Resync to Chromium remote-shell-unstable-v1 at 32

I grabbed a copy of version 32 before it was submitted, thinking it
wouldn't change, but I was wrong.

Bug: 183040065
Test: Builds

Change-Id: I741d9c351a2b777bb3d24db6dfc9afc5640aac96
diff --git a/ b/
index 12bc299..56b88ed 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1319,20 +1319,28 @@
     <event name="systemui_visibility" since="29">
       <description summary="systemui_visibility_state for a display">
-	Sends information about whether the systemui is visible. The "systemui_visibility"
-	value is of enum type "systemui_visibility_state".
+	[Deprecated] Sends information about whether the systemui is visible.
+	The "systemui_visibility" value is of enum type "systemui_visibility_state".
       <arg name="systemui_visibility" type="int" summary="systemui_visibility_state enum"/>
     <!-- Version 32 additions -->
+    <enum name="systemui_behavior">
+      <description summary="systemui behavior">
+	Determine the behavior of the system UI.
+      </description>
+      <entry name="visible" value="1" summary="system ui is visible"/>
+      <entry name="hidden" value="2" summary="system ui is autohide or hidden"/>
+    </enum>
     <event name="systemui_behavior" since="32">
       <description summary="systemui_behavior_state for a display">
-	Sends information about whether the systemui behavior is auto hide. The "systemui_behavior"
-	value is of enum type "systemui_visibility_state".
+	Sends information about whether the systemui behavior is auto hide.
+	The "systemui_behavior" value is of enum type "systemui_behavior".
-      <arg name="systemui_behavior" type="int" summary="systemui_behavior_state enum"/>
+      <arg name="systemui_behavior" type="int" summary="systemui_behavior enum"/>