blob: 61f17b1eb96ba3c416dcac2b125256c1e77a8459 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {BigintMath} from '../base/bigint_math';
import {assertTrue} from '../base/logging';
import {TPDuration, TPTime} from '../common/time';
export const BUCKETS_PER_PIXEL = 2;
// CacheKey is a specific region of the timeline defined by the
// following four properties:
// - startNs
// - endNs
// - bucketNs
// - windowSizePx
// startNs is the beginning of the region in ns
// endNs is the end of the region in ns
// bucketNs is the size of a single bucket within the region which is
// used for quantizing the timeline.
// windowSizePx is the size of the whole window in pixels.
// In the nominal case bucketNs is
// set so that 1px of the screen corresponds to N bucketNs worth of
// time where 1 < N < 10. This ensures that we show the maximum
// amount of data given the available screen real estate.
// We shouldn't rely on this property when rendering however since in
// some situations (i.e. after zooming before new data has loaded) it
// may not be the case.
// CacheKey's can be 'normalized' - rounding the interval up and the
// bucket size down. For a given CacheKey key ('foo') the normalized
// version ('normal') has the properties:
// normal.startNs <= foo.startNs
// normal.endNs => foo.endNs
// normal.bucketNs <= foo.bucketNs
// normal.windowSizePx ~= windowSizePx (we round to the nearest 100px)
// foo.isCoveredBy(foo) == true
// foo.isCoveredBy(normal) == true
// normal.isCoveredBy(normal) == true
// normal.isCoveredBy(foo) == false unless normal == foo
// normalize(normal) == normal
// In other words the normal window is a superset of the data of the
// non-normal window at a higher resolution. Normalization is used to
// avoid re-fetching data on tiny zooms/moves/resizes.
export class CacheKey {
readonly start: TPTime;
readonly end: TPTime;
readonly bucketSize: TPDuration;
readonly windowSizePx: number;
static create(startNs: TPTime, endNs: TPTime, windowSizePx: number):
CacheKey {
const bucketNs = (endNs - startNs) /
BigInt(Math.round(windowSizePx * BUCKETS_PER_PIXEL));
return new CacheKey(startNs, endNs, bucketNs, windowSizePx);
private constructor(
startNs: TPTime, endNs: TPTime, bucketNs: TPDuration,
windowSizePx: number) {
this.start = startNs;
this.end = endNs;
this.bucketSize = bucketNs;
this.windowSizePx = windowSizePx;
static zero(): CacheKey {
return new CacheKey(0n, 0n, 0n, 100);
get normalizedBucketNs(): bigint {
// Round bucketNs down to the nearest smaller power of 2 (minimum 1):
return BigintMath.max(1n, BigintMath.bitFloor(this.bucketSize));
get normalizedWindowSizePx(): number {
return Math.max(100, Math.round(this.windowSizePx / 100) * 100);
normalize(): CacheKey {
const windowSizePx = this.normalizedWindowSizePx;
const bucketNs = this.normalizedBucketNs;
const windowNs = BigInt(windowSizePx * BUCKETS_PER_PIXEL) * bucketNs;
const startNs = BigintMath.quantFloor(this.start, windowNs);
const endNs = BigintMath.quantCeil(this.end, windowNs);
return new CacheKey(startNs, endNs, bucketNs, windowSizePx);
isNormalized(): boolean {
return this.toString() === this.normalize().toString();
isCoveredBy(other: CacheKey): boolean {
let r = true;
r = r && other.start <= this.start;
r = r && other.end >= this.end;
r = r && other.normalizedBucketNs === this.normalizedBucketNs;
r = r && other.normalizedWindowSizePx === this.normalizedWindowSizePx;
return r;
// toString is 'load bearing' in that it's used to key e.g. caches
// with CacheKey's.
toString() {
const start = this.start;
const end = this.end;
const bucket = this.bucketSize;
const size = this.windowSizePx;
return `CacheKey<${start}, ${end}, ${bucket}, ${size}>`;
interface CacheItem<T> {
t: T;
lastAccessId: number;
// LRU cache for the tracks.
// T is all the data needed for a displaying the track in a given
// CacheKey area - generally an array of slices.
export class TrackCache<T> {
private cacheSize: number;
private cache: Map<string, CacheItem<T>>;
private lastAccessId: number;
constructor(cacheSize: number) {
assertTrue(cacheSize >= 2);
this.cacheSize = cacheSize;
this.cache = new Map();
this.lastAccessId = 0;
insert(cacheKey: CacheKey, t: T): void {
const key = cacheKey.toString();
this.cache.set(key, {
lastAccessId: this.lastAccessId++,
lookup(cacheKey: CacheKey): undefined|T {
const key = cacheKey.toString();
const item = this.cache.get(key);
if (item) {
item.lastAccessId = this.lastAccessId++;
return item === undefined ? undefined : item.t;
private updateLru(): void {
while (this.cache.size > this.cacheSize) {
let oldestKey = '';
let oldestAccessId = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (const [k, v] of this.cache.entries()) {
if (v.lastAccessId < oldestAccessId) {
oldestAccessId = v.lastAccessId;
oldestKey = k;