blob: 4a5903760ed3877b7c73690869458524c096c75f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include "ClientConfig.pb.h"
#include "InputFrame.h"
#include "Options.pb.h"
#include "PrebuiltEngineInterface.h"
#include "PrebuiltGraph.h"
#include "RunnerComponent.h"
#include "types/Status.h"
namespace android {
namespace automotive {
namespace computepipe {
namespace graph {
class LocalPrebuiltGraph : public PrebuiltGraph {
// Private constructor
LocalPrebuiltGraph() {
// No copy or move constructors or operators are available.
LocalPrebuiltGraph(const LocalPrebuiltGraph&) = delete;
LocalPrebuiltGraph& operator=(const LocalPrebuiltGraph&) = delete;
// Override RunnerComponent interface functions for applying configs,
// starting the graph and stopping the graph.
Status handleConfigPhase(const runner::ClientConfig& e) override;
Status handleExecutionPhase(const runner::RunnerEvent& e) override;
Status handleStopWithFlushPhase(const runner::RunnerEvent& e) override;
Status handleStopImmediatePhase(const runner::RunnerEvent& e) override;
Status handleResetPhase(const runner::RunnerEvent& e) override;
static LocalPrebuiltGraph* GetPrebuiltGraphFromLibrary(
const std::string& prebuiltLib, std::weak_ptr<PrebuiltEngineInterface> engineInterface);
PrebuiltGraphType GetGraphType() const override {
return PrebuiltGraphType::LOCAL;
PrebuiltGraphState GetGraphState() const override {
return mGraphState;
Status GetStatus() const override;
std::string GetErrorMessage() const override;
// Gets the supported graph config options.
const proto::Options& GetSupportedGraphConfigs() const override {
return mGraphConfig;
// Sets input stream data. The string is expected to be a serialized proto
// the definition of which is known to the graph.
Status SetInputStreamData(int streamIndex, int64_t timestamp,
const std::string& streamData) override;
// Sets pixel data to the specified input stream index.
Status SetInputStreamPixelData(int streamIndex, int64_t timestamp,
const runner::InputFrame& inputFrame) override;
Status StartGraphProfiling() override;
Status StopGraphProfiling() override;
// Collects debugging and profiling information for the graph. The graph
// needs to be started with debugging enabled in order to get valid info.
std::string GetDebugInfo() override;
// Starts the graph execution.
Status StartGraphExecution(bool debuggingEnabled);
// Stops the graph execution.
Status StopGraphExecution(bool flushOutputFrames);
// Callback functions. The class has a C++ function callback interface while it deals with pure
// C functions underneath that do not have object context. We need to have these static
// functions that need to be passed to the C interface.
static void OutputPixelStreamCallbackFunction(void* cookie, int streamIndex, int64_t timestamp,
const uint8_t* pixels, int width, int height,
int step, int format);
static void OutputStreamCallbackFunction(void* cookie, int streamIndex, int64_t timestamp,
const unsigned char* data, size_t dataSize);
static void GraphTerminationCallbackFunction(void* cookie,
const unsigned char* terminationMessage,
size_t terminationMessageSize);
// Cached callback interface that is passed in from the runner.
std::weak_ptr<PrebuiltEngineInterface> mEngineInterface;
static std::mutex mCreationMutex;
static LocalPrebuiltGraph* mPrebuiltGraphInstance;
// Even though mutexes are generally preferred over atomics, the only varialble in this class
// that changes after initialization is graph state and that is the only vairable that needs
// to be guarded. The prebuilt is internally assumed to be thread safe, so that concurrent
// calls into the library will automatically be handled in a thread safe manner by the it.
std::atomic<PrebuiltGraphState> mGraphState = PrebuiltGraphState::UNINITIALIZED;
// Dynamic library handle
void* mHandle;
// Repeated function calls need not be made to get the graph version and the config is this is
// constant through the operation of the graph. These values are just cached as strings.
std::string mGraphVersion;
proto::Options mGraphConfig;
// Cached functions from the dynamic library.
void* mFnGetErrorCode;
void* mFnGetErrorMessage;
void* mFnUpdateGraphConfig;
void* mFnResetGraph;
void* mFnSetInputStreamData;
void* mFnSetInputStreamPixelData;
void* mFnSetOutputStreamCallback;
void* mFnSetOutputPixelStreamCallback;
void* mFnSetGraphTerminationCallback;
void* mFnStartGraphExecution;
void* mFnStopGraphExecution;
void* mFnStartGraphProfiling;
void* mFnStopGraphProfiling;
void* mFnGetDebugInfo;
} // namespace graph
} // namespace computepipe
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace android