blob: f94bb97b1c76e44e86ac7b54d0b65c1d4c5974c9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Apache Commons Parent</name>
<description>The Apache Commons Parent POM provides common settings for all Apache Commons components.</description>
Version 37:
- Update org.apache:apache 15 to 16 (nop for Commons, maven-compiler-plugin already contained source/target)
- Adjust Maven prerequisite 3.0 -> 3.0.1 as required by Findbugs
- Update Maven Project Info Reports Plugin : 2.7 => 2.8
- merged maven-3 profile into main body (Maven 2 is no longer supported)
- added Animal Sniffer plugin in profile "animal-sniffer". This is active by default.
The current version of the plugin (1.13) requires Java 7 to report API violations.
The default version is set to 1.11 which works with Java 5 unless jdk7-plugin-fix-version is detected.
- renamed the profile jdk7-findbugs to jdk7-plugin-fix-version
- OSGI bundle-plugin allows commons.osgi.excludeDependencies to be configured
(default is true for compatibility with older versions, it excludes all dependencies and makes
the plugin skip most of its work around attributing packages correctly)
- Added property commons.changes.onlyCurrentVersion for changes plugin Jira report
- Update GPG Plugin : 1.5 => 1.6
- Update Antrun plugin 1.7 => 1.8
- Allow changes Jira report maxEntries to be overridden (default 100)
- Allow changes Jira report runOnlyAtExecutionRoot to be overridden
- Added site-basic profile to allow quick generation of the basic site docs
<!-- Maven versions plugin reports an error if this is omitted -->
In release 31, the maven.compile.* properties were corrected to maven.compiler.*
If updating from a previous version, please check the property definitions
Starting with version 22, the RAT plugin has changed Maven group and id, so any existing configuration
needs to be updated.
To fix component POMs, please change any occurrences of:
to the new values:
Site deployment
Cannot define this here at present, see
The following should be added to the component POM:
<name>Apache Commons Site SVN</name>
Alternatively you can map the component's existing site id to the
commons.scmPubServer property.
Coverage tool selection
Starting with release 30, there are optional profiles for both Cobertura and JaCoCo.
These can be enabled independently on the command-line:
mvn site -Pcobertura -Pjacoco
Or the component can define a default coverage tool by creating either (or both) of the following files:
These can later be overridden by cancelling the profile:
mvn site -P!jacoco
This section *must* be overwritten by subprojects. It is only to allow
a release of the commons-parent POM.
<!-- N.B. commons-site now uses the Apache POM so has its own copy of the mailing list definitions -->
Components should normally override the default mailing list report by using the comnand
mvn commons:mail-page
This generates the file src/site/xdoc/mail-lists.xml which when processed will replace the PIR version.
<!-- Changes to this list should be synchronised with the commons build plugin -->
<name>Commons User List</name>
<name>Commons Dev List</name>
<name>Commons Issues List</name>
<name>Commons Commits List</name>
<name>Apache Announce List</name>
<!-- TODO find a better way to add N&L files to jars and test jars
See also maven-remote-resources-plugin configuration below.
<!-- This is the default setting from the super-pom -->
<!-- hack to ensure the N&L appear in jars -->
<!-- ensure test jars also get NOTICE & LICENSE files -->
<!-- This is the default setting from the super-pom -->
<!-- hack to ensure the N&L appear in jars -->
<!-- org.apache.maven.plugins, alpha order by artifact id -->
fork is set true by the java-1.x profiles
This allows the use of a different version of the compiler from the
JDK being used to run Maven
<!-- the following are only needed if fork is true -->
<!-- Apache parent includes docck -->
<!-- Apache parent: invoker -->
<!-- keep only errors and warnings -->
<!-- TODO see above - find better way to add N&L files to jars and test jars -->
<!-- override old version from Apache pom 13 -->
Apache parent POM automatically adds "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" files
to jars - duplicating the "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt"
files that components already have.
<!-- Apache parent: scm -->
<!-- don't deploy site with maven-site-plugin -->
<!-- add support for ssh/scp -->
<!-- Other plugins, alpha order by groupId and artifactId -->
<!-- Apache parent: plexus & modello -->
<!-- org.apache.maven.plugins, alpha order by artifact id -->
<!-- Parent POM is released, so needs source archive for ASF mirrors -->
- Copy LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt so that they are included
- in the -javadoc jar file for the component.
<copy todir="${}/apidocs/META-INF">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="LICENSE.txt" />
<include name="NOTICE.txt" />
<!-- Unfortunately the much simpler
is not inherited so we have to use the enforcer plugin
<!-- is normally empty.
It is defined by the java-1.x profiles to change the JVM used by Surefire
<!-- Other plugins, alpha order by groupId and artifactId -->
dummy entry to stop bundle plugin from picking up jar config and reporting
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest
<!-- stops the "uses" clauses being added to "Export-Package" manifest entry -->
<!-- Stop the JAVA_1_n_HOME variables from being treated as headers by Bnd -->
<!-- Needed for command-line access, e.g mvn apache-rat:rat and mvn apache-rat:check -->
<!-- Should agree with config in reporting section -->
If you wish to override this list in the component (child) pom, ensure you use
<excludes combine.children="merge">
so that the child pom entries replace the parent entries
<excludes combine.children="append">
<phase>site-deploy</phase><!-- deploy site with maven-scm-publish-plugin -->
<!-- N.B. plugins defined here in the <reporting> section ignore what's defined in <pluginManagement>
in the <build> section above, so we have to define the versions here. -->
<!-- org.apache.maven.plugins, alpha order by artifact id -->
<columnNames>Fix Version,Key,Component,Summary,Type,Resolution,Status</columnNames>
<!-- Sort cols in natural order when using JQL for JIRA 5.1 -->
<sortColumnNames>Fix Version DESC,Type,Key DESC</sortColumnNames>
<!-- Don't include sub-task -->
<typeIds>Bug,New Feature,Task,Improvement,Wish,Test</typeIds>
<!-- For JIRA >= 5.1 -->
<!-- keep only errors and warnings -->
<!-- prevent svnpub to be too much noisy -->
<!-- Suppress test Javadocs -->
Unfortunately it does not appear to be possible to override
reports configured in a parent POM.
So we define here all those reports that are suitable for
all components.
Components can add extra reports if they wish, but cannot disable any.
<!-- <report>license</report> site must link to ASF page instead -->
<!-- <report>plugin-management</report> not very useful for end users -->
<!-- <report>plugins</report> not very useful for end users -->
<!-- Exclude the navigation file for Maven 1 sites
and the changes file used by the changes-plugin,
as they interfere with the site generation. -->
<!-- Other plugins, alpha order by groupId and artifactId -->
<!-- Should agree with config in build section -->
If you wish to override this list in the component (child) pom, ensure you use
<excludes combine.children="merge">
so that the child pom entries replace the parent entries
<excludes combine.children="append">
Make the version parts of the property
available as separate properties, so that they can be used to define
the java signature artifactId used by animal-sniffer etc.
This property should always be defined.
The intention is to ensure that the profile is always enabled.
(activeByDefault only applies if other profiles are not enabled)
<!-- default is: <phase>validate</phase> -->
Runs the Animal Sniffer plugin to check that generated code does not included references
to methods/classes etc that are not present in the standard Java runtime for the defined target version.
To bypass the checks, define "animal.sniffer.skip" as true, or create the file "src/site/resources/profile.noanimal"
<!-- active unless the file is found -->
<!-- define this as a property to allow command-line override -->
<!-- Run the Animal Sniffer checks -->
<!-- default is: <phase>process-classes</phase> -->
<!-- Note: if the plugin is ever enhanced to check test classes
it will presumably need to be bound to process-test-classes instead
N.B. in spite of what the Maven docs may say,
activation conditions are ORed together, see:
Fairly useless, but that's what was done in
So we cannot also check for Java 1.5+
This should not be a problem now as the profile is optional.
Components that still target Java 1.4 or earlier
just need to ensure they don't use JaCoCo by default.
<!-- Note that since JaCoCo relies on an agent to perform tests,
it changes the surefire arguments line. If a component also
needs to change the argument line of maven-surefire-plugin,
then it must add ${argLine} property (which is set by JaCoCo)
in the argLine configuration element of maven-surefire-plugin
to preserve JaCoCo settings. -->
Profile for Commons releases via Nexus.
Assembles artifacts, creates source and javadoc jars, signs them and adds hashes.
<!-- We want to sign the artifact, the POM, and all attached artifacts -->
<!-- Avoids an error when releasing the parent pom -->
<!-- Pass these arguments to the deploy plugin. -->
profile to update the Apache parent pom profile of the same name
to better suit the requirements of Apache Commons.
[Requires further work]
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.3
(JAVA_1_3_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.4
(JAVA_1_4_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
<!-- later versions of surefire don't support Java 1.4 -->
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.5
(JAVA_1_5_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.6
(JAVA_1_6_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.7
(JAVA_1_7_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.8
(JAVA_1_8_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
Profile for running the build using JDK 1.9
(JAVA_1_9_HOME needs to be defined, e.g. in settings.xml or an environment variable)
<!-- N.B. when adding new java profiles, be sure to update
the _removeheaders list in the maven_bundle_plugin configuration -->
| Profile to allow testing of deploy phase
| e.g.
| mvn deploy -Ptest-deploy -Prelease -Dgpg.skip
Profile to build all Commons "proper" components.
The trunks of all "proper" components can be checked out using:
This profile is a convenience which can be used, for example, to build all the component sites:
mvn -Ptrunks-proper site
or, to clean up:
mvn -Ptrunks-proper clean
<!-- not yet using mvn module>../attributes</module-->
<!-- not yet using mvn module>../jelly</module-->
<!-- not yet using mvn module>../transaction</module-->
Generate release notes in top-level directory from src/changes/changes.xml
mvn changes:announcement-generate -Prelease-notes [-Dchanges.version=nnn]
Defining changes.version allows one to create the RN without first removing the SNAPSHOT suffix.
Requires file src/changes/release-notes.vm.
A sample template is available from:
Automatically run the buildnumber plugin unless the buildNumber.skip property is defined as true
<!-- Use committed revision so it does not change every time svn update is run -->
<!-- default revision number if unavailable -->
<!-- optional profile to use javasvn instead of the SVN CLI for the buildNumber plugin -->
<!-- profile to allow the use of plugin versions that require Java 7+ -->
<!-- Current latest version requires Java 7 when running Maven -->
<!-- allow simple creation of the site without any optional reports -->
<rat.skip>true</rat.skip> <!-- from version 0.12 -->
<!-- configuration bits for cutting a release candidate, must be overridden by components -->
<!-- Default configuration for compiler source and target JVM -->
<!-- Do NOT change this; it must remain as 1.3 -->
<!-- compiler and surefire plugin settings for "java" profiles -->
<commons.compiler.compilerVersion />
<commons.compiler.javac />
< />
<!-- plugin versions (allows same value in reporting and build sections) -->
<!-- plugin versions 1.12 and 1.13 currently require Java 7 -->
<!-- Almost all signatures use version 1.0. Allow override just in case -->
<!-- Default values for the download-page generation by commons-build-plugin -->
<commons.release.desc />
<commons.release.2.desc />
<commons.release.3.desc />
<!-- Default values for the jacoco-maven-plugin reports -->
<!-- Commons Component Id -->
<!-- Configuration properties for the OSGi maven-bundle-plugin -->
<commons.osgi.dynamicImport />
<commons.osgi.private />
<!-- location of any manifest file used by maven-jar-plugin -->
Make the deployment protocol pluggable. This allows to switch to
other protocols like scpexe, which some users prefer over scp.
Encoding of Java source files: ensures that the compiler and
the javadoc generator use the right encoding. Subprojects may
overwrite this, if they are using another encoding.
<!-- used in this pom to provide the Javadoc HTML file encoding -->
<!-- Define source encoding for filtering; used by general plugins -->
<!-- This is used by reporting plugins -->
<!-- Javadoc link to Java API. Default is Java 1.7; components can override to other versions -->
<!-- build meta inf -->
<>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ</>
<>${scmBranch}@r${buildNumber}; ${}</>
<!-- Allow Clirr severity to be overriden by the command-line option -DminSeverity=level -->
<!-- Allow surefire-report aggregation to be easily configured for multi-module projects -->
<!-- Allow changes Jira report to be restricted to just the current version (plugin default is false)-->
<!-- Allow changes Jira report maxEntries to be overridden (plugin default 100) -->
<!-- Allow changes Jira report runOnlyAtExecutionRoot to be overridden (plugin default is false) -->
<!-- scm publish plugin configuration -->
<!-- value modules can override it -->