blob: 6bf50fa29b9fcbf149511b044adb889434e37f69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include "Encoder.h"
#include <DeviceAsWebcamNative.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <libyuv/convert.h>
#include <libyuv/convert_from.h>
#include <libyuv/rotate.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <queue>
#include <sched.h>
namespace android {
namespace webcam {
Encoder::Encoder(CameraConfig& config, EncoderCallback* cb)
: mConfig(config), mCb(cb){
// Inititalize intermediate buffers here.
mI420.y = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(config.width * config.height);
// TODO:(b/267794640): Can the size be width * height / 4 as it is subsampled by height
// and width?
mI420.u = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(config.width * config.height / 2);
mI420.v = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(config.width * config.height / 2);
mI420.yRowStride = config.width;
mI420.uRowStride = config.width / 2;
mI420.vRowStride = config.width / 2;
if (mI420.y == nullptr || mI420.u == nullptr || mI420.v == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s Failed to allocate memory for intermediate I420 buffers", __FUNCTION__);
mInited = true;
bool Encoder::isInited() const {
return mInited;
Encoder::~Encoder() {
mContinueEncoding = false;
if (mEncoderThread.joinable()) {
void Encoder::encodeThreadLoop() {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
ALOGV("%s Starting encode threadLoop", __FUNCTION__);
EncodeRequest request;
while (mContinueEncoding) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(mRequestLock);
while (mRequestQueue.empty()) {
mRequestCondition.wait_for(l, 50ms);
if (!mContinueEncoding) {
request = mRequestQueue.front();
// Thread signalled to exit.
ALOGV("%s Encode thread now exiting", __FUNCTION__);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(mRequestLock);
// Return any pending buffers with encode failure callbacks.
while (!mRequestQueue.empty()) {
request = mRequestQueue.front();
mCb->onEncoded(request.dstBuffer, request.srcBuffer, /*success*/ false);
void Encoder::queueRequest(EncodeRequest& request) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(mRequestLock);
bool Encoder::checkError(const char* msg, j_common_ptr jpeg_error_info_) {
if (jpeg_error_info_) {
char err_buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
jpeg_error_info_->err->format_message(jpeg_error_info_, err_buffer);
ALOGE("%s: %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg, err_buffer);
jpeg_error_info_ = nullptr;
return true;
return false;
uint32_t Encoder::i420ToJpeg(EncodeRequest& request) {
ALOGV("%s: E cpu : %d", __FUNCTION__, sched_getcpu());
j_common_ptr jpegErrorInfo;
auto dstBuffer = request.dstBuffer;
struct CustomJpegDestMgr : public jpeg_destination_mgr {
JOCTET* buffer;
size_t bufferSize;
size_t encodedSize;
bool success;
} dmgr;
// Set up error management
jpegErrorInfo = nullptr;
jpeg_error_mgr jErr;
auto jpegCompressDeleter =
[] (jpeg_compress_struct *c) {
delete c;
std::unique_ptr<jpeg_compress_struct, decltype(jpegCompressDeleter)> cInfo(
new jpeg_compress_struct(), jpegCompressDeleter);
cInfo->err = jpeg_std_error(&jErr);
cInfo->err->error_exit = [](j_common_ptr cInfo) {
if (cInfo->client_data) {
auto& dmgr = *static_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr*>(cInfo->client_data);
dmgr.success = false;
if (checkError("Error initializing compression", jpegErrorInfo)) {
return 0;
dmgr.buffer = static_cast<JOCTET*>(dstBuffer->getMem());
dmgr.bufferSize = dstBuffer->getLength();
dmgr.encodedSize = 0;
dmgr.success = true;
cInfo->client_data = static_cast<void*>(&dmgr);
dmgr.init_destination = [](j_compress_ptr cInfo) {
auto& dmgr = static_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr&>(*cInfo->dest);
dmgr.next_output_byte = dmgr.buffer;
dmgr.free_in_buffer = dmgr.bufferSize;
dmgr.empty_output_buffer = [](j_compress_ptr) {
ALOGE("%s:%d Out of buffer", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return 0;
dmgr.term_destination = [](j_compress_ptr cInfo) {
auto& dmgr = static_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr&>(*cInfo->dest);
dmgr.encodedSize = dmgr.bufferSize - dmgr.free_in_buffer;
ALOGV("%s:%d Done with jpeg: %zu", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dmgr.encodedSize);
cInfo->dest = &dmgr;
// Set up compression parameters
cInfo->image_width = mConfig.width;
cInfo->image_height = mConfig.height;
cInfo->input_components = 3;
cInfo->in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr;
if (checkError("Error configuring defaults", jpegErrorInfo)) {
return 0;
jpeg_set_colorspace(cInfo.get(), JCS_YCbCr);
if (checkError("Error configuring color space", jpegErrorInfo)) {
return 0;
cInfo->raw_data_in = 1;
// YUV420 planar with chroma subsampling
// Configure sampling factors. The sampling factor is JPEG subsampling 420
// because the source format is YUV420. Note that libjpeg sampling factors
// have a somewhat interesting meaning: Sampling of Y=2,U=1,V=1 means there is 1 U and
// 1 V value for each 2 Y values */
cInfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = 2; // Y horizontal sampling
cInfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 2; // Y vertical sampling
cInfo->comp_info[1].h_samp_factor = 1; // U horizontal sampling
cInfo->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor = 1; // U vertical sampling
cInfo->comp_info[2].h_samp_factor = 1; // V horizontal sampling
cInfo->comp_info[2].v_samp_factor = 1; // V vertical sampling
// This vertical subsampling is the same for both Cb and Cr components as defined in
// cInfo->comp_info.
int cvSubSampling = cInfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor / cInfo->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor;
// Start compression
jpeg_start_compress(cInfo.get(), TRUE);
if (checkError("Error starting compression", jpegErrorInfo)) {
return 0;
// Compute our macroblock height, so we can pad our input to be vertically
// macroblock aligned.
int maxVSampFactor =
std::max({cInfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor, cInfo->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor,
size_t mcuV = DCTSIZE * maxVSampFactor;
size_t paddedHeight = mcuV * ((cInfo->image_height + mcuV - 1) / mcuV);
std::vector<JSAMPROW> yLines(paddedHeight);
std::vector<JSAMPROW> cbLines(paddedHeight / cvSubSampling);
std::vector<JSAMPROW> crLines(paddedHeight / cvSubSampling);
uint8_t* pY = mI420.y.get();
uint8_t* pCr = mI420.v.get();
uint8_t* pCb = mI420.u.get();
uint32_t cbCrStride = mConfig.width / 2;
uint32_t yStride = mConfig.width;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paddedHeight; i++) {
// Once we are in the padding territory we still point to the last line
// effectively replicating it several times ~ CLAMP_TO_EDGE
uint32_t li = std::min(i, cInfo->image_height - 1);
yLines[i] = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(pY + li * yStride);
if (i < paddedHeight / cvSubSampling) {
li = std::min(i, (cInfo->image_height - 1) / cvSubSampling);
crLines[i] = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(pCr + li * cbCrStride);
cbLines[i] = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(pCb + li * cbCrStride);
const uint32_t batchSize = DCTSIZE * maxVSampFactor;
while (cInfo->next_scanline < cInfo->image_height) {
JSAMPARRAY planes[3]{&yLines[cInfo->next_scanline],
&cbLines[cInfo->next_scanline / cvSubSampling],
&crLines[cInfo->next_scanline / cvSubSampling]};
jpeg_write_raw_data(cInfo.get(), planes, batchSize);
if (checkError("Error while compressing", jpegErrorInfo)) {
return 0;
if (checkError("Error while finishing compression", jpegErrorInfo)) {
return 0;
ALOGV("%s: X", __FUNCTION__);
return dmgr.encodedSize;
void Encoder::encodeToMJpeg(EncodeRequest& request) {
// First fill intermediate I420 buffers
// TODO(b/267794640) : Can we skip this conversion and encode to jpeg straight ?
if (convertToI420(request) != 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Encode from YUV_420 to I420 failed", __FUNCTION__);
mCb->onEncoded(request.dstBuffer, request.srcBuffer, /*success*/ false);
// Now encode the I420 to JPEG
uint32_t encodedSize = i420ToJpeg(request);
if (encodedSize == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Encode from I420 to JPEG failed", __FUNCTION__);
mCb->onEncoded(request.dstBuffer, request.srcBuffer, /*success*/ false);
mCb->onEncoded(request.dstBuffer, request.srcBuffer, /*success*/ true);
int Encoder::convertToI420(EncodeRequest& request) {
HardwareBufferDesc& src = request.srcBuffer;
uint8_t* dstY = mI420.y.get();
uint8_t* dstU = mI420.u.get();
uint8_t* dstV = mI420.v.get();
int32_t dstYRowStride = mConfig.width;
int32_t dstURowStride = mConfig.width / 2;
int32_t dstVRowStride = mConfig.width / 2;
libyuv::RotationMode rotationMode = request.rotationDegrees == 180 ?
libyuv::kRotate180 : libyuv::kRotate0;
return libyuv::Android420ToI420Rotate(src.yData, src.yRowStride, src.uData, src.uRowStride,
src.vData, src.vRowStride, src.uvPixelStride, dstY,
dstYRowStride, dstU, dstURowStride, dstV, dstVRowStride,
mConfig.width, mConfig.height, rotationMode);
void Encoder::encodeToYUYV(EncodeRequest& r) {
Buffer* dstBuffer = r.dstBuffer;
// First convert from Android YUV format to I420.
if (convertToI420(r) != 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Encode from YUV_420 to I420 failed", __FUNCTION__);
mCb->onEncoded(r.dstBuffer, r.srcBuffer, /*success*/ false);
int32_t dstYRowStride = mConfig.width;
int32_t dstURowStride = mConfig.width / 2;
int32_t dstVRowStride = mConfig.width / 2;
uint8_t* dstY = mI420.y.get();
uint8_t* dstU = mI420.u.get();
uint8_t* dstV = mI420.v.get();
// Now convert from I420 to YUYV
if (libyuv::I420ToYUY2(dstY, dstYRowStride, dstU, dstURowStride, dstV, dstVRowStride,
/*rowStride*/ mConfig.width * 2, mConfig.width, mConfig.height) != 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Encode from I420 to YUYV failed", __FUNCTION__);
mCb->onEncoded(r.dstBuffer, r.srcBuffer, /*success*/ false);
dstBuffer->setBytesUsed(mConfig.width * mConfig.height * 2);
// Call the callback
mCb->onEncoded(r.dstBuffer, r.srcBuffer, /*success*/ true);
void Encoder::encode(EncodeRequest& encodeRequest) {
// Based on the config format
switch (mConfig.fcc) {
ALOGE("%s: Fourcc %u not supported for encoding", __FUNCTION__, mConfig.fcc);
void Encoder::startEncoderThread() {
// mEncoderThread can call into java as a part of EncoderCallback
mEncoderThread =
DeviceAsWebcamNative::createJniAttachedThread(&Encoder::encodeThreadLoop, this);
ALOGV("Started new Encoder Thread");
} // namespace webcam
} // namespace android