blob: 5550fd53441c4646b94b14d9a917811d8ce126f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "core_lib.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace automotive {
namespace sv {
namespace V1_0 {
namespace implementation {
// Struct for camera related configurations.
// Note: Does not include camera intrinsics and extrinsics, these are specified in EVS metadata.
struct CameraConfig {
// Id of logical group containing surronnd view cameras.
std::string evsGroupId;
// List of evs camera Ids in order: front, right, rear, left.
std::vector<std::string> evsCameraIds;
// In order: front, right, rear, left.
std::vector<std::string> maskFilenames;
struct SvConfig2d {
// Bool flag for surround view 2d.
bool sv2dEnabled;
// Surround view 2d params.
android_auto::surround_view::SurroundView2dParams sv2dParams;
// Car model bounding box for 2d surround view.
// To be moved into sv 2d params.
android_auto::surround_view::BoundingBox carBoundingBox;
struct SvConfig3d {
// Bool flag for enabling/disabling surround view 3d.
bool sv3dEnabled;
// Bool flag for enabling/disabling animations.
bool sv3dAnimationsEnabled;
// Car model config file.
std::string carModelConfigFile;
// Car model obj file.
std::string carModelObjFile;
// Surround view 3d params.
android_auto::surround_view::SurroundView3dParams sv3dParams;
// Main struct in which surround view config is parsed into.
struct SurroundViewConfig {
// Version info.
std::string version;
// Camera config.
CameraConfig cameraConfig;
// Surround view 2d config.
SvConfig2d sv2dConfig;
// Surround view 3d config.
SvConfig3d sv3dConfig;
struct Range {
// Range start.
// Start value may be greater than end value.
float start;
// Range end.
float end;
// Rotation axis
struct RotationAxis {
// Unit axis direction vector.
std::array<float, 3> axisVector;
// Rotate about this point.
std::array<float, 3> rotationPoint;
enum AnimationType {
// Rotate a part about an axis from a start to end angle.
// Continuously rotate a part about an axis by a specified angular speed.
// Linearly translates a part from one point to another.
// Switch to another texture once.
// Adjust the brightness of the texture once.
// Repeatedly toggle between two textures.
// Repeatedly toggle between two gamma values.
// Rotation operation
struct RotationOp {
// VHAL signal to trigger operation.
uint64_t vhalProperty;
// Rotation operation type.
AnimationType type;
// Rotation axis.
RotationAxis axis;
// Default rotation (angle/speed) value.
// It is used for default rotation when the signal is on while vhal_range is
// not provided.
float defaultRotationValue;
// Default animation time elapsed to finish the rotation operation.
// It is ignored if VHAL provides continuous signal value.
float animationTime;
// physical rotation range with start mapped to vhal_range start and
// end mapped to vhal_range end.
Range rotationRange;
// VHAL signal range.
// Un-supported types: STRING, BYTES and VEC
// Refer: hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/types.hal
// VehiclePropertyType
Range vhalRange;
// Translation operation.
struct TranslationOp {
// VHAL signal to trigger operation.
uint64_t vhalProperty;
// Translation operation type.
AnimationType type;
// Unit direction vector.
std::array<float, 3> direction;
// Default translation value.
// It is used for default translation when the signal is on while vhal_range
// is not provided.
float defaultTranslationValue;
// Default animation time elapsed to finish the texture operation.
// It is ignored if VHAL provides continuous signal value.
float animationTime;
// Physical translation range with start mapped to vhal_range start and
// end mapped to vhal_range end.
Range translationRange;
// VHAL signal range.
// Un-supported types: STRING, BYTES and VEC
// Refer: hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/types.hal
// VehiclePropertyType
Range vhalRange;
// Texture operation.
struct TextureOp {
// VHAL signal to trigger operation.
uint64_t vhalProperty;
// Texture operation type.
AnimationType type;
// Default texture id.
// It is used as default texture when the signal is on while vhal_range is
// not provided.
std::string defaultTexture;
// Default animation time elapsed to finish the texture operation.
// Unit is milliseconds.
// If the animation time is specified, the vhal_property is assumed to be
// on/off type.
// It is ignored if it is equal or less than zero and vhal_property is
// assumed to provide continuous value.
int animationTime;
// texture range mapped to texture_ids[i].first.
Range textureRange;
// VHAL signal range.
// Un-supported types: STRING, BYTES and VEC
// Refer: hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/types.hal
// VehiclePropertyType
Range vhalRange;
// Texture ids for switching textures.
// Applicable for animation types: kSwitchTextureOnce and
// kSwitchTextureRepeated
// 0 - n-1
std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string>> textureIds;
// Gamma operation.
struct GammaOp {
// VHAL signal to trigger operation.
uint64_t vhalProperty;
// Texture operation type.
// Applicable for animation types: kAdjustGammaOnce and kAdjustGammaRepeat.
AnimationType type;
// Default animation time elapsed to finish the gamma operation.
// Unit is milliseconds.
// If the animation time is specified, the vhal_property is assumed to be
// on/off type.
// It is ignored if it is equal or less than zero and vhal_property is
// assumed to provide continuous value.
int animationTime;
// Gamma range with start mapped to vhal_range start and
// end mapped to vhal_range end.
Range gammaRange;
// VHAL signal range.
// Un-supported types: STRING, BYTES and VEC
// Refer: hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/types.hal
// VehiclePropertyType
Range vhalRange;
// Animation info of a car part
struct AnimationInfo {
// Car animation part id(name). It is a unique id.
std::string partId;
// Car part parent name.
std::string parentId;
// List of child Ids.
std::vector<std::string> childIds;
// Car part pose w.r.t parent's coordinate.
android_auto::surround_view::Mat4x4 pose;
// VHAL priority from high [0] to low [n-1]. Only VHALs specified in the
// vector have priority.
std::vector<uint64_t> vhalPriority;
// TODO(b/158245554): simplify xxOpsMap data structs.
// Map of gamma operations. Key value is VHAL property.
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<GammaOp>> gammaOpsMap;
// Map of texture operations. Key value is VHAL property.
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<TextureOp>> textureOpsMap;
// Map of rotation operations. Key value is VHAL property.
// Multiple rotation ops are supported and will be simultaneously animated in
// order if their rotation axis are different and rotation points are the
// same.
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<RotationOp>> rotationOpsMap;
// Map of translation operations. Key value is VHAL property.
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<TranslationOp>> translationOpsMap;
// Main struct in which surround view car model config is parsed into.
struct AnimationConfig {
std::string version;
std::vector<AnimationInfo> animations;
// Car model.
struct CarModel {
// Car model parts map.
std::map<std::string, android_auto::surround_view::CarPart> partsMap;
// Car testures map.
std::map<std::string, android_auto::surround_view::CarTexture> texturesMap;
struct CarModelConfig {
CarModel carModel;
AnimationConfig animationConfig;
struct IOModuleConfig {
// Camera config.
CameraConfig cameraConfig;
// Surround view 2d config.
SvConfig2d sv2dConfig;
// Surround view 3d config.
SvConfig3d sv3dConfig;
// Car model config.
CarModelConfig carModelConfig;
enum IOStatus : uint8_t {
// OK ststus. ALL fields read and parsed.
OK = 0,
// Error status. Cannot read the config file (config file missing or not
// accessible)
// Error ststus. Config file format doesn't match.
// Warning status. Read car model (obj, mtl) error. Either the files are
// missing or wrong format.
// Warning status. Read animation config file error. Either the file is
// missing or wrong format.
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace sv
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android