blob: 319f07ac9049414769929b1837a7d8b316d37358 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <bitset>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
namespace perfetto {
// This file defines the binary interface of the memory buffers shared between
// Producer and Service. This is a long-term stable ABI and has to be backwards
// compatible to deal with mismatching Producer and Service versions.
// Overview
// --------
// SMB := "Shared Memory Buffer".
// In the most typical case of a multi-process architecture (i.e. Producer and
// Service are hosted by different processes), a Producer means almost always
// a "client process producing data" (almost: in some cases a process might host
// > 1 Producer, if it links two libraries, independent of each other, that both
// use Perfetto tracing).
// The Service has one SMB for each Producer.
// A producer has one or (typically) more data sources. They all share the same
// SMB.
// The SMB is a staging area to decouple data sources living in the Producer
// and allow them to do non-blocking async writes.
// The SMB is *not* the ultimate logging buffer seen by the Consumer. That one
// is larger (~MBs) and not shared with Producers.
// Each SMB is small, typically few KB. Its size is configurable by the producer
// within a max limit of ~MB (see kMaxShmSize in
// The SMB is partitioned into fixed-size Page(s). The size of the Pages are
// determined by each Producer at connection time and cannot be changed.
// Hence, different producers can have SMB(s) that have a different Page size
// from each other, but the page size will be constant throughout all the
// lifetime of the SMB.
// Page(s) are partitioned by the Producer into variable size Chunk(s):
// +------------+ +--------------------------+
// | Producer 1 | <-> | SMB 1 [~32K - 1MB] |
// +------------+ +--------+--------+--------+
// | Page | Page | Page |
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | Chunk | | Chunk |
// +--------+ Chunk +--------+ <----+
// | Chunk | | Chunk | |
// +--------+--------+--------+ +---------------------+
// | Service |
// +------------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------------+
// | Producer 2 | <-> | SMB 2 [~32K - 1MB] | /| large ring buffers |
// +------------+ +--------+--------+--------+ <--+ | (100K - several MB) |
// | Page | Page | Page | +---------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | Chunk | | Chunk |
// +--------+ Chunk +--------+
// | Chunk | | Chunk |
// +--------+--------+--------+
// * Sizes of both SMB and ring buffers are purely indicative and decided at
// configuration time by the Producer (for SMB sizes) and the Consumer (for the
// final ring buffer size).
// Page
// ----
// A page is a portion of the shared memory buffer and defines the granularity
// of the interaction between the Producer and tracing Service. When scanning
// the shared memory buffer to determine if something should be moved to the
// central logging buffers, the Service most of the times looks at and moves
// whole pages. Similarly, the Producer sends an IPC to invite the Service to
// drain the shared memory buffer only when a whole page is filled.
// Having fixed the total SMB size (hence the total memory overhead), the page
// size is a triangular tradeoff between:
// 1) IPC traffic: smaller pages -> more IPCs.
// 2) Producer lock freedom: larger pages -> larger chunks -> data sources can
// write more data without needing to swap chunks and synchronize.
// 3) Risk of write-starving the SMB: larger pages -> higher chance that the
// Service won't manage to drain them and the SMB remains full.
// The page size, on the other side, has no implications on wasted memory due to
// fragmentations (see Chunk below).
// The size of the page is chosen by the Service at connection time and stays
// fixed throughout all the lifetime of the Producer. Different producers (i.e.
// ~ different client processes) can use different page sizes.
// The page size must be an integer multiple of 4k (this is to allow VM page
// stealing optimizations) and obviously has to be an integer divisor of the
// total SMB size.
// Chunk
// -----
// A chunk is a portion of a Page which is written and handled by a Producer.
// A chunk contains a linear sequence of TracePacket(s) (the root proto).
// A chunk cannot be written concurrently by two data sources. Protobufs must be
// encoded as contiguous byte streams and cannot be interleaved. Therefore, on
// the Producer side, a chunk is almost always owned exclusively by one thread
// (% extremely peculiar slow-path cases).
// Chunks are essentially single-writer single-thread lock-free arenas. Locking
// happens only when a Chunk is full and a new one needs to be acquired.
// Locking happens only within the scope of a Producer process. There is no
// inter-process locking. The Producer cannot lock the Service and viceversa.
// In the worst case, any of the two can starve the SMB, by marking all chunks
// as either being read or written. But that has the only side effect of
// losing the trace data.
// The Producer can decide to partition each page into a number of limited
// configurations (e.g., 1 page == 1 chunk, 1 page == 2 chunks and so on).
// TracePacket
// -----------
// Is the atom of tracing. Putting aside pages and chunks a trace is merely a
// sequence of TracePacket(s). TracePacket is the root protobuf message.
// A TracePacket can span across several chunks (hence even across several
// pages). A TracePacket can therefore be >> chunk size, >> page size and even
// >> SMB size. The Chunk header carries metadata to deal with the TracePacket
// splitting case.
// Use only explicitly-sized types below. DO NOT use size_t or any architecture
// dependent size (e.g. size_t) in the struct fields. This buffer will be read
// and written by processes that have a different bitness in the same OS.
// Instead it's fine to assume little-endianess. Big-endian is a dream we are
// not currently pursuing.
class SharedMemoryABI {
// This is due to Chunk::size being 16 bits.
static constexpr size_t kMaxPageSize = 64 * 1024;
// "14" is the max number that can be encoded in a 32 bit atomic word using
// 2 state bits per Chunk and leaving 4 bits for the page layout.
// See PageLayout below.
static constexpr size_t kMaxChunksPerPage = 14;
// Each TracePacket in the Chunk is prefixed by a 4 bytes redundant VarInt
// (see proto_utils.h) stating its size.
static constexpr size_t kPacketHeaderSize = 4;
// Chunk states and transitions:
// kChunkFree <----------------+
// | (Producer) |
// V |
// kChunkBeingWritten |
// | (Producer) |
// V |
// kChunkComplete |
// | (Service) |
// V |
// kChunkBeingRead |
// | (Service) |
// +------------------------+
enum ChunkState : uint32_t {
// The Chunk is free. The Service shall never touch it, the Producer can
// acquire it and transition it into kChunkBeingWritten.
kChunkFree = 0,
// The Chunk is being used by the Producer and is not complete yet.
// The Service shall never touch kChunkBeingWritten pages.
kChunkBeingWritten = 1,
// The Service is moving the page into its non-shared ring buffer. The
// Producer shall never touch kChunkBeingRead pages.
kChunkBeingRead = 2,
// The Producer is done writing the page and won't touch it again. The
// Service can now move it to its non-shared ring buffer.
// kAllChunksComplete relies on this being == 3.
kChunkComplete = 3,
static constexpr const char* kChunkStateStr[] = {"Free", "BeingWritten",
"BeingRead", "Complete"};
enum PageLayout : uint32_t {
// The page is fully free and has not been partitioned yet.
kPageNotPartitioned = 0,
// TODO(primiano): Aligning a chunk @ 16 bytes could allow to use faster
// intrinsics based on quad-word moves. Do the math and check what is the
// fragmentation loss.
// align4(X) := the largest integer N s.t. (N % 4) == 0 && N <= X.
// 8 == sizeof(PageHeader).
kPageDiv1 = 1, // Only one chunk of size: PAGE_SIZE - 8.
kPageDiv2 = 2, // Two chunks of size: align4((PAGE_SIZE - 8) / 2).
kPageDiv4 = 3, // Four chunks of size: align4((PAGE_SIZE - 8) / 4).
kPageDiv7 = 4, // Seven chunks of size: align4((PAGE_SIZE - 8) / 7).
kPageDiv14 = 5, // Fourteen chunks of size: align4((PAGE_SIZE - 8) / 14).
// The rationale for 7 and 14 above is to maximize the page usage for the
// likely case of |page_size| == 4096:
// (((4096 - 8) / 14) % 4) == 0, while (((4096 - 8) / 16 % 4)) == 3. So
// Div16 would waste 3 * 16 = 48 bytes per page for chunk alignment gaps.
kPageDivReserved1 = 6,
kPageDivReserved2 = 7,
kNumPageLayouts = 8,
// Keep this consistent with the PageLayout enum above.
static constexpr uint32_t kNumChunksForLayout[] = {0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 0, 0};
// Layout of a Page.
// +===================================================+
// | Page header [8 bytes] |
// | Tells how many chunks there are, how big they are |
// | and their state (free, read, write, complete). |
// +===================================================+
// +***************************************************+
// | Chunk #0 header [8 bytes] |
// | Tells how many packets there are and whether the |
// | whether the 1st and last ones are fragmented. |
// | Also has a chunk id to reassemble fragments. |
// +***************************************************+
// +---------------------------------------------------+
// | Packet #0 size [varint, up to 4 bytes] |
// + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
// | Packet #0 payload |
// | A TracePacket protobuf message |
// +---------------------------------------------------+
// ...
// + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +
// | Optional padding to maintain aligment |
// + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +
// +---------------------------------------------------+
// | Packet #N size [varint, up to 4 bytes] |
// + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
// | Packet #N payload |
// | A TracePacket protobuf message |
// +---------------------------------------------------+
// ...
// +***************************************************+
// | Chunk #M header [8 bytes] |
// ...
// Alignment applies to start offset only. The Chunk size is *not* aligned.
static constexpr uint32_t kChunkAlignment = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kChunkShift = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kChunkMask = 0x3;
static constexpr uint32_t kLayoutMask = 0x70000000;
static constexpr uint32_t kLayoutShift = 28;
static constexpr uint32_t kAllChunksMask = 0x0FFFFFFF;
// This assumes that kChunkComplete == 3.
static constexpr uint32_t kAllChunksComplete = 0x0FFFFFFF;
static constexpr uint32_t kAllChunksFree = 0;
static constexpr size_t kInvalidPageIdx = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
// There is one page header per page, at the beginning of the page.
struct PageHeader {
// |layout| bits:
// [31] [30:28] [27:26] ... [1:0]
// | | | | |
// | | | | +---------- ChunkState[0]
// | | | +--------------- ChunkState[12..1]
// | | +--------------------- ChunkState[13]
// | +----------------------------- PageLayout (0 == page fully free)
// +------------------------------------ Reserved for future use
std::atomic<uint32_t> layout;
// If we'll ever going to use this in the future it might come handy
// reviving the kPageBeingPartitioned logic (look in git log, it was there
// at some point in the past).
uint32_t reserved;
// There is one Chunk header per chunk (hence PageLayout per page) at the
// beginning of each chunk.
struct ChunkHeader {
enum Flags : uint8_t {
// If set, the first TracePacket in the chunk is partial and continues
// from |chunk_id| - 1 (within the same |writer_id|).
kFirstPacketContinuesFromPrevChunk = 1 << 0,
// If set, the last TracePacket in the chunk is partial and continues on
// |chunk_id| + 1 (within the same |writer_id|).
kLastPacketContinuesOnNextChunk = 1 << 1,
// The data in the chunk has holes (even if the chunk is marked as
// kChunkComplete) that need to be patched out-of-band before the chunk
// can be read.
kChunkNeedsPatching = 1 << 2,
struct Packets {
// Number of valid TracePacket protobuf messages contained in the chunk.
// Each TracePacket is prefixed by its own size. This field is
// monotonically updated by the Producer with release store semantic after
// the packet has been written into the chunk.
uint16_t count : 10;
// See Flags above.
uint16_t flags : 6;
// A monotonic counter of the chunk within the scoped of a |writer_id|.
// The tuple (ProducerID, WriterID, ChunkID) allows to figure out if two
// chunks are contiguous (and hence a trace packets spanning across them can
// be glued) or we had some holes due to the ring buffer wrapping.
// This is set only when transitioning from kChunkFree to kChunkBeingWritten
// and remains unchanged throughout the remaining lifetime of the chunk.
std::atomic<uint32_t> chunk_id;
// ID of the writer, unique within the producer.
// Like |chunk_id|, this is set only when transitioning from kChunkFree to
// kChunkBeingWritten.
std::atomic<uint16_t> writer_id;
// There is no ProducerID here. The service figures that out from the IPC
// channel, which is unspoofable.
// Updated with release-store semantics.
std::atomic<Packets> packets;
class Chunk {
Chunk(); // Constructs an invalid chunk.
// Chunk is move-only, to document the scope of the Acquire/Release
// TryLock operations below.
Chunk(const Chunk&) = delete;
Chunk operator=(const Chunk&) = delete;
Chunk(Chunk&&) noexcept;
Chunk& operator=(Chunk&&);
uint8_t* begin() const { return begin_; }
uint8_t* end() const { return begin_ + size_; }
// Size, including Chunk header.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Begin of the first packet (or packet fragment).
uint8_t* payload_begin() const { return begin_ + sizeof(ChunkHeader); }
size_t payload_size() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(size_ >= sizeof(ChunkHeader));
return size_ - sizeof(ChunkHeader);
bool is_valid() const { return begin_ && size_; }
// Index of the chunk within the page [0..13] (13 comes from kPageDiv14).
uint8_t chunk_idx() const { return chunk_idx_; }
ChunkHeader* header() { return reinterpret_cast<ChunkHeader*>(begin_); }
uint16_t writer_id() {
return header()->writer_id.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Returns the count of packets and the flags with acquire-load semantics.
std::pair<uint16_t, uint8_t> GetPacketCountAndFlags() {
auto packets = header()->packets.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
const uint16_t packets_count = packets.count;
const uint8_t packets_flags = packets.flags;
return std::make_pair(packets_count, packets_flags);
// Increases |packets.count| with release semantics (note, however, that the
// packet count is incremented *before* starting writing a packet).
// The increment is atomic but NOT race-free (i.e. no CAS). Only the
// Producer is supposed to perform this increment, and it's supposed to do
// that in a thread-safe way (holding a lock). A Chunk cannot be shared by
// multiple Producer threads without locking. The packet count is cleared by
// TryAcquireChunk(), when passing the new header for the chunk.
void IncrementPacketCount() {
ChunkHeader* chunk_header = header();
auto packets = chunk_header->packets.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
chunk_header->, std::memory_order_release);
// Flags are cleared by TryAcquireChunk(), by passing the new header for
// the chunk.
void SetFlag(ChunkHeader::Flags flag) {
ChunkHeader* chunk_header = header();
auto packets = chunk_header->packets.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
packets.flags |= flag;
chunk_header->, std::memory_order_release);
friend class SharedMemoryABI;
Chunk(uint8_t* begin, uint16_t size, uint8_t chunk_idx);
// Don't add extra fields, keep the move operator fast.
uint8_t* begin_ = nullptr;
uint16_t size_ = 0;
uint8_t chunk_idx_ = 0;
// Construct an instance from an existing shared memory buffer.
SharedMemoryABI(uint8_t* start, size_t size, size_t page_size);
void Initialize(uint8_t* start, size_t size, size_t page_size);
uint8_t* start() const { return start_; }
uint8_t* end() const { return start_ + size_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
size_t page_size() const { return page_size_; }
size_t num_pages() const { return num_pages_; }
bool is_valid() { return num_pages() > 0; }
uint8_t* page_start(size_t page_idx) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(page_idx < num_pages_);
return start_ + page_size_ * page_idx;
PageHeader* page_header(size_t page_idx) {
return reinterpret_cast<PageHeader*>(page_start(page_idx));
// Returns true if the page is fully clear and has not been partitioned yet.
// The state of the page can change at any point after this returns (or even
// before). The Producer should use this only as a hint to decide out whether
// it should TryPartitionPage() or acquire an individual chunk.
bool is_page_free(size_t page_idx) {
return page_header(page_idx)->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0;
// Returns true if all chunks in the page are kChunkComplete. As above, this
// is advisory only. The Service is supposed to use this only to decide
// whether to TryAcquireAllChunksForReading() or not.
bool is_page_complete(size_t page_idx) {
auto layout = page_header(page_idx)->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
const uint32_t num_chunks = GetNumChunksForLayout(layout);
if (num_chunks == 0)
return false; // Non partitioned pages cannot be complete.
return (layout & kAllChunksMask) ==
(kAllChunksComplete & ((1 << (num_chunks * kChunkShift)) - 1));
// For testing / debugging only.
std::string page_header_dbg(size_t page_idx) {
uint32_t x = page_header(page_idx)->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return std::bitset<32>(x).to_string();
// For testing / debugging only.
uint32_t page_layout_dbg(size_t page_idx) {
return page_header(page_idx)->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Returns a bitmap in which each bit is set if the corresponding Chunk exists
// in the page (according to the page layout) and is free. If the page is not
// partitioned it returns 0 (as if the page had no free chunks).
uint32_t GetFreeChunks(size_t page_idx);
// Tries to atomically partition a page with the given |layout|. Returns true
// if the page was free and has been partitioned with the given |layout|,
// false if the page wasn't free anymore by the time we got there.
// If succeeds all the chunks are atomically set in the kChunkFree state.
bool TryPartitionPage(size_t page_idx, PageLayout layout);
// Tries to atomically mark a single chunk within the page as
// kChunkBeingWritten. Returns an invalid chunk if the page is not partitioned
// or the chunk is not in the kChunkFree state. If succeeds sets the chunk
// header to |header|.
Chunk TryAcquireChunkForWriting(size_t page_idx,
size_t chunk_idx,
const ChunkHeader* header) {
return TryAcquireChunk(page_idx, chunk_idx, kChunkBeingWritten, header);
// Similar to TryAcquireChunkForWriting. Fails if the chunk isn't in the
// kChunkComplete state.
Chunk TryAcquireChunkForReading(size_t page_idx, size_t chunk_idx) {
return TryAcquireChunk(page_idx, chunk_idx, kChunkBeingRead, nullptr);
// Used by the Service to take full ownership of all the chunks in the a page
// in one shot. It tries to atomically migrate all chunks into the
// kChunkBeingRead state. Can only be done if all chunks are either kChunkFree
// or kChunkComplete. If this fails, the service has to fall back acquiring
// the chunks individually.
bool TryAcquireAllChunksForReading(size_t page_idx);
void ReleaseAllChunksAsFree(size_t page_idx);
// The caller must have successfully TryAcquireAllChunksForReading().
Chunk GetChunkUnchecked(size_t page_idx,
uint32_t page_layout,
size_t chunk_idx);
// Puts a chunk into the kChunkComplete state. Returns the page index.
size_t ReleaseChunkAsComplete(Chunk chunk) {
return ReleaseChunk(std::move(chunk), kChunkComplete);
// Puts a chunk into the kChunkFree state. Returns the page index.
size_t ReleaseChunkAsFree(Chunk chunk) {
return ReleaseChunk(std::move(chunk), kChunkFree);
ChunkState GetChunkState(size_t page_idx, size_t chunk_idx) {
PageHeader* phdr = page_header(page_idx);
uint32_t layout = phdr->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return static_cast<ChunkState>((layout >> (chunk_idx * kChunkShift)) &
std::pair<size_t, size_t> GetPageAndChunkIndex(const Chunk& chunk);
static constexpr uint32_t GetNumChunksForLayout(uint32_t page_layout) {
return kNumChunksForLayout[(page_layout & kLayoutMask) >> kLayoutShift];
SharedMemoryABI(const SharedMemoryABI&) = delete;
SharedMemoryABI& operator=(const SharedMemoryABI&) = delete;
uint16_t GetChunkSizeForLayout(uint32_t page_layout) const {
return chunk_sizes_[(page_layout & kLayoutMask) >> kLayoutShift];
Chunk TryAcquireChunk(size_t page_idx,
size_t chunk_idx,
const ChunkHeader*);
size_t ReleaseChunk(Chunk chunk, ChunkState);
uint8_t* start_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
size_t page_size_ = 0;
size_t num_pages_ = 0;
std::array<uint16_t, kNumPageLayouts> chunk_sizes_;
} // namespace perfetto