blob: 01b666abfdaeea123ace1167c41879b6d41f5a3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/sorter/trace_token_buffer.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/trace_blob.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/trace_blob_view.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/common/parser_types.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/util/bump_allocator.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace {
struct alignas(8) TrackEventDataDescriptor {
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxOffsetFromInternedBlobBits = 25;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxOffsetFromInternedBlob =
(1Ul << kMaxOffsetFromInternedBlobBits) - 1;
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxExtraCountersBits = 4;
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxExtraCounters = (1 << kMaxExtraCountersBits) - 1;
static_assert(TrackEventData::kMaxNumExtraCounters <= kMaxExtraCounters,
"Counter bits must be able to fit TrackEventData counters");
uint16_t intern_blob_index;
uint16_t intern_seq_index;
uint32_t intern_blob_offset : kMaxOffsetFromInternedBlobBits;
uint32_t has_thread_timestamp : 1;
uint32_t has_thread_instruction_count : 1;
uint32_t has_counter_value : 1;
uint32_t extra_counter_count : kMaxExtraCountersBits;
static_assert(sizeof(TrackEventDataDescriptor) == 8,
"CompressedTracePacketData must be small");
static_assert(alignof(TrackEventDataDescriptor) == 8,
"CompressedTracePacketData must be 8-aligned");
template <typename T>
T ExtractFromPtr(uint8_t** ptr) {
T* typed_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(*ptr);
T value(std::move(*typed_ptr));
*ptr += sizeof(T);
return value;
template <typename T>
uint8_t* AppendToPtr(uint8_t* ptr, T value) {
new (ptr) T(std::move(value));
return ptr + sizeof(T);
uint32_t GetAllocSize(const TrackEventDataDescriptor& desc) {
uint32_t alloc_size = sizeof(TrackEventDataDescriptor);
alloc_size += desc.has_thread_instruction_count * sizeof(int64_t);
alloc_size += desc.has_thread_timestamp * sizeof(int64_t);
alloc_size += desc.has_counter_value * sizeof(double);
alloc_size += desc.extra_counter_count * sizeof(double);
return alloc_size;
} // namespace
TraceTokenBuffer::Id TraceTokenBuffer::Append(TrackEventData ted) {
// TrackEventData (and TracePacketData) are two big contributors to the size
// of the peak memory usage by sorted. The main reasons for this are a) object
// padding and b) using more bits than necessary to store their contents.
// The purpose of this function is to "compress" the contents of
// TrackEventData by utilising techniques like bitpacking, interning and
// variable length encoding to ensure only the amount of data which really
// needs to be stored is done so.
// Compress all the booleans indicating the presence of a value into 4 bits
// instead of 4 bytes as they would take inside base::Optional.
TrackEventDataDescriptor desc;
desc.has_thread_instruction_count = ted.thread_instruction_count.has_value();
desc.has_thread_timestamp = ted.thread_timestamp.has_value();
desc.has_counter_value = std::not_equal_to<double>()(ted.counter_value, 0);
desc.extra_counter_count = ted.CountExtraCounterValues();
// Allocate enough memory using the BumpAllocator to store the data in |ted|.
// Also figure out the interned index.
BumpAllocator::AllocId alloc_id =
InternedIndex interned_index = GetInternedIndex(alloc_id);
// Compute the interning information for the TrackBlob and the SequenceState.
const TracePacketData& tpd = ted.trace_packet_data;
desc.intern_blob_offset = InternTraceBlob(interned_index, tpd.packet);
desc.intern_blob_index =
static_cast<uint16_t>( - 1);
desc.intern_seq_index =
InternSeqState(interned_index, std::move(tpd.sequence_state));
// Add the "optional" fields of TrackEventData based on whether or not they
// are non-null.
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(allocator_.GetPointer(alloc_id));
ptr = AppendToPtr(ptr, desc);
if (desc.has_thread_instruction_count) {
ptr = AppendToPtr(ptr, ted.thread_instruction_count.value());
if (desc.has_thread_timestamp) {
ptr = AppendToPtr(ptr, ted.thread_timestamp.value());
if (desc.has_counter_value) {
ptr = AppendToPtr(ptr, ted.counter_value);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < desc.extra_counter_count; ++i) {
ptr = AppendToPtr(ptr, ted.extra_counter_values[i]);
// Store the packet size in the "out of band" bits.
uint32_t packet_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(tpd.packet.size());
PERFETTO_CHECK(packet_size <= protozero::proto_utils::kMaxMessageLength);
return Id{alloc_id, packet_size};
template <>
TrackEventData TraceTokenBuffer::Extract<TrackEventData>(Id id) {
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(allocator_.GetPointer(id.alloc_id));
TrackEventDataDescriptor desc =
InternedIndex interned_index = GetInternedIndex(id.alloc_id);
BlobWithOffset& bwo =[desc.intern_blob_index];
TraceBlobView tbv(RefPtr<TraceBlob>::FromReleasedUnsafe(bwo.blob),
bwo.offset_in_blob + desc.intern_blob_offset,
auto seq = RefPtr<PacketSequenceStateGeneration>::FromReleasedUnsafe([desc.intern_seq_index]);
TrackEventData ted{std::move(tbv), std::move(seq)};
if (desc.has_thread_instruction_count) {
ted.thread_instruction_count = ExtractFromPtr<int64_t>(&ptr);
if (desc.has_thread_timestamp) {
ted.thread_timestamp = ExtractFromPtr<int64_t>(&ptr);
if (desc.has_counter_value) {
ted.counter_value = ExtractFromPtr<double>(&ptr);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < desc.extra_counter_count; ++i) {
ted.extra_counter_values[i] = ExtractFromPtr<double>(&ptr);
return ted;
uint32_t TraceTokenBuffer::InternTraceBlob(InternedIndex interned_index,
const TraceBlobView& tbv) {
BlobWithOffsets& blobs =;
if (blobs.empty()) {
return AddTraceBlob(interned_index, tbv);
BlobWithOffset& last_blob = blobs.back();
if (last_blob.blob != tbv.blob().get()) {
return AddTraceBlob(interned_index, tbv);
PERFETTO_CHECK(last_blob.offset_in_blob <= tbv.offset());
// To allow our offsets in the store to be 16 bits, we intern not only the
// TraceBlob pointer but also the offset. By having this double indirection,
// we can store offset always as uint16 at the cost of storing blobs here more
// often: this more than pays for itself as in the majority of cases the
// offsets are small anyway.
size_t rel_offset = tbv.offset() - last_blob.offset_in_blob;
if (rel_offset > TrackEventDataDescriptor::kMaxOffsetFromInternedBlob) {
return AddTraceBlob(interned_index, tbv);
// Intentionally "leak" this pointer. This essentially keeps the refcount
// of this TraceBlob one higher than the number of RefPtrs pointing to it.
// This allows avoid storing the same RefPtr n times.
// Calls to this function are paired to Extract<TrackEventData> which picks
// up this "leaked" pointer.
TraceBlob* leaked = tbv.blob().ReleaseUnsafe();
return static_cast<uint32_t>(rel_offset);
uint16_t TraceTokenBuffer::InternSeqState(
InternedIndex interned_index,
RefPtr<PacketSequenceStateGeneration> ptr) {
// Look back at most 32 elements. This should be far enough in most cases
// unless either: a) we are essentially round-robining between >32 sequences
// b) we are churning through generations. Either case seems pathalogical.
SequenceStates& states =;
size_t lookback = std::min<size_t>(32u, states.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lookback; ++i) {
uint16_t idx = static_cast<uint16_t>(states.size() - 1 - i);
if (states[idx] == ptr.get()) {
// Intentionally "leak" this pointer. See |InternTraceBlob| for an
// explanation.
PacketSequenceStateGeneration* leaked = ptr.ReleaseUnsafe();
return idx;
PERFETTO_CHECK(states.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
return static_cast<uint16_t>(states.size() - 1);
uint32_t TraceTokenBuffer::AddTraceBlob(InternedIndex interned_index,
const TraceBlobView& tbv) {
BlobWithOffsets& blobs =;
blobs.emplace_back(BlobWithOffset{tbv.blob().ReleaseUnsafe(), tbv.offset()});
PERFETTO_CHECK(blobs.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
return 0u;
void TraceTokenBuffer::FreeMemory() {
uint32_t erased = allocator_.EraseFrontFreeChunks();
PERFETTO_DCHECK(interned_blobs_.size() == interned_seqs_.size());
BumpAllocator::AllocId TraceTokenBuffer::AllocAndResizeInternedVectors(
uint32_t size) {
uint32_t erased = allocator_.erased_front_chunks_count();
BumpAllocator::AllocId alloc_id = allocator_.Alloc(size);
uint32_t allocator_chunks_size = alloc_id.chunk_index - erased + 1;
// The allocator should never "remove" chunks from being tracked.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(allocator_chunks_size >= interned_blobs_.size());
// We should add at most one chunk in the allocator.
size_t chunks_added = allocator_chunks_size - interned_blobs_.size();
PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunks_added <= 1);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(interned_blobs_.size() == interned_seqs_.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < chunks_added; ++i) {
return alloc_id;
TraceTokenBuffer::InternedIndex TraceTokenBuffer::GetInternedIndex(
BumpAllocator::AllocId alloc_id) {
uint32_t interned_index =
alloc_id.chunk_index - allocator_.erased_front_chunks_count();
PERFETTO_DCHECK(interned_index < interned_blobs_.size());
PERFETTO_DCHECK(interned_index < interned_seqs_.size());
PERFETTO_DCHECK(interned_blobs_.size() == interned_seqs_.size());
return interned_index;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto