utility/Flags.h"
/// A class to manage flags.
/// The Flags class managed flag bits and allows testing and modification of
/// individual or multiple flag bits.
class Flags {
/// The value type for flags is a 32 bit unsigned integer type.
typedef uint32_t ValueType;
/// Construct with initial flag bit values.
/// Constructs this object with \a mask as the initial value for all of the
/// flags.
/// \param[in] flags
/// The initial value for all flags.
Flags(ValueType flags = 0) : m_flags(flags) {}
/// Get accessor for all flags.
/// \return
/// Returns all of the flags as a Flags::ValueType.
ValueType Get() const { return m_flags; }
/// Return the number of flags that can be represented in this object.
/// \return
/// The maximum number bits in this flag object.
size_t GetBitSize() const { return sizeof(ValueType) * 8; }
/// Set accessor for all flags.
/// \param[in] flags
/// The bits with which to replace all of the current flags.
void Reset(ValueType flags) { m_flags = flags; }
/// Clear one or more flags.
/// \param[in] mask
/// A bitfield containing one or more flags.
/// \return
/// The new flags after clearing all bits from \a mask.
ValueType Clear(ValueType mask = ~static_cast<ValueType>(0)) {
m_flags &= ~mask;
return m_flags;
/// Set one or more flags by logical OR'ing \a mask with the current flags.
/// \param[in] mask
/// A bitfield containing one or more flags.
/// \return
/// The new flags after setting all bits from \a mask.
ValueType Set(ValueType mask) {
m_flags |= mask;
return m_flags;
/// Test if all bits in \a mask are 1 in the current flags
/// \return
/// \b true if all flags in \a mask are 1, \b false
/// otherwise.
bool AllSet(ValueType mask) const { return (m_flags & mask) == mask; }
/// Test one or more flags.
/// \return
/// \b true if any flags in \a mask are 1, \b false
/// otherwise.
bool AnySet(ValueType mask) const { return (m_flags & mask) != 0; }
/// Test a single flag bit.
/// \return
/// \b true if \a bit is set, \b false otherwise.
bool Test(ValueType bit) const { return (m_flags & bit) != 0; }
/// Test if all bits in \a mask are clear.
/// \return
/// \b true if \b all flags in \a mask are clear, \b false
/// otherwise.
bool AllClear(ValueType mask) const { return (m_flags & mask) == 0; }
bool AnyClear(ValueType mask) const { return (m_flags & mask) != mask; }
/// Test a single flag bit to see if it is clear (zero).
/// \return
/// \b true if \a bit is 0, \b false otherwise.
bool IsClear(ValueType bit) const { return (m_flags & bit) == 0; }
ValueType m_flags; ///< The flags.
} // namespace lldb_private