blob: ef78f0b153b3f88662a64fd4243b820797a099a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# evs app
type evs_app, domain, coredomain;
hal_client_domain(evs_app, hal_evs)
hal_client_domain(evs_app, hal_vehicle)
# allow init to launch processes in this context
type evs_app_exec, exec_type, file_type;
# gets access to its own files on disk
type evs_app_files, file_type;
allow evs_app evs_app_files:file { getattr open read };
allow evs_app evs_app_files:dir search;
# Allow use of gralloc buffers and EGL
allow evs_app hal_graphics_allocator_default:fd use;
allow evs_app gpu_device:chr_file ioctl;
allow evs_app gpu_device:chr_file { getattr open read write };
# Permit communication with the vehicle HAL
# (Communcations with the rest of the EVS stack is allowed via hal_evs)
binder_call(evs_app, hal_vehicle);