blob: 9b5bcff7bb4706365d2a635a239630419aa64418 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file contains underlying macros for the trace point track event
// implementation. Perfetto API users typically don't need to use anything here
// directly.
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_data_source.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_category_registry.h"
// Defines data structures for backing a category registry.
// Each category has one enabled/disabled bit per possible data source instance.
// The bits are packed, i.e., each byte holds the state for instances. To
// improve cache locality, the bits for each instance are stored separately from
// the names of the categories:
// byte 0 byte 1
// (inst0, inst1, ..., inst7), (inst0, inst1, ..., inst7)
namespace internal { \
constexpr ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventCategory kCategories[] = { \
__VA_ARGS__}; \
constexpr size_t kCategoryCount = \
sizeof(kCategories) / sizeof(kCategories[0]); \
/* The per-instance enable/disable state per category */ \
extern std::atomic<uint8_t> g_category_state_storage[kCategoryCount]; \
/* The category registry which mediates access to the above structures. */ \
/* The registry is used for two purposes: */ \
/**/ \
/* 1) For looking up categories at build (constexpr) time. */ \
/* 2) For declaring the per-namespace TrackEvent data source. */ \
/**/ \
/* Because usage #1 requires a constexpr type and usage #2 requires an */ \
/* extern type (to avoid declaring a type based on a translation-unit */ \
/* variable), we need two separate copies of the registry with different */ \
/* storage specifiers. */ \
/**/ \
/* TODO(skyostil): Unify these using a C++17 inline constexpr variable. */ \
constexpr ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry \
kConstExprCategoryRegistry(kCategoryCount, \
&kCategories[0], \
&g_category_state_storage[0]); \
extern const ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry \
kCategoryRegistry; \
static_assert(kConstExprCategoryRegistry.ValidateCategories(), \
"Invalid category names found"); \
} // namespace internal
// In a .cc file, declares storage for each category's runtime state.
namespace internal { \
std::atomic<uint8_t> g_category_state_storage[kCategoryCount]; \
constexpr ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry \
kCategoryRegistry(kCategoryCount, \
&kCategories[0], \
&g_category_state_storage[0]); \
} // namespace internal
// Defines the TrackEvent data source for the current track event namespace.
struct TrackEvent : public ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventDataSource< \
TrackEvent, &internal::kCategoryRegistry> {}
// At compile time, turns a category name represented by a static string into an
// index into the current category registry. A build error will be generated if
// the category hasn't been registered. See PERFETTO_DEFINE_CATEGORIES.
::perfetto::internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry::Validate< \
::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::internal::kConstExprCategoryRegistry \
// Efficiently determines whether tracing is enabled for the given category, and
// if so, emits one trace event with the given arguments.
#define PERFETTO_INTERNAL_TRACK_EVENT(category, name, ...) \
::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::TrackEvent::CallIfCategoryEnabled< \
PERFETTO_GET_CATEGORY_INDEX(category)>([&](uint32_t instances) { \
/* Check that |name| is a static string. If this fails, you probably want \
* to use "constexpr const char*" if the string is computed by an \
* expression, or something like this if the string is fully dynamic: \
* \
* TRACE_EVENT("category", nullptr, [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
* ctx.event()->set_name(dynamic_name); \
* } \
*/ \
static_assert( \
(name) == nullptr || (name) != nullptr, \
"Track event name must be a (constexpr) static string. Use a trace " \
"lambda if you need a dynamic name (see above)."); \
::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::TrackEvent::TraceForCategory< \
PERFETTO_GET_CATEGORY_INDEX(category)>(instances, name, \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
// Generate a unique variable name with a given prefix.
#define PERFETTO_INTERNAL_CONCAT2(a, b) a##b
#define PERFETTO_INTERNAL_SCOPED_TRACK_EVENT(category, name, ...) \
struct { \
struct EventFinalizer { \
/* The int parameter is an implementation detail. It allows the */ \
/* anonymous struct to use aggregate initialization to invoke the */ \
/* lambda (which emits the BEGIN event and returns an integer) */ \
/* with the proper reference capture for any */ \
/* TrackEventArgumentFunction in |__VA_ARGS__|. This is required so */ \
/* that the scoped event is exactly ONE line and can't escape the */ \
/* scope if used in a single line if statement. */ \
EventFinalizer(int) {} \
~EventFinalizer() { TRACE_EVENT_END(category); } \
} finalizer; \
} PERFETTO_INTERNAL_UID(scoped_event) { \
[&]() { \
TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(category, name, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return 0; \
}() \