blob: d7b55c0a3de8a3f70ecc456d6bf97c40e90b5ad8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/sequenced_task_runner.h>
#include <ui/Size.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/Common.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/VideoEncoder.h>
namespace android {
struct BitstreamBuffer;
struct VideoFramePlane;
class V4L2Device;
class V4L2Queue;
class V4L2Encoder : public VideoEncoder {
// Number of buffers on V4L2 device queues.
static constexpr size_t kInputBufferCount = 2;
static constexpr size_t kOutputBufferCount = 2;
static std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> create(
C2Config::profile_t profile, std::optional<uint8_t> level, const ui::Size& visibleSize,
uint32_t stride, uint32_t keyFramePeriod, C2Config::bitrate_mode_t bitrateMode,
uint32_t bitrate, std::optional<uint32_t> peakBitrate,
FetchOutputBufferCB fetchOutputBufferCb, InputBufferDoneCB inputBufferDoneCb,
OutputBufferDoneCB outputBufferDoneCb, DrainDoneCB drainDoneCb, ErrorCB errorCb,
scoped_refptr<::base::SequencedTaskRunner> taskRunner);
~V4L2Encoder() override;
bool encode(std::unique_ptr<InputFrame> frame) override;
void drain() override;
void flush() override;
bool setBitrate(uint32_t bitrate) override;
bool setPeakBitrate(uint32_t peakBitrate) override;
bool setFramerate(uint32_t framerate) override;
void requestKeyframe() override;
VideoPixelFormat inputFormat() const override;
const ui::Size& visibleSize() const override { return mVisibleSize; }
const ui::Size& codedSize() const override { return mInputCodedSize; }
// Possible encoder states.
enum class State {
UNINITIALIZED, // Not initialized yet or initialization failed.
WAITING_FOR_INPUT_FRAME, // Waiting for frames to be queued.
WAITING_FOR_V4L2_BUFFER, // Waiting for V4L2 input queue buffers.
ENCODING, // Queuing input buffers.
DRAINING, // Draining encoder.
ERROR, // Encoder encountered an error.
// Contains a single encode request.
struct EncodeRequest {
EncodeRequest(std::unique_ptr<InputFrame> video_frame)
: video_frame(std::move(video_frame)) {}
~EncodeRequest() = default;
EncodeRequest(EncodeRequest&&) = default;
EncodeRequest& operator=(EncodeRequest&&) = default;
std::unique_ptr<InputFrame> video_frame;
bool end_of_stream = false;
V4L2Encoder(scoped_refptr<::base::SequencedTaskRunner> taskRunner,
FetchOutputBufferCB fetchOutputBufferCb, InputBufferDoneCB mInputBufferDoneCb,
OutputBufferDoneCB mOutputBufferDoneCb, DrainDoneCB drainDoneCb, ErrorCB errorCb);
// Initialize the V4L2 encoder for specified parameters.
bool initialize(C2Config::profile_t outputProfile, std::optional<uint8_t> level,
const ui::Size& visibleSize, uint32_t stride, uint32_t keyFramePeriod,
C2Config::bitrate_mode_t bitrateMode, uint32_t bitrate,
std::optional<uint32_t> peakBitrate);
// Handle the next encode request on the queue.
void handleEncodeRequest();
// Handle a request to flush the encoder.
void handleFlushRequest();
// Handle a request to drain the encoder.
void handleDrainRequest();
// Called when draining the encoder has completed.
void onDrainDone(bool done);
// Configure input format on the V4L2 device.
bool configureInputFormat(VideoPixelFormat inputFormat, uint32_t stride);
// Configure output format on the V4L2 device.
bool configureOutputFormat(C2Config::profile_t outputProfile);
// Configure required and optional controls on the V4L2 device.
bool configureDevice(C2Config::profile_t outputProfile,
std::optional<const uint8_t> outputH264Level);
// Configure required and optional H.264 controls on the V4L2 device.
bool configureH264(C2Config::profile_t outputProfile,
std::optional<const uint8_t> outputH264Level);
// Configure the specified bitrate mode on the V4L2 device.
bool configureBitrateMode(C2Config::bitrate_mode_t bitrateMode);
// Attempt to start the V4L2 device poller.
bool startDevicePoll();
// Attempt to stop the V4L2 device poller.
bool stopDevicePoll();
// Called by the V4L2 device poller whenever an error occurred.
void onPollError();
// Service I/O on the V4L2 device, called by the V4L2 device poller.
void serviceDeviceTask(bool event);
// Enqueue an input buffer to be encoded on the device input queue. Returns whether the
// operation was successful.
bool enqueueInputBuffer(std::unique_ptr<InputFrame> frame);
// Enqueue an output buffer to store the encoded bitstream on the device output queue. Returns
// whether the operation was successful.
bool enqueueOutputBuffer();
// Dequeue an input buffer the V4L2 device has finished encoding on the device input queue.
// Returns whether a buffer could be dequeued.
bool dequeueInputBuffer();
// Dequeue an output buffer containing the encoded bitstream from the device output queue.
// Returns whether the operation was successful.
bool dequeueOutputBuffer();
// Create input buffers on the V4L2 device input queue.
bool createInputBuffers();
// Create output buffers on the V4L2 device output queue.
bool createOutputBuffers();
// Destroy the input buffers on the V4L2 device input queue.
void destroyInputBuffers();
// Destroy the output buffers on the V4L2 device output queue.
void destroyOutputBuffers();
// Notify the client an error occurred and switch to the error state.
void onError();
// Change the state of the encoder.
void setState(State state);
// Get the specified encoder |state| as string.
static const char* stateToString(State state);
// The list of currently queued encode requests.
std::queue<EncodeRequest> mEncodeRequests;
// The video stream's visible size.
ui::Size mVisibleSize;
// The video stream's coded size.
ui::Size mInputCodedSize;
// The input layout configured on the V4L2 device.
std::optional<VideoFrameLayout> mInputLayout;
// Required output buffer byte size.
uint32_t mOutputBufferSize = 0;
// How often we want to request the V4L2 device to create a key frame.
uint32_t mKeyFramePeriod = 0;
// Key frame counter, a key frame will be requested each time it reaches zero.
uint32_t mKeyFrameCounter = 0;
// Whether we need to manually cache and prepend SPS and PPS to IDR frames.
bool mInjectParamsBeforeIDR = false;
// The latest cached SPS and PPS (without H.264 start code).
std::vector<uint8_t> mCachedSPS;
std::vector<uint8_t> mCachedPPS;
// The V4L2 device and associated queues used to interact with the device.
scoped_refptr<V4L2Device> mDevice;
scoped_refptr<V4L2Queue> mInputQueue;
scoped_refptr<V4L2Queue> mOutputQueue;
// List of frames associated with each buffer in the V4L2 device input queue.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InputFrame>> mInputBuffers;
// List of bitstream buffers associated with each buffer in the V4L2 device output queue.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BitstreamBuffer>> mOutputBuffers;
// Callbacks to be triggered on various events.
FetchOutputBufferCB mFetchOutputBufferCb;
InputBufferDoneCB mInputBufferDoneCb;
OutputBufferDoneCB mOutputBufferDoneCb;
DrainDoneCB mDrainDoneCb;
ErrorCB mErrorCb;
// The current state of the encoder.
State mState = State::UNINITIALIZED;
scoped_refptr<::base::SequencedTaskRunner> mTaskRunner;
::base::WeakPtr<V4L2Encoder> mWeakThis;
::base::WeakPtrFactory<V4L2Encoder> mWeakThisFactory{this};
} // namespace android