blob: 8b805546ca856b4edc381441c124a95d0c20f754 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/debug_annotation.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/log_message.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/source_location.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_common.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// ------------------------------ DATA INTERNING: ------------------------------
// Interning indexes are built up gradually by adding the entries contained in
// each TracePacket of the same packet sequence (packets emitted by the same
// producer and TraceWriter, see |trusted_packet_sequence_id|). Thus, packets
// can only refer to interned data from other packets in the same sequence.
// The writer will emit new entries when it encounters new internable values
// that aren't yet in the index. Data in current and subsequent TracePackets can
// then refer to the entry by its position (interning ID, abbreviated "iid") in
// its index. An interning ID with value 0 is considered invalid (not set).
// Because of the incremental build-up, the interning index will miss data when
// TracePackets are lost, e.g. because a chunk was overridden in the central
// ring buffer. To avoid invalidation of the whole trace in such a case, the
// index is periodically reset (see SEQ_INCREMENTAL_STATE_CLEARED).
// When packet loss occurs, the reader will only lose interning data up to the
// next reset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message that contains new entries for the interning indices of a packet
// sequence.
// The writer will usually emit new entries in the same TracePacket that first
// refers to them (since the last reset of interning state). They may also be
// emitted proactively in advance of referring to them in later packets.
// Next reserved id: 8 (up to 15).
// Next id: 23.
message InternedData {
// TODO(eseckler): Replace iid fields inside interned messages with
// map<iid, message> type fields in InternedData.
// Each field's message type needs to specify an |iid| field, which is the ID
// of the entry in the field's interning index. Each field constructs its own
// index, thus interning IDs are scoped to the tracing session and field
// (usually as a counter for efficient var-int encoding). It is illegal to
// override entries in an index (using the same iid for two different values)
// within the same tracing session, even after a reset of the emitted
// interning state.
repeated EventCategory event_categories = 1;
repeated EventName event_names = 2;
repeated DebugAnnotationName debug_annotation_names = 3;
repeated SourceLocation source_locations = 4;
repeated LogMessageBody log_message_body = 20;
// Note: field IDs up to 15 should be used for frequent data only.
// Build IDs of exectuable files.
repeated InternedString build_ids = 16;
// Paths to executable files.
repeated InternedString mapping_paths = 17;
// Paths to source files.
repeated InternedString source_paths = 18;
// Names of functions used in frames below.
repeated InternedString function_names = 5;
// Symbols that were added to this trace after the fact.
repeated ProfiledFrameSymbols profiled_frame_symbols = 21;
// Executable files mapped into processes.
repeated Mapping mappings = 19;
// Frames of callstacks of a program.
repeated Frame frames = 6;
// A callstack of a program.
repeated Callstack callstacks = 7;
// Additional Vulkan information sent in a VulkanMemoryEvent message
repeated InternedString vulkan_memory_keys = 22;