blob: 39579a9bedb8c173e7c804d93deff52d3c51d389 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <poll.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <future>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include "perfetto/base/platform_handle.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/event_fd.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/thread_checker.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/unix_socket.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/ipc/basic_types.h"
namespace perfetto {
// FdPoller is a utility for waiting for IO events of a set of watched file
// descriptors. It's used for multiplexing non-blocking IO operations.
class FdPoller {
// The interface class for observing IO events from the FdPoller class.
class Watcher {
virtual ~Watcher();
// Called when |fd| can be read from without blocking. For a socket
// connection, this indicates the socket read buffer has some data.
virtual void OnFdReadable(base::PlatformHandle fd) = 0;
// Called when |fd| can be written to without blocking. For a socket
// connection, this indicates that the socket write buffer has some capacity
// for writting data into.
virtual void OnFdWritable(base::PlatformHandle fd) = 0;
using WatchEvents = decltype(pollfd::events);
explicit FdPoller(Watcher* watcher);
// Watch and unwatch IO event for a given file descriptor.
inline void WatchForRead(base::PlatformHandle fd) { WatchFd(fd, POLLIN); }
inline void WatchForWrite(base::PlatformHandle fd) { WatchFd(fd, POLLOUT); }
inline void UnwatchForRead(base::PlatformHandle fd) { UnwatchFd(fd, POLLIN); }
inline void UnwatchForWrite(base::PlatformHandle fd) {
UnwatchFd(fd, POLLOUT);
// Called when |fd| is no longer of interest (e.g. when |fd| is to be closed).
void RemoveWatch(base::PlatformHandle fd);
// Poll for all watched events previously added with WatchForRead() and
// WatchForWrite().
// Must be called on poller thread.
void Poll();
// Notifies the poller for pending updates. Calling Notify() will unblock the
// poller and make it return from Poll(). It is caller's responsibility to
// call Poll() again once the updates are complete.
// This can be (and typically is) called from any thread.
void Notify();
std::vector<pollfd>::iterator FindPollEvent(base::PlatformHandle fd);
void WatchFd(base::PlatformHandle fd, WatchEvents events);
void UnwatchFd(base::PlatformHandle fd, WatchEvents events);
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
Watcher* const watcher_;
base::EventFd notify_fd_;
std::vector<pollfd> poll_fds_;
// This class groups a UnixSocketRaw with an associated ring buffer. The ring
// buffer is used as a temporary storage for data *read* from the socket.
class SocketWithBuffer {
constexpr static size_t kBuffSize = ipc::kIPCBufferSize;
base::UnixSocketRaw sock;
// Points to the beginning of buffered data.
inline uint8_t* data() { return &buf_[0]; }
// Size of the buffered data.
inline size_t data_size() { return data_size_; }
// Points to the beginning of the free space for buffering new data.
inline uint8_t* buffer() { return &buf_[data_size_]; }
// Size of the free space.
inline size_t available_bytes() { return buf_.size() - data_size_; }
// Called when |bytes| of data is enqueued to the buffer.
void EnqueueData(size_t bytes) {
PERFETTO_CHECK(bytes <= available_bytes());
data_size_ += bytes;
// Called when |bytes| of data is dequeued from the buffer.
void DequeueData(size_t bytes) {
PERFETTO_CHECK(bytes <= data_size());
memmove(data(), data() + bytes, data_size() - bytes);
data_size_ -= bytes;
SocketWithBuffer() : buf_(kBuffSize) {}
// Movable only.
SocketWithBuffer(SocketWithBuffer&& other) = default;
SocketWithBuffer& operator=(SocketWithBuffer&& other) = default;
SocketWithBuffer(const SocketWithBuffer& other) = delete;
SocketWithBuffer& operator=(const SocketWithBuffer& other) = delete;
std::vector<uint8_t> buf_;
size_t data_size_ = 0;
using SocketPair = std::pair<SocketWithBuffer, SocketWithBuffer>;
// SocketRelayHandler bidirectionally forwards data between paired sockets.
// Internally it multiplexes IO operations of the sockets using a FdPoller on a
// dedicated thread.
class SocketRelayHandler : public FdPoller::Watcher {
SocketRelayHandler(const SocketRelayHandler&) = delete;
SocketRelayHandler& operator=(const SocketRelayHandler&) = delete;
~SocketRelayHandler() override;
// Transfer a pair of sockets to be relayed. Can be called from any thread.
void AddSocketPair(std::unique_ptr<SocketPair> socket_pair);
// The FdPoller::Watcher callbacks.
void OnFdReadable(base::PlatformHandle fd) override;
void OnFdWritable(base::PlatformHandle fd) override;
void Run();
void RemoveSocketPair(SocketWithBuffer&, SocketWithBuffer&);
// A helper for running a callable object on |io_thread_|.
template <typename Callable>
void RunOnIOThread(Callable&& c) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::optional<std::tuple<SocketWithBuffer&, SocketWithBuffer&>> GetSocketPair(
base::PlatformHandle fd);
base::FlatHashMap<base::PlatformHandle, SocketPair*> socket_pairs_by_fd_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SocketPair>> socket_pairs_;
FdPoller fd_poller_;
// The thread that fd_poller_ polls for IO events. Most methods of this class
// asserts to be running on this thread.
std::thread io_thread_;
base::ThreadChecker io_thread_checker_;
bool exited_ = false;
//--------------- Member data with multi-thread access ------------------
std::mutex mutex_;
std::deque<std::packaged_task<void()>> pending_tasks_;
} // namespace perfetto