blob: 5f23541bde6ec0032b26c9ac9a36fb7b569c8100 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <ui/Size.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/Common.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/VideoPixelFormat.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/VideoTypes.h>
namespace android {
struct BitstreamBuffer;
class VideoEncoder {
// The InputFrame class can be used to store raw video frames.
// Note: The InputFrame does not take ownership of the data. The file descriptor is not
// duplicated and the caller is responsible for keeping the data alive until the buffer
// is returned by an InputBufferDoneCB() call.
class InputFrame {
InputFrame(std::vector<int>&& fds, std::vector<VideoFramePlane>&& planes,
VideoPixelFormat pixelFormat, uint64_t index, int64_t timestamp);
~InputFrame() = default;
const std::vector<int>& fds() const { return mFds; }
const std::vector<VideoFramePlane>& planes() const { return mPlanes; }
VideoPixelFormat pixelFormat() const { return mPixelFormat; }
uint64_t index() const { return mIndex; }
int64_t timestamp() const { return mTimestamp; }
const std::vector<int> mFds;
std::vector<VideoFramePlane> mPlanes;
VideoPixelFormat mPixelFormat;
uint64_t mIndex = 0;
int64_t mTimestamp = 0;
using FetchOutputBufferCB =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<BitstreamBuffer>* buffer)>;
// TODO(dstaessens): Change callbacks to OnceCallback provided when requesting encode/drain.
using InputBufferDoneCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void(uint64_t)>;
using OutputBufferDoneCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
size_t, int64_t, bool, std::unique_ptr<BitstreamBuffer> buffer)>;
using DrainDoneCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>;
using ErrorCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
virtual ~VideoEncoder() = default;
// Encode the frame, |InputBufferDoneCB| and |OutputBufferDoneCB| will be called when done.
virtual bool encode(std::unique_ptr<InputFrame> buffer) = 0;
// Drain the encoder, |mDrainDoneCb| will be called when done.
virtual void drain() = 0;
// Flush the encoder, pending drain operations will be aborted.
virtual void flush() = 0;
// Set the target bitrate to the specified value, will affect all non-processed frames.
virtual bool setBitrate(uint32_t bitrate) = 0;
// Set the peak bitrate to the specified value. The peak bitrate must be larger or equal to the
// target bitrate and is ignored if the bitrate mode is constant.
virtual bool setPeakBitrate(uint32_t peakBitrate) = 0;
// Set the framerate to the specified value, will affect all non-processed frames.
virtual bool setFramerate(uint32_t framerate) = 0;
// Request the next frame encoded to be a key frame, will affect the next non-processed frame.
virtual void requestKeyframe() = 0;
virtual VideoPixelFormat inputFormat() const = 0;
virtual const ui::Size& visibleSize() const = 0;
virtual const ui::Size& codedSize() const = 0;
} // namespace android