blob: 82ab2ce32c1590f8589288dbe6aaf4d4a75d9d66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {Engine} from '../common/engine';
import {fromNs, toNs} from '../common/time';
import {Arg, Args, CounterDetails, SliceDetails} from '../frontend/globals';
import {SLICE_TRACK_KIND} from '../tracks/chrome_slices/common';
import {Controller} from './controller';
import {globals} from './globals';
export interface SelectionControllerArgs {
engine: Engine;
// This class queries the TP for the details on a specific slice that has
// been clicked.
export class SelectionController extends Controller<'main'> {
private lastSelectedId?: number|string;
private lastSelectedKind?: string;
constructor(private args: SelectionControllerArgs) {
run() {
const selection = globals.state.currentSelection;
if (!selection) return;
// TODO(taylori): Ideally thread_state should not be special cased, it
// should have some form of id like everything else.
if (selection.kind === 'THREAD_STATE') {
const sqlQuery = `SELECT id FROM sched WHERE utid = ${selection.utid}
and ts = ${toNs(selection.ts)}`;
this.args.engine.query(sqlQuery).then(result => {
if (result.columns[0].longValues!.length === 0) return;
this.lastSelectedKind = selection.kind;
const selectWithId = ['SLICE', 'COUNTER', 'CHROME_SLICE', 'HEAP_PROFILE'];
if (!selectWithId.includes(selection.kind) ||
(selectWithId.includes(selection.kind) && === this.lastSelectedId &&
selection.kind === this.lastSelectedKind)) {
const selectedId =;
const selectedKind = selection.kind;
this.lastSelectedId = selectedId;
this.lastSelectedKind = selectedKind;
if (selectedId === undefined) return;
if (selection.kind === 'COUNTER') {
const selected: CounterDetails = {};
this.counterDetails(selection.leftTs, selection.rightTs,
.then(results => {
if (results !== undefined && selection &&
selection.kind === selectedKind && === selectedId) {
Object.assign(selected, results);
globals.publish('CounterDetails', selected);
} else if (selection.kind === 'SLICE') {
this.sliceDetails(selectedId as number);
} else if (selection.kind === 'CHROME_SLICE') {
const table = selection.table;
let sqlQuery = `
SELECT ts, dur, name, cat, arg_set_id
FROM slice
WHERE id = ${selectedId}
// TODO(b/155483804): This is a hack to ensure annotation slices are
// selectable for now. We should tidy this up when improving this class.
if (table === 'annotation') {
sqlQuery = `
select ts, dur, name, cat, -1
from annotation_slice
where id = ${selectedId}`;
this.args.engine.query(sqlQuery).then(result => {
// Check selection is still the same on completion of query.
const selection = globals.state.currentSelection;
if (result.numRecords === 1 && selection &&
selection.kind === selectedKind && === selectedId) {
const ts = result.columns[0].longValues![0] as number;
const timeFromStart = fromNs(ts) - globals.state.traceTime.startSec;
const name = result.columns[2].stringValues![0];
const dur = fromNs(result.columns[1].longValues![0] as number);
const category = result.columns[3].stringValues![0];
const argId = result.columns[4].longValues![0] as number;
const argsAsync = this.getArgs(argId);
// Don't fetch descriptions for annotation slices.
const describeId = table === 'annotation' ? -1 : selectedId as number;
const descriptionAsync = this.describeSlice(describeId);
Promise.all([argsAsync, descriptionAsync])
.then(([args, description]) => {
const selected: SliceDetails = {
ts: timeFromStart,
id: selectedId as number,
globals.publish('SliceDetails', selected);
async describeSlice(id: number): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
const map = new Map<string, string>();
if (id === -1) return map;
const query = `
select description, doc_link
from describe_slice
where slice_id = ${id}
const result = await this.args.engine.query(query);
for (let i = 0; i < result.numRecords; i++) {
const description = result.columns[0].stringValues![i];
const docLink = result.columns[1].stringValues![i];
map.set('Description', description);
map.set('Documentation', docLink);
return map;
async getArgs(argId: number): Promise<Args> {
const args = new Map<string, Arg>();
const query = `
flat_key AS name,
CAST(COALESCE(int_value, string_value, real_value) AS text) AS value
FROM args
WHERE arg_set_id = ${argId}
const result = await this.args.engine.query(query);
for (let i = 0; i < result.numRecords; i++) {
const name = result.columns[0].stringValues![i];
const value = result.columns[1].stringValues![i];
if (name === 'destination slice id' && !isNaN(Number(value))) {
const destTrackId = await this.getDestTrackId(value);
'Destination Slice',
{kind: 'SLICE', trackId: destTrackId, sliceId: Number(value)});
} else {
args.set(name, value);
return args;
async getDestTrackId(sliceId: string): Promise<string> {
const trackIdQuery = `select track_id from slice
where slice_id = ${sliceId}`;
const destResult = await this.args.engine.query(trackIdQuery);
const trackIdTp = destResult.columns[0].longValues![0];
// TODO(taylori): If we had a consistent mapping from TP track_id
// UI track id for slice tracks this would be unnecessary.
let trackId = '';
for (const track of Object.values(globals.state.tracks)) {
if (track.kind === SLICE_TRACK_KIND &&
(track.config as {trackId: number}).trackId === Number(trackIdTp)) {
trackId =;
return trackId;
async sliceDetails(id: number) {
const sqlQuery = `SELECT ts, dur, priority, end_state, utid, cpu FROM sched
WHERE id = ${id}`;
this.args.engine.query(sqlQuery).then(result => {
// Check selection is still the same on completion of query.
const selection = globals.state.currentSelection;
if (result.numRecords === 1 && selection) {
const ts = result.columns[0].longValues![0] as number;
const timeFromStart = fromNs(ts) - globals.state.traceTime.startSec;
const dur = fromNs(result.columns[1].longValues![0] as number);
const priority = result.columns[2].longValues![0] as number;
const endState = result.columns[3].stringValues![0];
const utid = result.columns[4].longValues![0] as number;
const cpu = result.columns[5].longValues![0] as number;
const selected: SliceDetails =
{ts: timeFromStart, dur, priority, endState, cpu, id, utid};
this.schedulingDetails(ts, utid)
.then(wakeResult => {
Object.assign(selected, wakeResult);
.finally(() => {
globals.publish('SliceDetails', selected);
async counterDetails(ts: number, rightTs: number, id: number) {
const counter = await this.args.engine.query(
`SELECT value, track_id FROM counter WHERE id = ${id}`);
const value = counter.columns[0].doubleValues![0];
const trackId = counter.columns[1].longValues![0];
// Finding previous value. If there isn't previous one, it will return 0 for
// ts and value.
const previous = await this.args.engine.query(
`SELECT MAX(ts), value FROM counter WHERE ts < ${ts} and track_id = ${
const previousValue = previous.columns[1].doubleValues![0];
const endTs =
rightTs !== -1 ? rightTs : toNs(globals.state.traceTime.endSec);
const delta = value - previousValue;
const duration = endTs - ts;
const startTime = fromNs(ts) - globals.state.traceTime.startSec;
return {startTime, value, delta, duration};
async schedulingDetails(ts: number, utid: number|Long) {
let event = 'sched_waking';
const waking = await this.args.engine.query(
`select * from instants where name = 'sched_waking' limit 1`);
const wakeup = await this.args.engine.query(
`select * from instants where name = 'sched_wakeup' limit 1`);
if (waking.numRecords === 0) {
if (wakeup.numRecords === 0) return undefined;
// Only use sched_wakeup if waking is not in the trace.
event = 'sched_wakeup';
// Find the ts of the first sched_wakeup before the current slice.
const queryWakeupTs = `select ts from instants where name = '${event}'
and ref = ${utid} and ts < ${ts} order by ts desc limit 1`;
const wakeupRow = await this.args.engine.queryOneRow(queryWakeupTs);
// Find the previous sched slice for the current utid.
const queryPrevSched = `select ts from sched where utid = ${utid}
and ts < ${ts} order by ts desc limit 1`;
const prevSchedRow = await this.args.engine.queryOneRow(queryPrevSched);
// If this is the first sched slice for this utid or if the wakeup found
// was after the previous slice then we know the wakeup was for this slice.
if (wakeupRow[0] === undefined ||
(prevSchedRow[0] !== undefined && wakeupRow[0] < prevSchedRow[0])) {
return undefined;
const wakeupTs = wakeupRow[0];
// Find the sched slice with the utid of the waker running when the
// sched wakeup occurred. This is the waker.
const queryWaker = `select utid, cpu from sched where utid =
(select utid from raw where name = '${event}' and ts = ${wakeupTs})
and ts < ${wakeupTs} and ts + dur >= ${wakeupTs};`;
const wakerRow = await this.args.engine.queryOneRow(queryWaker);
if (wakerRow) {
return {
wakeupTs: fromNs(wakeupTs),
wakerUtid: wakerRow[0],
wakerCpu: wakerRow[1]
} else {
return undefined;