blob: 8684b899dbdac111d603bd77b535ea7cd44c3b8f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Manage the producer and consumer buffers needed by FrameProviders.
#pragma once
#include <jni.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include "Utils.h"
namespace android {
namespace webcam {
enum BufferType {
V4L2 = 0,
struct HardwareBufferDesc {
uint8_t* yData = nullptr;
int yDataLength = 0;
int32_t yRowStride = 0;
uint8_t* uData = nullptr;
int uDataLength = 0;
int32_t uRowStride = 0;
uint8_t* vData = nullptr;
int vDataLength = 0;
int32_t vRowStride = 0;
int32_t uvPixelStride = 0;
uint32_t bufferId = 0;
class BufferManager;
// Base class for Buffer, for future types apart from V4L2
// Thin wrapper over struct v4l2_buffer. The client should not free the memory obtained from
// getMem(). All Buffers are created by BufferManager through BufferCreatorAndDestroyer which is
// transport specific.
// TODO(b/267794640): Change Buffer to have either a std::shared_ptr to BufferManager or have
// BufferManager be a singleton. BufferManager should implement
// counting 'handout' buffers before freeing. BufferManager should explicitly
// check that there are no Buffers alive before freeing the handed out buffers.
// This will also ensure that the lifetime of BufferManager >= lifetime of
// Buffer.
struct Buffer {
virtual BufferType getBufferType() = 0;
virtual void* getMem() const = 0;
virtual size_t getLength() const = 0;
virtual void setBytesUsed(uint32_t bytesUsed) = 0;
virtual ~Buffer(){};
void setTimestamp(uint64_t ts) { mTimestamp = ts; }
uint64_t getTimestamp() { return mTimestamp; }
friend class BufferManager;
virtual uint32_t getIndex() const = 0;
uint64_t mTimestamp = 0;
struct V4L2Buffer : public Buffer {
V4L2Buffer(void* mem, const struct v4l2_buffer* buffer) : mMem(mem) { mBuffer = *buffer; }
V4L2Buffer() { memset(&mBuffer, 0, sizeof(mBuffer)); }
virtual ~V4L2Buffer(){};
BufferType getBufferType() override { return BufferType::V4L2; }
// Memory will be freed by BufferManager. Do not free.
virtual void* getMem() const { return mMem; }
virtual size_t getLength() const override { return mBuffer.length; }
virtual void setBytesUsed(uint32_t bytesUsed) { mBuffer.bytesused = bytesUsed; }
struct v4l2_buffer* getV4L2Buffer() {
return &mBuffer;
virtual uint32_t getIndex() const { return mBuffer.index; }
void* mMem = nullptr;
struct v4l2_buffer mBuffer;
class BufferProducer {
// returns a free buffer if its available. This method does not wait for a free buffer.
// Buffer is owned by BufferProducer. Caller should not manage the lifetime of the object and
// should ensure that all buffer references are dropped when BufferProducer goes out of scope.
virtual Buffer* getFreeBufferIfAvailable() = 0;
// Queues a filled buffer to the BufferManager.
virtual Status queueFilledBuffer(Buffer* buffer) = 0;
// Cancels a queued Buffer
virtual Status cancelBuffer(Buffer* buffer) = 0;
virtual ~BufferProducer() {}
class BufferConsumer {
// Gets a filled buffer from BufferManager (waits if one is not available) and returns the
// consumer side buffer for the BufferManager to give away to the producer to use.
// Buffer is owned by BufferConsumer. Caller should not manage the lifetime of the object.
virtual Buffer* getFilledBufferAndSwap() = 0;
virtual ~BufferConsumer() {}
class BufferCreatorAndDestroyer {
virtual ~BufferCreatorAndDestroyer() {}
virtual Status allocateAndMapBuffers(std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* consumerBuffer,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>>* producerBuffer) = 0;
virtual void destroyBuffers(std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& consumerBuffer,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>>& producerBuffers) = 0;
class BufferManager : public BufferConsumer, public BufferProducer {
// There are 2 types of buffers : the consumer side buffer and the producer side buffers.
// The consumer side needs only 1.
// The producer side is typically some component which fills in frames such as a FrameProvider
// class instance.
// The consumer side is typically some component that fetches filled buffers and sends them over
// some transport method to the host.
// TODO(b/267794640): Look into better memory management
// BufferCreatorAndDestroyer is owned by the caller, it must be active throughout the lifetime
// of BufferManager
BufferManager(BufferCreatorAndDestroyer* crD);
virtual ~BufferManager();
bool isInited() { return mInited; }
virtual Buffer* getFreeBufferIfAvailable() override;
virtual Status queueFilledBuffer(Buffer* buffer) override;
virtual Status cancelBuffer(Buffer* buffer) override;
virtual Buffer* getFilledBufferAndSwap() override;
enum BufferState {
IN_USE = 0,
FREE = 2,
struct BufferItem {
BufferItem() : buffer(nullptr), state(BufferState::FREE) {}
BufferItem(std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf, BufferState st) : buffer(buf), state(st) {}
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer;
BufferState state = BufferState::FREE;
// Checks if a filled buffer has been made available by the producer and gets the vector index,
// of the latest filled buffer. Cancels buffers older than the one referenced by index.
bool filledProducerBufferAvailableLocked(uint32_t* index);
bool changeProducerBufferStateLocked(Buffer* buffer, BufferState newState);
bool mInited = false;
BufferCreatorAndDestroyer* mCrD = nullptr;
std::mutex mBufferLock; // guards all operations relating to Buffer and BufferItems
std::condition_variable mProducerBufferFilled; // guarded by mBufferLock
BufferItem mConsumerBufferItem; // guarded by mBufferLock
// Using a simple vector here as we don't expect to have more than 3-4 buffers in circulation
// We have multiple producer buffers so that skews between other producers being used by the
// producer side - eg: buffer from camera doesn't get blocked from getting encoded while
// consumer is still consuming the consumer side buffer (this could happen if we had only 1
// producer buffer and 1 consumer buffer and there's a skew between camera frame production and
// consumer (UVC gadget driver etc) frame consumption.
std::vector<BufferItem> mProducerBufferItems; // guarded by mBufferLock
} // namespace webcam
} // namespace android