blob: 2bc2cd3813016a9a51b167e4e66f94b0c2597a80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_stats.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// The result of tracing one or more ftrace data pages from a single per-cpu
// kernel ring buffer. If collating multiple pages' worth of events, all of
// them come from contiguous pages, with no kernel data loss in between.
message FtraceEventBundle {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
repeated FtraceEvent event = 2;
// Set to true if there was data loss between the last time we've read from
// the corresponding per-cpu kernel buffer, and the earliest event recorded
// in this bundle.
optional bool lost_events = 3;
// Optionally-enabled compact encoding of a batch of scheduling events. Only
// a subset of events & their fields is recorded.
// All fields (except comms) are stored in a structure-of-arrays form, one
// entry in each repeated field per event.
message CompactSched {
// Interned table of unique strings for this bundle.
repeated string intern_table = 5;
// Delta-encoded timestamps across all sched_switch events within this
// bundle. The first is absolute, each next one is relative to its
// predecessor.
repeated uint64 switch_timestamp = 1 [packed = true];
repeated int64 switch_prev_state = 2 [packed = true];
repeated int32 switch_next_pid = 3 [packed = true];
repeated int32 switch_next_prio = 4 [packed = true];
// One per event, index into |intern_table| corresponding to the
// next_comm field of the event.
repeated uint32 switch_next_comm_index = 6 [packed = true];
// Delta-encoded timestamps across all sched_waking events within this
// bundle. The first is absolute, each next one is relative to its
// predecessor.
repeated uint64 waking_timestamp = 7 [packed = true];
repeated int32 waking_pid = 8 [packed = true];
repeated int32 waking_target_cpu = 9 [packed = true];
repeated int32 waking_prio = 10 [packed = true];
// One per event, index into |intern_table| corresponding to the
// comm field of the event.
repeated uint32 waking_comm_index = 11 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 waking_common_flags = 12 [packed = true];
optional CompactSched compact_sched = 4;
// traced_probes always sets the ftrace_clock to "boot". That is not available
// in older kernels (v3.x). In that case we fallback on "global" or "local".
// When we do that, we report the fallback clock in each bundle so we can do
// proper clock syncing at parsing time in TraceProcessor. We cannot use the
// TracePacket timestamp_clock_id because: (1) there is no per-packet
// timestamp for ftrace bundles; (2) "global" does not match CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
// Having a dedicated and explicit flag allows us to correct further misakes
// in future by looking at the kernel version.
// This field has been introduced in perfetto v19 / Android T (13).
// This field is omitted when the ftrace clock is just "boot", as that is the
// default assumption (and for consistency with the past).
optional FtraceClock ftrace_clock = 5;
// The timestamp according to the ftrace clock, taken at the same instant
// as |boot_timestamp|. This is used to sync ftrace events when a non-boot
// clock is used as the ftrace clock. We don't use the ClockSnapshot packet
// because the ftrace global/local clocks don't match any of the clock_gettime
// domains and can be only read by traced_probes.
// Only set when |ftrace_clock| != FTRACE_CLOCK_UNSPECIFIED.
// Implementation note: Populated by reading the 'now ts:' field in
// tracefs/per_cpu/cpuX/stat.
optional int64 ftrace_timestamp = 6;
// The timestamp according to CLOCK_BOOTTIME, taken at the same instant as
// |ftrace_timestamp|. See documentation of |ftrace_timestamp| for
// more info.
// Only set when |ftrace_clock| != FTRACE_CLOCK_UNSPECIFIED.
optional int64 boot_timestamp = 7;
// Errors encountered during parsing of the raw ftrace data. In case of ring
// buffer layout errors, the parser skips the rest of the offending kernel
// buffer page and continues from the next page.
// See also FtraceStats.ftrace_parse_errors, which collates all unique errors
// seen within the duration of the trace (even if the affected bundles get
// overwritten in ring buffer mode).
message FtraceError {
// Timestamp of the data that we're unable to parse, in the ftrace clock
// domain. Currently, we use the base timestamp of the tracing page
// containing the bad record rather than the time of the record itself.
optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
optional FtraceParseStatus status = 2;
repeated FtraceError error = 8;
// The timestamp (ftrace clock) of the last event consumed from this per-cpu
// kernel buffer prior to starting this bundle. In other words: the last
// event in the previous bundle.
// Lets the trace processing find an initial timestamp after which ftrace
// data is known to be valid across all cpus. Of particular importance when
// the perfetto trace buffer is a ring buffer as well, as the overwriting of
// oldest bundles can skew the first valid timestamp per cpu significantly.
// Added in: perfetto v44.
optional uint64 last_read_event_timestamp = 9;
enum FtraceClock {
// There is no FTRACE_CLOCK_BOOT entry as that's the default assumption. When
// the ftrace clock is "boot", it's just omitted (so UNSPECIFIED == BOOT).