Dismiss keyguard when simpin auth'd and...

security method is none. This is mostly to fix the case where we auth
sim pin in the set up wizard and it goes straight to keyguard instead of
the setup wizard activity.

This works with the prevent bypass keyguard flag because the device
should be noe secure in this case.

Fixes: 222446076
Test: turn locked sim on, which opens the sim pin screen. Auth the
screen and observe that keyguard is not shown.
(cherry picked from https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:48fa9bef3451e4a358c941af5b230f99881c5cb6)
Cherry-picking this CL as a security fix

Bug: 222446076
(cherry picked from https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:65ea56f54c059584eb27ec53d486dba8161316ab)
Merged-In: Id302c41f63028bc6dd58ba686e23d73565de9675
Change-Id: Id302c41f63028bc6dd58ba686e23d73565de9675
1 file changed