blob: f505e3406659abd6437c9bacc5ad85da5c7abb61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface;
import android.util.Log;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
* This class is used to describe a USB device. When used in HashMaps all values must be specified,
* but wildcards can be used for any of the fields in the package meta-data.
class UsbDeviceFilter {
private static final String TAG = UsbDeviceFilter.class.getSimpleName();
// USB Vendor ID (or -1 for unspecified)
public final int mVendorId;
// USB Product ID (or -1 for unspecified)
public final int mProductId;
// USB device or interface class (or -1 for unspecified)
public final int mClass;
// USB device subclass (or -1 for unspecified)
public final int mSubclass;
// USB device protocol (or -1 for unspecified)
public final int mProtocol;
// USB device manufacturer name string (or null for unspecified)
public final String mManufacturerName;
// USB device product name string (or null for unspecified)
public final String mProductName;
// USB device serial number string (or null for unspecified)
public final String mSerialNumber;
// USB device in AOAP mode manufacturer
public final String mAoapManufacturer;
// USB device in AOAP mode model
public final String mAoapModel;
// USB device in AOAP mode description string
public final String mAoapDescription;
// USB device in AOAP mode version
public final String mAoapVersion;
// USB device in AOAP mode URI
public final String mAoapUri;
// USB device in AOAP mode serial
public final String mAoapSerial;
// USB device in AOAP mode verification service
public final String mAoapService;
UsbDeviceFilter(int vid, int pid, int clasz, int subclass, int protocol,
String manufacturer, String product, String serialnum,
String aoapManufacturer, String aoapModel, String aoapDescription,
String aoapVersion, String aoapUri, String aoapSerial,
String aoapService) {
mVendorId = vid;
mProductId = pid;
mClass = clasz;
mSubclass = subclass;
mProtocol = protocol;
mManufacturerName = manufacturer;
mProductName = product;
mSerialNumber = serialnum;
mAoapManufacturer = aoapManufacturer;
mAoapModel = aoapModel;
mAoapDescription = aoapDescription;
mAoapVersion = aoapVersion;
mAoapUri = aoapUri;
mAoapSerial = aoapSerial;
mAoapService = aoapService;
public static UsbDeviceFilter read(XmlPullParser parser, boolean aoapData) {
int vendorId = -1;
int productId = -1;
int deviceClass = -1;
int deviceSubclass = -1;
int deviceProtocol = -1;
String manufacturerName = null;
String productName = null;
String serialNumber = null;
String aoapManufacturer = null;
String aoapModel = null;
String aoapDescription = null;
String aoapVersion = null;
String aoapUri = null;
String aoapSerial = null;
String aoapService = null;
int count = parser.getAttributeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String name = parser.getAttributeName(i);
String value = parser.getAttributeValue(i);
// Attribute values are ints or strings
if (!aoapData && "manufacturer-name".equals(name)) {
manufacturerName = value;
} else if (!aoapData && "product-name".equals(name)) {
productName = value;
} else if (!aoapData && "serial-number".equals(name)) {
serialNumber = value;
} else if (aoapData && "manufacturer".equals(name)) {
aoapManufacturer = value;
} else if (aoapData && "model".equals(name)) {
aoapModel = value;
} else if (aoapData && "description".equals(name)) {
aoapDescription = value;
} else if (aoapData && "version".equals(name)) {
aoapVersion = value;
} else if (aoapData && "uri".equals(name)) {
aoapUri = value;
} else if (aoapData && "serial".equals(name)) {
aoapSerial = value;
} else if (aoapData && "service".equals(name)) {
aoapService = value;
} else if (!aoapData) {
int intValue = -1;
int radix = 10;
if (value != null && value.length() > 2 && value.charAt(0) == '0'
&& (value.charAt(1) == 'x' || value.charAt(1) == 'X')) {
// allow hex values starting with 0x or 0X
radix = 16;
value = value.substring(2);
try {
intValue = Integer.parseInt(value, radix);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "invalid number for field " + name, e);
if ("vendor-id".equals(name)) {
vendorId = intValue;
} else if ("product-id".equals(name)) {
productId = intValue;
} else if ("class".equals(name)) {
deviceClass = intValue;
} else if ("subclass".equals(name)) {
deviceSubclass = intValue;
} else if ("protocol".equals(name)) {
deviceProtocol = intValue;
return new UsbDeviceFilter(vendorId, productId,
deviceClass, deviceSubclass, deviceProtocol,
manufacturerName, productName, serialNumber, aoapManufacturer,
aoapModel, aoapDescription, aoapVersion, aoapUri, aoapSerial,
private boolean matches(int clasz, int subclass, int protocol) {
return ((mClass == -1 || clasz == mClass)
&& (mSubclass == -1 || subclass == mSubclass)
&& (mProtocol == -1 || protocol == mProtocol));
public boolean matches(UsbDevice device) {
if (mVendorId != -1 && device.getVendorId() != mVendorId) {
return false;
if (mProductId != -1 && device.getProductId() != mProductId) {
return false;
if (mManufacturerName != null && device.getManufacturerName() == null) {
return false;
if (mProductName != null && device.getProductName() == null) {
return false;
if (mSerialNumber != null && device.getSerialNumber() == null) {
return false;
if (mManufacturerName != null && device.getManufacturerName() != null
&& !mManufacturerName.equals(device.getManufacturerName())) {
return false;
if (mProductName != null && device.getProductName() != null
&& !mProductName.equals(device.getProductName())) {
return false;
if (mSerialNumber != null && device.getSerialNumber() != null
&& !mSerialNumber.equals(device.getSerialNumber())) {
return false;
// check device class/subclass/protocol
if (matches(device.getDeviceClass(), device.getDeviceSubclass(),
device.getDeviceProtocol())) {
return true;
// if device doesn't match, check the interfaces
int count = device.getInterfaceCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
UsbInterface intf = device.getInterface(i);
if (matches(intf.getInterfaceClass(), intf.getInterfaceSubclass(),
intf.getInterfaceProtocol())) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// can't compare if we have wildcard strings
if (mVendorId == -1 || mProductId == -1
|| mClass == -1 || mSubclass == -1 || mProtocol == -1) {
return false;
return ((obj instanceof UsbDeviceFilter) && matchesUsbDeviceFilter((UsbDeviceFilter) obj))
|| ((obj instanceof UsbDevice) && matchesUsbDevice((UsbDevice) obj));
private boolean matchesUsbDevice(UsbDevice device) {
if (device.getVendorId() != mVendorId
|| device.getProductId() != mProductId
|| device.getDeviceClass() != mClass
|| device.getDeviceSubclass() != mSubclass
|| device.getDeviceProtocol() != mProtocol) {
return false;
return safeEquals(mManufacturerName, device.getManufacturerName())
&& safeEquals(mProductName, device.getProductName())
&& safeEquals(mSerialNumber, device.getSerialNumber());
private boolean matchesUsbDeviceFilter(UsbDeviceFilter filter) {
if (filter.mVendorId != mVendorId
|| filter.mProductId != mProductId
|| filter.mClass != mClass
|| filter.mSubclass != mSubclass
|| filter.mProtocol != mProtocol) {
return false;
return safeEquals(mManufacturerName, filter.mManufacturerName)
&& safeEquals(mProductName, filter.mProductName)
&& safeEquals(mSerialNumber, filter.mSerialNumber);
private static boolean safeEquals(String firstString, String secondString) {
return (firstString == secondString)
|| ((firstString != null) && firstString.equals(secondString));
public int hashCode() {
return (((mVendorId << 16) | mProductId)
^ ((mClass << 16) | (mSubclass << 8) | mProtocol));
public String toString() {
return "DeviceFilter[mVendorId=" + mVendorId + ",mProductId=" + mProductId
+ ",mClass=" + mClass + ",mSubclass=" + mSubclass
+ ",mProtocol=" + mProtocol + ",mManufacturerName=" + mManufacturerName
+ ",mProductName=" + mProductName + ",mSerialNumber=" + mSerialNumber + "]";