blob: 22e62d6bbb066b00189258fe3a1dea78b26fa9b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "PixelStreamManager.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <vndk/hardware_buffer.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include "PixelFormatUtils.h"
namespace android {
namespace automotive {
namespace computepipe {
namespace runner {
namespace stream_manager {
PixelMemHandle::PixelMemHandle(int bufferId, int streamId, int additionalUsageFlags)
: mBufferId(bufferId),
PixelMemHandle::~PixelMemHandle() {
if (mBuffer) {
int PixelMemHandle::getStreamId() const {
return mStreamId;
proto::PacketType PixelMemHandle::getType() const {
return proto::PacketType::PIXEL_DATA;
uint64_t PixelMemHandle::getTimeStamp() const {
return mTimestamp;
uint32_t PixelMemHandle::getSize() const {
return 0;
const char* PixelMemHandle::getData() const {
return nullptr;
AHardwareBuffer* PixelMemHandle::getHardwareBuffer() const {
return mBuffer;
/* Sets frame info */
Status PixelMemHandle::setFrameData(uint64_t timestamp, const InputFrame& inputFrame) {
// Allocate a new buffer if it is currently null.
FrameInfo frameInfo = inputFrame.getFrameInfo();
if (mBuffer == nullptr) {
mDesc.format = PixelFormatToHardwareBufferFormat(frameInfo.format);
mDesc.height = frameInfo.height;
mDesc.width = frameInfo.width;
mDesc.layers = 1;
mDesc.rfu0 = 0;
mDesc.rfu1 = 0;
mDesc.stride = frameInfo.stride;
mDesc.usage = mUsage;
int err = AHardwareBuffer_allocate(&mDesc, &mBuffer);
if (err != 0 || mBuffer == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate hardware buffer with error " << err;
return Status::NO_MEMORY;
// Update mDesc with the actual descriptor with which the buffer was created. The actual
// stride could be different from the specified stride.
AHardwareBuffer_describe(mBuffer, &mDesc);
// Verifies that the input frame data has the same type as the allocated buffer.
if (frameInfo.width != mDesc.width || frameInfo.height != mDesc.height ||
PixelFormatToHardwareBufferFormat(frameInfo.format) != mDesc.format) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Variable image sizes from the same stream id is not supported.";
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
// Locks the frame for copying the input frame data.
void* mappedBuffer = nullptr;
int err = AHardwareBuffer_lock(mBuffer, AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_CPU_WRITE_OFTEN, -1, nullptr,
if (err != 0 || mappedBuffer == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to lock a realased hardware buffer.";
return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copies the input frame data.
int bytesPerPixel = numBytesPerPixel(static_cast<AHardwareBuffer_Format>(mDesc.format));
// The stride for hardware buffer is specified in pixels while the stride
// for InputFrame data structure is specified in bytes.
if (mDesc.stride * bytesPerPixel == frameInfo.stride) {
memcpy(mappedBuffer, inputFrame.getFramePtr(), mDesc.stride * mDesc.height * bytesPerPixel);
} else {
for (int y = 0; y < frameInfo.height; y++) {
memcpy((uint8_t*)mappedBuffer + mDesc.stride * y * bytesPerPixel,
inputFrame.getFramePtr() + y * frameInfo.stride,
std::min(frameInfo.stride, mDesc.stride * bytesPerPixel));
AHardwareBuffer_unlock(mBuffer, nullptr);
mTimestamp = timestamp;
return Status::SUCCESS;
int PixelMemHandle::getBufferId() const {
return mBufferId;
void PixelStreamManager::setEngineInterface(std::shared_ptr<StreamEngineInterface> engine) {
std::lock_guard lock(mLock);
mEngine = engine;
Status PixelStreamManager::setMaxInFlightPackets(uint32_t maxPackets) {
std::lock_guard lock(mLock);
if (mBuffersInUse.size() > maxPackets) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot set max in flight packets after graph has already started.";
return Status::ILLEGAL_STATE;
mMaxInFlightPackets = maxPackets;
std::lock_guard stateLock(mStateLock);
return Status::SUCCESS;
Status PixelStreamManager::freePacket(int bufferId) {
std::lock_guard lock(mLock);
auto it = mBuffersInUse.find(bufferId);
if (it == mBuffersInUse.end()) {
std::lock_guard stateLock(mStateLock);
// If the graph has already been stopped, we free the buffers
// asynchronously, so return SUCCESS if freePacket is called later.
if (mState == STOPPED) {
return Status::SUCCESS;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find the mem handle. Duplicate release may possible have been "
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
it->second.outstandingRefCount -= 1;
if (it->second.outstandingRefCount == 0) {
return Status::SUCCESS;
void PixelStreamManager::freeAllPackets() {
std::lock_guard lock(mLock);
for (auto [bufferId, buffer] : mBuffersInUse) {
Status PixelStreamManager::queuePacket(const char* /*data*/, const uint32_t /*size*/,
uint64_t /*timestamp*/) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to queue a semantic packet to a pixel stream manager";
return Status::ILLEGAL_STATE;
Status PixelStreamManager::queuePacket(const InputFrame& frame, uint64_t timestamp) {
std::lock_guard lock(mLock);
// State has to be running for the callback to go back.
std::lock_guard stateLock(mStateLock);
if (mState != RUNNING) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Packet cannot be queued when state is not RUNNING. Current state is"
<< mState;
return Status::ILLEGAL_STATE;
if (mEngine == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Stream to engine interface is not set";
return Status::ILLEGAL_STATE;
if (mBuffersInUse.size() >= mMaxInFlightPackets) {
LOG(INFO) << "Too many frames in flight. Skipping frame at timestamp " << timestamp;
return Status::SUCCESS;
// A unique id per buffer is maintained by incrementing the unique id from the previously
// created buffer. The unique id is therefore the number of buffers already created.
if (mBuffersReady.empty()) {
mBuffersReady.push_back(std::make_shared<PixelMemHandle>(mBuffersInUse.size(), mStreamId));
// The previously used buffer is pushed to the back of the vector. Picking the last used buffer
// may be more cache efficient if accessing through CPU, so we use that strategy here.
std::shared_ptr<PixelMemHandle> memHandle = mBuffersReady[mBuffersReady.size() - 1];
mBuffersReady.resize(mBuffersReady.size() - 1);
BufferMetadata bufferMetadata;
bufferMetadata.outstandingRefCount = 1;
bufferMetadata.handle = memHandle;
mBuffersInUse.emplace(memHandle->getBufferId(), bufferMetadata);
Status status = memHandle->setFrameData(timestamp, frame);
if (status != Status::SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Setting frame data failed with error code " << status;
return status;
// Dispatch packet to the engine asynchronously in order to avoid circularly
// waiting for each others' locks.
std::thread t([this, memHandle]() {
Status status = mEngine->dispatchPacket(memHandle);
if (status != Status::SUCCESS) {
mEngine->notifyError(std::string(__func__) + ":" + std::to_string(__LINE__) +
" Failed to dispatch packet");
return Status::SUCCESS;
Status PixelStreamManager::handleExecutionPhase(const RunnerEvent& e) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStateLock);
if (mState == CONFIG_DONE && e.isPhaseEntry()) {
mState = RUNNING;
return Status::SUCCESS;
if (mState == RESET) {
// Cannot get to running phase from reset state without config phase
return Status::ILLEGAL_STATE;
if (mState == RUNNING && e.isAborted()) {
// Transition back to config completed
return Status::SUCCESS;
if (mState == RUNNING) {
return Status::ILLEGAL_STATE;
return Status::SUCCESS;
Status PixelStreamManager::handleStopWithFlushPhase(const RunnerEvent& e) {
return handleStopImmediatePhase(e);
Status PixelStreamManager::handleStopImmediatePhase(const RunnerEvent& e) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStateLock);
if (mState == CONFIG_DONE || mState == RESET) {
/* Cannot have stop completed if we never entered stop state */
if (mState == RUNNING && (e.isAborted() || e.isTransitionComplete())) {
/* We are being asked to stop */
if (mState == RUNNING && e.isPhaseEntry()) {
mState = STOPPED;
std::thread t([this]() {
return SUCCESS;
/* Other Components have stopped, we can transition back to CONFIG_DONE */
if (mState == STOPPED && e.isTransitionComplete()) {
return SUCCESS;
/* We were stopped, but stop was aborted. */
if (mState == STOPPED && e.isAborted()) {
mState = RUNNING;
return SUCCESS;
return SUCCESS;
std::shared_ptr<MemHandle> PixelStreamManager::clonePacket(std::shared_ptr<MemHandle> handle) {
if (!handle) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PixelStreamManager - Received null memhandle.";
return nullptr;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
int bufferId = handle->getBufferId();
auto it = mBuffersInUse.find(bufferId);
if (it == mBuffersInUse.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PixelStreamManager - Attempting to clone an already freed packet.";
return nullptr;
it->second.outstandingRefCount += 1;
return handle;
PixelStreamManager::PixelStreamManager(std::string name, int streamId)
: StreamManager(name, proto::PacketType::PIXEL_DATA), mStreamId(streamId) {
} // namespace stream_manager
} // namespace runner
} // namespace computepipe
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace android